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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Glad I haven't played Epic Yarn now! :p ... although I can't help picture it/Kirby all the time whilst watching.
  2. Was actually a lot more disappointed by Yoshi myself, as to me it looks like they've just dropped Yoshi into Epic Yarn in an attempt to get another Nintendo character out into the marketplace, and claim they've got another franchise out there to tick off. The saving grace for me at least is that I haven't played Epic Yarn!
  3. Have you watched the video in the opening post Daft. It does kind set out their strategy for doing this in there pretty well. I agree it's not a reason to buy the Wii U necessarily, but I think their reasoning should give confidence about the future of Zelda; more so than before at least. We'll just have to wait until E3 2014 to find out I guess! :p
  4. The first time the main character stops on the beach and the two co-characters line up next to him did seem like AI to me. But yeah it's got multiplayer too.
  5. I dunno, I reckon Uncharted 4 will be shown at E3 and launch [window] with the PS4.
  6. *faints* :p 4 players play as Link Gamepad as Tingle/Fairy.
  7. Yeah it made me wonder what they might be planning. Something like Journey, where multiplayer is at all times an option running in the background? A co-op element? A party multiplayer element? Or simply just Mii-verse integration. Food for thought.
  8. I haven't played Xenoblade, but is that not the lead character at the end of the trailer/used as the trailer picture?
  9. I get the feeling Nintendo have somewhat been panicking a little with the move to HD Visuals... and that's why release games and info in general has been a bit thin on the ground. It seems from this that they've had to use tests on previous games to sort a lot of things out, and well if it means we get the best possible games from them in the end/as a result then it's the best thing for them to do. This is really just a bonus whilst they work all that out and what they're going to do with Zelda Wii U. Here's hoping they go through the same process with Metroid Prime 4!
  10. Did anyone else find it particularly refreshing how open Nintendo were in the latest Nintendo direct? Where there was potential for disappointment they tackled these face on. The only exception for me was no mention of Gamecube games on the Virtual Console. - In most cases where footage of a game was not ready/available, they said when it would be (E3), or they had a statement to read out, or even a video to show from the games development team about the progress. - They acknowledged the fact that they have become somewhat predictable in their development programme with Mario titles and Party Games, almost made a joke out of it themselves 'games you'd expect us to be making'... and addressed it head on with new titles. - The fact that they're still getting used to the HD Console as evidenced by the background work they're doing on Zelda Wii U... and by that process delivering us Wind Waker HD as a bit of fan service. - Expressed that the Wii U's OS isn't up to scratch (although summer does seem a little long to address it). Basically the Wii U is one big learning process for Nintendo. I don't know, other than the fact release dates are a bit sketchy (they still aren't giving dates for Wario Ware, Pikmin, Wonderful 101 etc...), I came away from that Nintendo Direct feeling like Nintendo are beginning to get a much better grip on things.
  11. Tbh I'm not bothered about them adding extra dungeons, but I would like a little more freedom to run around Hyrule beneath the waves. That was the only thing that bothered me about the game.
  12. I can't decide... does the effort they're putting in to trying out Zelda HD on the Wind Waker engine suggest they might be considering a proper sequel to the Wind Waker? ... or is it basically, "those wanting to see this engine again... here have Wind Waker HD, as we won't be using this engine again anytime soon?" I'd love a Zelda sequel using a beautifully animated/Disneyfied Wind Waker engine, or the Skyward Sword engine, over a gritty realistic looking Twilight Princess/New Xenoblade game look, but that's just me. Exciting to hear they actually are going to mix things up this time around, having admitted in the Nintendo Direct the Wii didn't have the capability to realise their vision. Maybe they'll draw inspiration from games like Shadow of the Colossus. Certainly sounds like they're going much more open world, in that you take tackle things in a more open order. Mention of multiplayer/co-op was interesting/concerning.
  13. I was majorly disappointed by the fact at first it seemed they'd just dropped Yoshi into Epic Yarn... but there were those couple of screens later on in the video that looked good and showed something at least a bit different. --- @Hero\-of\-Time use the HD Youtube videos! :p
  14. It seems very Lost Planet at the moment, with the monsters, guns and flying mech-walker thing and splashes of orange. Tbh when I was watching the video I was just thinking, man imagine Monster Hunter 5!!!
  15. No, at the moment it does look very Bloomy, and as though they've just upped the contrast to maximum on everything! But I think this is very must just work in progress; it's bound to look great. @Shorty, video in opening post if you wanna get that on the main site.
  16. The scale of this looks incredible. Though it's falling into the Next-gen brown/green/grey trapping at the moment. Needs more Xenoblade colour!
  17. I have absolutely no idea what the other series is, so was a little disappointed it's not just Fire Emblem as I probably won't play it. But guess it'll make some very happy?
  18. Video added to opening post.
  19. Will update with info
  20. So they've ruined a good Fire Emblem game?
  21. Think we all expected that at E3 though.
  22. 1 NES Campaign Game per month I think.
  23. If they'd mentioned Gamecube games on the Virtual Console, that would have been enough for me, but that's gone now.
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