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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Still something flashy! :p But seriously, I think Sony have done such an incredible job with [First Party] exclusives this gen, that it could well be all they need. Just more of what they've been doing. It's certainly the differentiator for them against Nintendo and especially Microsoft atm! They've certainly won me over!
  2. Enter Uncharted 4.
  3. Dunno, the front wing upright looks different on that one (but lets face it, you can't really tell these 2013 cars apart) here's one from the launch... Wish Force India would have had a second driver ready for the launch, it looks a bit ridiculous for a team like themselves Paul (not the most charismatic guy) sat their on his lonesome! :p Someone needs to do a different livery this year to spice things up!
  4. High noses are high! :p Would kinda like then to take off the 'vanity panels' though if they're not going to use them, so we can see exactly what they're doing, but seems McLaren and Ferrari have gone for very similar designs (or are they all just copying last years Red Bull ) McLaren seem to have worked the sidepod design more.
  5. Could be the new controller reveal or something I suppose? with the console to be revealed at E3... but the hype's gonna be built up, and that would seem underwhelming.
  6. Strange one, the initial rumour this thread was based on did say it would be revealed in weeks, but everything to come out of Sony lately has said they're letting Microsoft go first.
  7. ... pinching your nipple?
  8. Right time for me to stay out of this thread for my own good/enjoyment!
  9. haha, oh brilliant. :p Mind you, we'll see come E3. They need some new IP for Next Gen!
  10. Ubisoft using the Assassins Creed Studio to take us to a next gen launch title Egypt?
  11. Fuck you all. How can Amazon have not got stock! They're like the worlds biggest online retailer!
  12. It's a good thing I'm not due to play this game for a while, as my Tesco order has been delayed 'due to a market wide issue caused by a high level of demand for this game'. :p
  13. ... Perez taking 'filling Lewis' boots' to the extreme? :p
  14. I just think Nintendo need to be really careful. It's ok to give developers choices and options (although they seemingly weren't interested in giving them a second analogue stick on the 3DS! :p)... but it's the console strategy that 3rd parties seem to follow. The Wii U has all the controller inputs developers would ever need, and yet third parties are already using the GamePad as an excuse for not bring their games to the console. "If we did, we'd want to make it a custom experience for Wii U owners, and we haven't got the resources to currently do that". Nintendo's strategy for the Wii U is the GamePad, and in some ways it's already hurting them. Likewise the Vita offers everything that Nintendo are now looking into, and yet it isn't a strategy that has worked for Sony. If it was something developers were interested in the console would be a huge success, but it isn't. Developers want to be looking to spend less on handheld games, when games like Angry Birds and Cut the Rope can do the job for them, not home console budget games. Handhelds should be about unique experiences. You shouldn't be giving developers an easy out through a poorly conceived vision for your consoles. I just think Nintendo are disillusioned if they think it's the right path to go down. But hey, maybe that is the Nintendo of today.
  15. I can barely bring myself to play Sonic Generations because of the awkwardness of that game (in fact I've stopped in favour of The Unfinished Swan and now Heavy Rain). Mario Galaxy I couldn't put down. :p
  16. So basically Mario Kart Nascar! :p Just a bunch of Baby Park style Ovals!
  17. They should be too very different gaming experiences. Handheld games shouldn't belong on a home console, and home console games shouldn't belong on the home console. This is something Nintendo have so far always got right, and where as @Cube says, the Vita has largely failed.
  18. Yeah I won't actually get round to playing this for ages, but still, nice to have. (unless there's no stock issues and it drop to sub £20!) :p
  19. What they have 15 LE in stock now?! or they are getting 15 in?
  20. Nope exactly, looks like the same car, even got the Lucozade sponsor still. So few apparent sponsors compared to the Lotus, just shows how much these ones must be paying!! Think suspension might be a little different, but I'm not really very clued in on that. Thanks for the photo's Murr. EDIT: Oh actually, they don't have that double bodywork around the sidepods on this car, which are also different shapes.
  21. I swear that's the car McLaren started off with last year before later changing the nose! :p Mind you, if teams do a live launch then all these launch cars look pretty much the same, they're basically to show new sponsors/livery. They don't want the press taking photo's of the real car. Is Ferrari's live? Otherwise Red Bull's may be the first proper car we see.
  22. Four Swords Adventure also needs to get it's ass on the eShop!
  23. 'Story' looks terrible! :p Is it me or do the visuals look to have got worse?
  24. IGN Review - 9.6!
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