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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Won a competition to have my idea for a Formula1 Comic Strip drawn up professionally!
  2. Just a shame for her she won't be the thing you're sexing that night.
  3. For any PS3 owners wanting to play the original before this, Bayonetta goes up on PSN for £11.99 today. Here's hoping Nintendo are doing whatever they can to get the same up on the Wii U eShop!
  4. Apparently Bayonetta goes up on PSN today for £11.99
  5. Congrats Danny, you look like a gurning face.
  6. Do you watch Christian Bale movies with your eyes shut?
  7. Cheers @dr4hkon! Here's hoping it goes through! I did notice at least that unlike Amazon UK there seems to be a release date of Feb 12th.
  8. @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane has too much money to know what to do with!
  9. For a Mario Sunshine remake would they have to do the analogue shoulder buttons via a touch slider or something on the Gamepad? Or maybe hold a button down and rock the Gamepad back and forth to change water pressure?
  10. I placed an order anyway. Pretty sure it says English language version. If I find out its not I can cancel, or if they cancel it for me due to no stock then there we go.
  11. Yeah but will it be in English or German?
  12. What games?... we hardly know off a single game that's coming out past E3 this year. The point is, when the games DO come out, they will be there on those consoles. Even if the consoles struggle they'll still be the 'go to' place for all current-gen and next-gen games. Which is something Nintendo can't seem to guarantee, despite this supposedly being the console to do so.
  13. Maybe, but they are already getting the games and will be getting the next-gen games... this was Nintendo's 'catch-up' console and they're not pulling it off at the moment.
  14. Nintendo love a pointless gimmick! (especially seeing as all NFC games are coming with readers anyway! :p)
  15. 'Jenson' Button Sat Nav, Open Gate, [Anti-Mumble] :p --- Also here's Kimi (No.7) and Romains (Lucky 8 Ball) 2013 helmets... People are speculating that the fact they both have a red strip along the top of the visor is for the fact they're still after the Honeywell deal. And that the red Genii on the side pods of the new car, is in hope of...
  16. It's as if Nintendo wanted to never have any on their consoles.
  17. Will it be in English language or German do you know from the description?
  18. Me too. It's the Mario Kart game I've got the most enjoyment from; of the ones I've played... MK64, SuperCircuit and especially over MKDD!
  19. Also £23.99 at Amazon now.
  20. My Collection Sold/Traded N/A Discs N/A eShop N/A Virtual Console N/A To Buy List Wii U :p
  21. HD Remake F-Zero X - for me it was the better racer, so I'd love to see it updated with GX style visuals in HD! Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil Code Veronica HD Ports Metroid Prime Trilogy The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Super Smash Bros Melee Super Mario 64 Diddy Kong Racing! :p Banjo Kazooie
  22. I think they should do a Smash Bros and include ALOT more weapons, but make them customisable for races. Turn them all on Turn them all off Turn on 'Traditional Weapons Pack Only' Choose you own etc... Also if there's not going to be a Diddy Kong Racing 2 (which there will be )... Nintendo should take the stackable weapons option from that.
  23. Although with a PS3/4 who cares!
  24. It'll be Pac-Man, biggest, most recognisable and widely commercial Namco character.
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