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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. There must be so much money to be made for Nintendo from Smash Bros NFC Trophies!
  2. Glare on the ball... so to speak! :p
  3. Have you played Really hope we see a Wii U sequel! Has a lot of potential!
  4. That's what you paid for it!!?
  5. It's not turning it into a different type of game entirely, the Single Player campaign is vastly secondary to Smash Bros multiplayer, but yeah maybe including elements such as RPG and racing is too much. Zelda and Mario have achieved perfection in the past, doesn't mean the franchises don't need attention to not become 'boring'.
  6. The only thing people are saying is that 4 is an unlucky number in Japan. But then if they just called it Playstation or something, it begs the question what would they call the sequel? Playstation 2 again?... or jump back to PS5?... which would cause confusion with the general public.
  7. I dunno, isn't it usually around £30-£35? That's what I normally see it around for, sometime sub £30 in a sale. It costs £45 to complete a Wii U Remote/Nunchuck controller, whilst if you want a Pro Controller that's another £40! Basically yeah, controller prices all round are getting kinda ridiculous, but I don't know maybe I just never noticed it with the Gamecube/N64 for some reason.
  8. What would you suggest then to stop it becoming the same old game over and over? How can it differentiate itself enough from Melee and Brawl, because otherwise we might as well just play those and don't need a new one. I guess after they were last called in to work on Starfox.
  9. Still be a little harsh though after all your good work, all you want to do is save the woman you love and get blasted for it! :p One other thing... you're so powered up at the end of the game, but it's quite difficult to feel like your getting the most out of your powers, at least for me. It's quite difficult to flow everything together. Some of the 'skills' on the pause screen are tricky. I was stuck on No.17 I think it might have been until the end of the game, which was 'Zap a bad guy in mid air and then hit the same bad guy with the Lightning Dive'. Also that lightning dive becomes too overpowered for Hero Cole towards the end of the game... you land it and about 10 cars around you explode killing citizens! :p and yourself too!? The Final Boss Fight, did anyone else find it strange that the only moves that seemed to work were your initial ones of lightning bolts and grenades? I swear moves like the charged lightning bolt and calling down a lightning storm did nothing?
  10. @Magnus Is that what happens if you go and save her as both Good or Evil Cole? What I was just wondering was whether there was ever more than just two outcomes to a situation? So if you go and save her despite being a Hero, would she still say she was 'ashamed of what you'd become' as though you had been Evil Cole at that time (even though you're not :p) if you get what I mean?
  11. @Rummy you're right about Mario 64 actually, the Castle and its grounds were full of little secrets and were fun to explore. That is something that's been missing from the recent 3D games.
  12. OK so I just finished this a few weeks back, enjoyed it! The Kessler reveal came as somewhat of a big surprise! and although I saw the end of the game coming (the fact that your missions take you closer and closer back to the scene of where it all began) I was really surprised that it ended on such a cliff hanger with so many/all of the key players still in play! Which I guess is kinda cool moving forward. I got the Good Ending, having batted 100% for the Jedi's throughout! The ending was cool, though it did take a second watch to fully take in what I'd just seen (seriously the final storybook cutscene it's a lot to take in in 60 seconds!), like I said, hadn't seen that coming. I'm not 100% sure I fully understand it, as in...
  13. Super Smash Bros Brawl Story Cutscenes!
  14. Did you watch the interview?
  15. I think I heard in one of the video reviews or something, that it might take you around 40hrs to complete the game and then 80hrs + to do everything else/get the platinum trophies etc...
  16. Was actually trying to generate some potential further discussion.
  17. I'm kinda worried about the future of Smash Bros. The success of the series now means it's at the stage where it will receive an instalment on each console. And this I think somewhat dumbs it down. The first Smash Bros was just this crazy unique idea that people never thought would happen... Mario knocking seven bells out of Link. Melee was able to go one better by being this huge celebration of Nintendo. Brawl and moving forward however is where I kinda worry for the series because now I think Nintendo just look at it as another Mario Kart. Switch some characters in and out, create some new levels (that kinda don't feel original anymore), bring back old levels from previous games etc... (Of course now we also have Namco co-developing it which has me atleast somewhat concerned) For me personally Melee has been the high point, others I know loved Brawl... but in either case how does the series successfully move forward without becoming what Mario Kart has? One answer to this might be in the single player campaign. In order to keep the game fresh the adventure mode could be the differentiator. How about it the next Smash Bros, instead of the single player being a unifier for all Nintendo's franchises, where they're all brought together in one world... this time the characters visit each others games. We already have the Mario side scrolling levels where we get to see Link jumping on Goomba's etc... but you could take it one stage further. So you could have something like @Fused King suggested, where one 'level' plays out like a Paper Mario style RPG featuring the Smash Bros cast. The next level could fling the characters into a Smash Bros Fire Emblem style strategy game. And the next could be Smash Bros Kart etc... So you'd get all these different Nintendo game experiences wrapped up in one incredible single player adventure mode.
  18. Really interesting Bonus Round I thought discussing the Android consoles and Steambox and where they sit and how they affect (particularly Steambox) decisions made by Microsoft and Sony. Gametrailers Bonus Round http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/e8113p/bonus-round-new-android-consoles--threat-or-annoyance-
  19. I don't understand? Metroid and Kid Icarus would have felt fresh if the next instalments had kept coming out every couple of years after Super Metroid and whatever the Kid Icarus equivalent is? How can you guarantee that? The gap to Prime and Uprising and the advancements in console capabilities allowed both series to come back and offer something very different, new and unique for the series. Also Excitetruck/bots just carry recognisable branding, they're very different games to Excitebike/64.
  20. Is it though? It did Metroid the world of good. Kid Icarus was recently reinvented and made relevant again. The last F-Zero was 2003 so 10 years before we get a new one of those. Luigi's Mansion 2002 Waverace 2002 1080 in 2004 Excitebike Mario Golf etc... What about fans of those series? It's only because it's Mario and Zelda that it sounds extreme, but if it meant they were changed for the better and it allowed Nintendo the opportunity to work on other titles.
  21. I think for some people it's the Zelda formula that's getting tired (personally I enjoyed Skyward Sword, but then I didn't Twilight Princess, to samey, so maybe that was my chance for a bit of a break from it). Nintendo say that about NSMB, but there's no doubt if they're ever in trouble regarding Wii U, 3DS sales, they'll be more than happy to treat us to another one! :p
  22. ^ Yeah I'd have to say Nintendo does need to shake up it's franchises, and importantly create some new ones. That's what's been most rewarding about getting a PS3 last year, being able to experience new franchises in such a long time!
  23. I really had very little clue what to do in the demo, I slightly understood the combat, but then I don't really play RPG's. I'm hoping the battle mechanics are explained to you well and progressively, which I think I heard in one of the reviews they are?... even if the difficulty then ramps up during the game.
  24. I was actually going to start a thread on this too called 'Franchise Fatigue'. And tbh I think my answer might well be... Mario. I could quite easily do without Mario for an entire console generation... Zelda too potentially, provided that it meant other Nintendo franchises being given their chance to shine/re-appear. We've had so much Mario over the last few years (and Zelda gets regular entries). I'd rather Mario and Zelda came back with a bang in 5 years time and it be something incredible, if it meant we saw Nintendo developing new First Party franchises whilst the pressure of Mario and Zelda was off their shoulders for a generation.
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