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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Bored of Johnny Depp playing the same characters much?... Why have Disney done this?... what so Prince of Persia didn't work so they slap Depp back in? Thankfully they didn't also cast him in... Looks pretty good. Hope it has more too it than Alice in Wonderland, and unlike The Lone Ranger doesn't also feature Helena Bonham Carter (yawn).
  2. I bet we're the only country in the world though that we're distracted from the beautiful visuals of The Life of Pi by the thought of "Simples!"
  3. I'm not really sold on this thought though; it wouldn't have hurt them to have bulked it out a little more, I think timing/launch clearly played its part. i.e. A back 9 on Golf wouldn't have gone a miss, A hard tennis court, a clothing/customising shop for your Mii's etc... wouldn't have taken much to implement and wouldn't have made the game any less accessible, but could have added greater choice and ultimately even more fun.
  4. GO NI NO KUNI!! Even more reason for that Pokémon RPG now Nintendo! I can't see how developing an entirely new/revolutionary method to play and control games and putting into a sports franchise alongside a new avatar system amounts to dog shit. I loved Wii Sports (well bowling and golf). I'd have loved Nintendo to boost it with DLC golf courses/tennis courts etc... but we don't even get that from Nintendo now, so! :p
  5. Some may disagree, but for me that would all be getting a bit too Comic-worldy... which I'd rather them leave to the Comic books. A fully CGI movie starring Hulk?... why not just watch the animated comic book film? I don't know, I like the real-world grounded approach with a touch of the science-fiction/unbelievable the films have had so far. This seems too much. And do they really want to set Hulk up for this type of story? a) The images are kind of ridiculous b) Can the Ruffalo/Hulk last a full 2hr solo movie successfully 3) I'm not sure why after FINALLY successfully making audiences warm to and love The Hulk, they'd want to write the character out of the series by making him the bad guy? d) There are already plenty of other villains e) The movie relationship between Stark and Banner doesn't suggest/have enough depth or reason behind it that Stark would trick Banner like this. Don't like the idea. Strange's introduction however makes me think it might be happening.
  6. Extended look, I see what you did there! Love Iron Man so much, can't wait for this!!
  7. No but that's the point of the advert... Things you wouldn't normally let someone off for. That's why the Badminton one is so poor, because who cares!
  8. £17.99 at Base.com
  9. Actually yeah speaking of those, I don't really mind them, the Dad turning up late at the birth for example was a great initial advert... But then they followed it up with the Badminton one which just felt like such a non-event that it kinda blew the concept! That one was awful.
  10. Gary Anderson doesn't sound all that impressed by Merc's efforts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula-one/21322248 I don't believe Lewis isn't nervous to find out how he car drives for one second; wish he'd just say as much!... Toro Rosso Surely it can't be great that the car which now prominently displays the Red Bull name is the B-team?!! :p #ConfusedCasuals
  11. Awesome man, nice one! Looks amazing, straight off of Gaepora's book shelf! *bastard* :p
  12. Batman has just turned the lights out. #Tactics
  13. So with the Wii, Nintendo didn't always practice what they preached so to speak. They introduced the world to the Motion Controller, to Motion Gaming, and told everyone it was going to be the next big thing... and yet you could argue that they themselves actually didn't then go on to embrace it all that much. They were there at the beginning with Wii Sports and they were there at the end with Skyward Sword. Wii Sports Resort fell in the middle, but other than that... Same could be said of the Balance Board. A decent piece of kit, but outside of Wii Fit the product got very little use or support. You would have thought Nintendo would maybe use their First Party IP's to fully show off the capabilities of their new console hardware, but they seem tentative too. Franchises like Luigi's Mansion, Mario Tennis/Golf that seem like a perfect fit end up showing up on the 3DS instead. Mario Galaxy's 'hook' wasn't the really the Wiimote itself, or motion controls... it was gravity. The pointer was very much a secondary mechanic and the entire game could have been played with a traditional controller. Now with the Wii U, Nintendo have highlighted asymmetric gameplay as the next big way to play games. But Nintendo are struggling to sell the Wii U and its USP... you would imagine Mario U with Mario's pulling power could be the game to do so. Nintendo missed their chance to do so with NSMBU (again only using it as very much a secondary, non-essential feature with platform placement), will they take that risk with Mario U? And if so... what might the Asymmetric gameplay be?
  14. haha! Brilliant @CoolFunkMan
  15. Example 1... has a kid ever annoyed you more?... 2) *When girls read too much into thing...* ... Just guessing but he probably means he'll see you later. 3) I feel like I'm missing something???... is there a joke?
  16. Also...
  17. Hmm, not sure what's happening with the Launch event?!... but here's a pic... Of course it's now Infinity and not Red Bull all over the car for the first time! Hence more purple going it in that there livery!
  18. Red Bull Launch is at 1pm here: http://www.youtube.com/redbullracing
  19. *BUMP* Spoilers. I'm not all that far into it at the moment, I'm just arriving at the garage to start the first 'puzzle' part of the story so to speak, but I'm really loving it. The music and the emotion is brilliant. For all intents and purpose I'm making the 'good' choices at the moment... I tucked my son in to bed, I turned back as the Detective and saved the 'prostitute', saved the shopkeeper, as the Agent I kept my cool when arguing, didn't take the drugs and also didn't shoot the suspect etc... I tell you what though, this game is not good for my perfectionist nature!... If I make the slightest mistake in terms how my choices going wrong I want to restart the chapter! :p For example I was sneaking up behind the mugger in the minimart and the 'shake controller down appeared' to hit the guy, but my action didn't register and he pointed the gun at me... I had to restart! Also when it came to leaving the motel room, I thought the 'up' or 'down' on screen was indicating how I wanted to leave the hotel room, and not whether to put the shoebox on the table or under the bed. He put it on the table and I had to restart! :p Also I could not for the life of me remember the colour of my son's clothing when being questioned by the police, I mean seriously that's some tough stuff, you don't expect to have to be paying such attention like that! However, I'm now thinking maybe I should just go with it all. I'm fascinated by some of the alternative choices, such as walking away from the 'prostitute' and not going back, Just going up to bed and not looking after the son properly etc. Also... Hot chick got naked.
  20. I'm playing Heavy Rain atm, and on some of the 'push slowly' movements, it does seem to take a while before the movement actually kicks in!... unless it's me just being ultra careful and thinking I'm moving it when in fact I'm not yet. :p
  21. Lewis' Mercedes Helmet Do not like. Too many colours/cluttered looking. Yes he has to have Monster on it (unfortunately), but that would have looked better with his simpler old helmet.
  22. Sauber Launch Live #TheHulk http://www.youtube.com/sauberf1team Yes! The new livery is MUCH better than that of the last few years! I mean I'd rather it not be grey (still love the light blue of the past), but still this is vastly better, it couldn't get much worse than last years! Sidepods are crazy small!!!! So have they hidden the nose step with ridges either side? Can't quite tell. Beautiful looking car! Predicting great things from The Hulk this year! Were they going for an HRT tribute? :p
  23. ... then they must be saving it to BLOW MY MIND!!
  24. Genuinely I had a far greater problem with the DS3 before I started using it! :p I'd played on the very occasional PlayStation 1 and 2 in the past and taken issue with the dualshock when compared to Nintendo's controllers. But when I actuallt bought a PS3 a year ago and started using the controller regularly I honestly don't really have much of an issue with it. The only thing I the controller needs IMO, is 8-way directional support around the analogue sticks, unless Nintendo have that patented?
  25. Caterham confirm second driver...
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