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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I can't seem to get all that excited for this/Superman. I'm sure I'll be a bit more so nearer the time. Looking forward to the first trailer though, bound to be pretty epic!
  2. Hang on so, lets face it not many people are going to be doing Digital Downloads of Full Retail releases given the price hike. This leaves just eShop game purchases? Say on average they are £10 each. You'll get 80 points for a download. This means you'll have to download 7 eShop games (£70) before you see any reward? and even then it's just £5? (not even 10%).
  3. Happy Birthday man! :D

  4. I don't want to watch a NSMB2 and Animal Crossing presentation again. Make it stop.
  5. Ordered! *I felt better having a £10 Trade-In to take it down to £29* This had better be an actual Limited Edition!
  6. The scoring method was by far the fairest method possible and prevented the chance for one lone game with only one individual vote in it's name to storm the list because it was considered one persons favourite game. The fact the list wasn't finished before the Wii U is due to the staff having to work on other things. Sign up as a staff member if you would like to help them out in future, I'm sure they could use all the help. Regarding Metroid it was the only fair way. Members themselves couldn't decide during the 3 weeks so it was done this fair way. Besides, I'd imagine very few people have actually played the Metroid Prime Trilogy, and instead played each game indivually when they were released. I don't think it's right that people vote for a game they haven't played, whatever its quality, as it would completely change the purpose of the list.
  7. Comes with a sensor bar and charger stand I believe, that's all. The 32GB over 8GB is pretty irrelevant, as both will require an external HD really. So it comes down to Black or White Console, and a couple of accessories. But if you're getting a free game, then I guess that makes up for missing out on those?
  8. I was just gonna ask actually... How does it feel when you loose, or keep loosing characters? Is it a bit disheartening over the course of the game to kind of keep starting over again each time, do you wish progression was different in any way. I'm thinking for when I potentially get the game or not, I'm wondering actually how much I'd enjoy the structure.
  9. It's strange like that, Pullblox did nothing for me. I'm excited to try Nano Assault though. And I am kinda interested in this after all the positive reviews of this and the 3DS original.
  10. What are you supposed to do in such a situation? I'm not sure how much I like the sound of the gameplay in this. It seems from quite a few of you that no matter how cautious you are being you likely to die, and die quite often. So the chances of a not getting killed stealth run-through look very slim.
  11. £21.99 @Play.com today only.
  12. I can't remember the Vanilla 3DS coming out either.
  13. Love @ReZourceman Daily! Have to say it's easily my favourite of the @ReZourceman properties aka franchises aka properta! Hope things are alright after this fainting/fit type thing/situation! Did Claire not wonder where you'd got to, or hear the bang when you hit the wall?
  14. I thought Nano Assault had 16 stages. 4 groups of 4.
  15. lol Abramovich. And fuck you Torres haters.
  16. I don't understand what this game is. From the trailers it just doesn't look any fun to me.
  17. Yeah just been listening to the Gametrailers guys talk about this on Invisible Walls and it's sounding really good. Haven't played a Far Cry game before (not really huge on shooters) but quite tempted to give this a go, just because of all the different things there are to do!
  18. I find this a hard sell on the Wii U, now that you can buy the Game of the Year Edition on PS3/360 for £25.
  19. Nah last months ones were rubbish. Hopefully they'll do something nice to kick the new year off/post Christmas.
  20. Yeah they got music from a few places, it mentions them at the end. Honestly I'd love to have a download of that video, it was so well done, the visuals were fantastic! I loved how it moved from pillar to pillar with the music of the next game playing, and the artwork mural on the ceiling! Just brilliant!
  21. Exactly, split it over two months! :p
  22. Just been reading the Grosjean/Kovalainen/Kobayashi to Lotus on autosports http://forums.autosport.com/index.php?showtopic=178432&st=120 According to a recent post Kamui's 'Help me get a seat in F1 fan sponsorship fund thing' is already at... I'd forgotten how popular Kimi is in Japan! And a Kimi-Kamui driver pairing could potentially attract a big Japanese sponsor to the team I would imagine (no guarantee's though). Still find it hard to look past Grosjean for the seat though given he has 1 year behind him at the team. But as Lotus have said, whilst Kimi might be an expensive driver for them, he repays it back to the team and then some by scoring them a vast ammount of WCC points, where as Grosjean finished with less than half the points scored by Kimi (actually costing them a potential WCC win!) and money he brings to the team through Total he then crashes away in car repairs! Looking forward to seeing how this one plays out!
  23. Thanks for the impressions @Aneres11 This will be the version for me then I think, will probably hold off the PS3 version and pick this up whenever I get a Wii U.
  24. Zelda Timeline is here!! http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/en597n/timeline-the-legend-of-zelda?xrs=synd_yt_endslate An absolutely incredible job by Gametrailers!! The Music!!!
  25. Give the Video Review at the top of the page a look. Here's the Gametrailers Review 8.6
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