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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Not much to go on, but two potentially new characters for the film. *fingers remain crossed for that Spidey vs. Rhino[/insert other small fry villain] Pre-Credits fight 'eh?* Is Mary Jane in this film do we know, if so, wonder if Felicity Jones is in talks for that role?
  2. I can't agree enough that The Avengers needs Spiderman and Wolverine in its world!
  3. It's a bit..... lacey!
  4. Well I never... #GoOnPhil
  5. Yeah I felt the same. Only thing that interested me was maybe the soundtrack! But you don't even know if that's any good or not until you've played the game! :p Just the standard edition for me!
  6. £23.99 at GAME! (thanks to @SirToastaLot)
  7. Yeah ridiculously both of the Wii U's controllers came without them! Kind of makes the reasoning behind the Pro Controller a bit ridiculous, as it was supposed to a controller than offered a comparative experience to the other consoles.
  8. Does still look very showcar esque, think we can expect to see ALOT more detailing on the car come launch!
  9. I'm in exactly the same position, but have pre-ordered anyway! :p Gametrailers Invisible Walls called it the ['go to'] RPG of this generation, so think I'll at least give it a go and hope to find it accessible!
  10. Lotus Countdown ALTHOUGH... seems it's been leaked!!??? Awesome having the drivers name on the cars like McLaren used to do!! However, red was always the worst part of the Lotus livery! though if clear wasn't pushed back awkwardly I think the car would look pretty awesome!
  11. I just noticed that Lotus have added [CocaCola] Burn red/lick of flames to Kimi's race suit and underside of the hat... Wonder if we can expect the same from the car livery?! Everyone gonna be watching the car launch tonight at 7:15pm!!?
  12. Nintendo are so damn backwards at times it's infuriating! The fact they don't have a unified Virtual Console, the fact like you say, they bring some games to one virtual console and not to others... The fact that they didn't just include a second analogue stick on the 3DS for convenience sake, the fact the Gamecube controller had analogue triggers but the Gamepad/Pro Controller doesn't! (the fact that it actually took me about 30secs to think of the right name for the Pro Controller, because there are so many damn accessories!)
  13. That list also had F1 Race Stars, which I think I've heard since is going to be coming in March (though when and where I can't remember).
  14. Other than the 3DS remakes! If Nintendo don't bring the Gamecube to the virtual console it's a HUGE mistake! It would be a big draw for many people having such a rich Nintendo back catalogue on there! I know personally that it would pretty much guarantee me picking up the console. It would also not do anything to reassure me that Nintendo have/are learning any lessons, which would put me off the Wii U even more.
  15. Who knows, isn't there rumours of MGS kicking around?
  16. If a couple of Namco characters are in this, then tbh I don't think Sonic/Snake should be. There should be 2 third party characters max. IMO. 'Human' Pac-Man is one of the most awkward looking characters ever, really don't like him. However an Arcade Pac-Man stage would be great! With at time you having to run away from/jump over Pac-Man or the Ghosts as they play out in the level.
  17. Just ignore that comment @madeinbeats Zech's just be trolling.
  18. I'm looking at it as hopefully being 'SHIELD does Smallville'... and in that respect I think it could be great!
  19. Ah right, yeah I did have that version. But yeah I still have Ocarina of Time for the N64 so I might as well just play that version if I ever wanted to. Also it literally was just sitting there never being played, I'd rather us it to buy a couple of other games. Wind Waker's a strange one, at the time it didn't quite sit right with me. With the radical change in visual style (which I did like however), pirate theme, and very young looking Link, coming off the back of Ocarina and Majora's Mask as the only Zelda games I'd played I think I struggled to fully accept it as a Zelda game. I think I had a bit of a problem with this not being the same Link. I've got used to this however over subsequent Zelda's, as well as coming to appreciate Wind Waker even more. It feel like time to replay it. Just hope Nintendo do put the original version up on the eShop. Fingers crossed then! Though you would probably assume it is at least the general style they're aiming for, for the remake, because otherwise it's likely they would have shown us several different concepts and HD experiments they've been working on for it.
  20. Is that in response to the fact I sold it?... your sentences are too short for their own good.
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