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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah Di Matteo was already saying he could see them leaving in Jan, but this will surely make their minds up for them. I'm really surprised Chelsea fans don't voice their opinions more towards Abramovich's behaviour at the stadium.
  2. Yeah I was gonna say, surely this just sounds like something that can be fixed! I'm gonna wait and here a few more impressions though before deciding whether to go with the Wii U or PS3 version. I'd rather go Wii U (although technically that version of the game will cost me £300 instead of £25, as I need to buy the console :p).
  3. Still, 3.5 is a surprisingly good score!
  4. Couldn't agree more! Go and make yourself manager Abramovich you utter twat! Such a shame for Di Matteo, he probably had some lame ass 'well we'll just give you a chance and see how it goes contract'. He's been doing the best he could this season (injuries/suspensions asside) and by and lareg it's been brilliant! They could have just done with a little strengthening in January. Such a shame. I hope a number of Chelsea players will realise they can't play under a club run like this and look to leave in January. Utter joke!
  5. IGN Review 8.0
  6. There needs to be the option to devide the screen into a grid for multiplayer though, with the unused square being a map or just blank, because those verticle screens are way too narrow!
  7. IGN gave it a 9.0 and Gametrailers a 6.9!
  8. haha... It would be nice to have been able to vault over fences and the like, and shame about the clipping, bugs and glitches. I don't think it seems to look as bad visually as the reviews are making out, but then I'm only watching videos of it, and have been primarily playing the Wii for the last 5 years, where as now the standards are higher. Still undecided on this one. Tbh I think the IGN and Gametrailers reviews are well explained and the scores seem fair.
  9. haha, I didn't like/never used Streetpass for the very fact that I didn't want randoms on my 3DS! :p I'd only want people I knew on my Wii U/Nintendo Land aswell, but probably won't have a choice.
  10. I'd say that's the only thing really. It depends how much of the game you've seen up until now, they show quite a few levels and bosses etc... but I don't think it's anything really outside of what's been shown in the trailers.
  11. Yeah a good race from Austin today! Loved Kimi's overtake on Hulkenburg into the Esses! *and the appluase from DC* and his scrap with Jenson. Stupid hard Perelli tyres! So the question heading into Brazil... Will the 2012 WDC be decided on an alternator?! Wasn't a fan of Ferrari's tactics on the grid today tbh. Only Ferrari would do that. Red Bull could have done the same and stuck Alonso back on the dirty side but they didn't. And I don't think that's a great way to go about winning a championship. Still... it's fantastic that it's another recent year of the title going down to the last race of the season!
  12. I thought there was a video of two people playing online together on the Wii U version ages ago.
  13. Well maybe it shouldn't have been a launch title and instead a better game. But anyway, I'm not trying to beat down on the game, it's just in light in these reviews I've suddenly recognised all the missed opportunities. Chances are I'll get it at some point and I hope I have fun with it.
  14. I genuinely don't see how it's awkward. I don't see how holding and throwing an environmental object would look any different to holding and throwing explosive objects you currently get in games (albeit depending on their weight you can't throw them as far, or hold them and throw them with two hands). Or how swinging a lamp (I was thinking of a tall freestanding corner lamp), would look any different to swinging a baseball bat (albeit, it's longer so has more reach, which adds an additional layer of diversity and tactics your weapons). Games like Half Life and Eledees, did this sort of things years ago with their gravity guns, except this time round things wouldn't look as clunky because you're holding the objects just like any other weapon, not having them floating infront of you. And it wouldn't be any object, just those Ubisoft have planned for and designed for you to use. How about just being able to pick up and use a bin lid as a shield, which you can throw at zombie's to unbalance them/knock them back, before shooting them/hitting them with your bat. Just add some variety.
  15. I thought the whole point of this Need For Speed that everyone has been harping on about is the fact that Criterion were behind it and it has a lot more in common with Burnout? What does it have in common with Burnout over the last few Need For Speeds (not The Run)? If there are no arcade style races, or local multiplayer I can't see much. SSX should have had local multiplayer too. It always did have.
  16. No because the concept itself applies to so few games and genres currently out their on the market, if any. That's the point! You're not going to swing a lamp at an enemy in COD are you! I can't even think of a series currently out there that would utilise such a device. Half Life isn't around any more, Resident Evil has moved on to Action... the only game I can think of that could currenty look at implementing it would be The Last of Us... and to an extent that game does use it's environment in context senstive way, but not objects as weapons I don't think. Dishonoured maybe could have looked at it. Thus it would be up to Ubisoft to decide they wanted to run with the idea and develop it themselves. Just like any game looking to innovate and move the industry forward.
  17. What?! Like SSX there's no local multiplayer option? What is the matter with EA and their franchises! I'll pass then!
  18. They do make a point of saying in their review that over the course of the entire game things just got a bit tiresome. Not wanting to alert anything, combined with very low ammo that you want to conserve, means that you're going to use your cricket bat a lot. That's the approach the developers and this game want you to take with this genre. And I have to say using the bat for the duration of a game, would get tiresome. Hence they should have mixed it up.
  19. Are there many lap races? If you want to play local multiplay can you just select a race from a list of 'tracks'? or do you both have to drive to them in the open world or something? and can you both race against AI opponents in a 4/8 cars race, or is it just 1 on 1?
  20. I don't see how it would be any different to picking up and dropping weapons in any First Person game, be it a shooter or something more like Elder Scrolls. Except you're not finding weapons in the environment and picking them up in First person, you're picking up and swinging/throwing chairs, brooms, TV's and the like. If you use the object it breaks and doesn't reappear, or if you choose to drop it, it's there in the environment ready to pick up. Other games have done it haven't they, or if not, this should have been the first. It doesn't have to be every object in the world that's interactable, but they could have given you and placed throughout the world a nice choice. And definately a weapons crafting system seems something that would have been ideally suited to ths game.
  21. Brilliant! and I can't believe there wasn't a weapon fashioning system actually!They could have atleast added context sensitive moments, so you could slam a zombie into a television, desk, or car door/window etc... But yeah these are things they can build on for a sequel, but like you say they could have been a bit more imaginative with this first game too. Because afterall, there might not even be a sequel to improve things in if the first game doesn't convince people to buy it!
  22. Exactly, the cricket back is your dependable... but allow you to use objects in the enviroment to mix things up, give you different ways to play and tackle certain moments, which would add replayability. There could have been a 'no cricket bat run' or 'no weapon run' achivements for example, where you had to use just objects you found in the environment.
  23. Exactly, it seems the main thing missing from this game is variety. I mean come on if you're trying to survive a zombie apocalypse as the game has set out, you're going to be using everything in your path to put between yourself and a zombie when faced with one. The cricket bat is such a cliche! I mean sure put it in there as an option... along with a baseball bat... but mix it up! I'd much rather be hurling a computer monitor, pinning a zombie against the wall with a chair before then finding my gun, or frantically scanning the enviroment for something to use only to have to resort to smacking one around the head with a yukka plant which buys me some time to throw a microwave at it! :p
  24. Just watched IGN's Video Review and you can see their point! Seems alot could have been resolved if Ubisoft had just increased the ammount you could interact with and loot from the world. And maybe this didn't even have to be ammo, they could have let you use every day objects such as Fire Extinguishers, TV sets, Chairs etc... to fight enemies, as you can imagine you might have to resort to! I also don't like the sound of the exploding zombies from the Edge review. I really don't like that so many games seem to implements 'zombie types' these days. Fantasy is right. And this game wasn't really supposed to be about that.
  25. IGN Review 6.3 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/11/18/zombiu-review
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