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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Just thought I'd gather some pretty Zelda images in anticipation for Zelda Wii U.
  2. Which do you prefer?...
  3. Is Nadal still out injured? (don't have Sky to have been able to watch/here the latest news)
  4. Winds me up when two people walking side by side on a pavement don't walk single file so you can pass, meaning you have to step into the road. Especially when they don't thank you. When people lick their fingers to open a bag which they then pass to you. People who don't thank you for other things such as holding a door, letting their car come through etc...
  5. Yeah I thought it would almost be an expectation for the two games to have different characters/levels/costumes/weapons whathaveyou that will be transferable.
  6. Yeah I think there's already been German DTM talk for him hasn't there.
  7. Oh man Pichu... what a waste of a space!! They should however make Raichu and Pichu alternate costumes for Pikachu (only because I want to play as Raichu! :p)
  8. Personally... I've just finished Infamous and really enjoyed it, and Infamous 2 is meant to be brilliant, so that's one of my next games, and two games I'd recommend. Check the price of the original on PSN as I got it for a bargain price of £7, but otherwise both games should be under £15. I also downloaded The Unfinished Swan from PSN and whilst only a few hours long, one of the most refreshingly unique and enjoyable games I've played in a long, long time! Journey is my next downloadable game to play, and then there's the likes of Game of the Year The Walking Dead and Pid, Limbo etc... I also have Heavy rain waiting to start, then there's Portal 2 and a host of other third party games, I don't know what you've played though... Sonic Generations, Assassins Creed 3, Far Cry 3, Dishonoured, Ni No Kuni etc...
  9. They just need to replace the right Pokémon. Mewtwo should have stayed. Jigglypuff is different, but does anyone actually fight as her (other to complete single player)?... I highly doubt it! Pikachu, Mewtwo, Squirtle and Charizard (not all under Pokémon trainer) would be great IMO.
  10. Is Glock one of your favs? Honestly the Heikki/Glock situation is ridiculous!... and some reward for them risking their careers to help the new teams! But ultimately that is what they did and it hasn't worked out, it was always a very risky move for them to make I guess. But it's not as though these new teams are going to get anyone better are they? If they want to keep driving forward they need consistency to continually build off of.
  11. What have you played?
  12. They should just have all these blue haired characters as alternate costumes of Marth, bring back Roy... and have other red haired characters as his alternate costumes. Although by the sound of it he's the only Red haired character in the history of Fire Emblem!
  13. Well this too! That stormy night race back to Outset was epic!
  14. @Aneres11 Other than the cutscenes I can't particularly say I enjoyed Brawls single player either for the reasons you gave. Something more akin to Melee's would be far better in my eyes. All I'm saying is Marth and Ike look way too similar!
  15. I've never bought a LEGO game so I'm not tiring of them particularly. But this will be the first one I buy I think because I love the Marvel films!
  16. I'm not sure what this post was about?... I was just joking about about using the water boots to run between islands! :p
  17. Running from Outset Island to Windfall Island FTW!
  18. Fire Emblem shouldn't really be a series they keep swapping out characters from. It's not one of Nintendo's most popular franchises, few people know the characters anyway, and the fact they all seem to have blue hair doesn't help. At least people got to know Roy and Marth, they looked individual and were good choices as far as I'm concerned.
  19. First Lego game I buy right here!!!
  20. Might have to drop by the London Megastore when I visit the capital in Feb and see what the situation's like at the time.
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