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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. May as well add myself to the long list of names passing out their condolences to Goafer - that really is a shitty thing to hear man! Work was very stressful today - just too busy, not enough staff and too many problems. Every other customer was being difficult! Oh well, at least it's over now!
  2. I drank far too much last night...was doing pitchers of beer with my friend, ended up drinking like 14 pints. I'm usually so reserved with my drinking but I guess last night I just thought fuck it. Thankfully a good night was had though, I didn't get so drunk that I spoilt anyone's (or my own) evening and I got home safely! But I'm feeling it today. That much is true.
  3. Happy birthday! :D:D Oooh, the big 21 buttons, exciting stuff!
  4. Good but tiring day at work - got a promotion today - nothing major but makes my job on the weekend a bit more interesting a little bit better paid too Really wanna play some Smash Bros at the moment, but can't get hold of a friend whose house we usually go round to in order to duke it out EDIT: Flink, you're a hottie my friend, definitely one of the cream of the crop around these parts (after myself of course). Ye need not be compared to the beasts that roam these boards. I think Eenuh is the lucky one
  5. You better have been practicing...oh wait, what's that? You DON'T own Smash Bros. yet still can beat the losers on here when we play?


    Yeah, we're pretty fucking awesome...damn, we really need to start winning some games...I can't take another defeat at the hands of Fusedfail.


    Also, buy a Wii. You need it for your new place. It's an essential living aid.


    Love you long time. You are ghey.



  6. Got a new laptop today - unfortunately my former piece of crap finally packed up and as uni was slowly creeping closer, a new investment was becoming more and more essential. It's a pretty cheap machine but I'm actually pretty impressed with it considering the very reasonable price tag. Otherwise my day consisted of work and playing Saints Row 2 - all in all, a fairly decent day.
  7. I don't have any advice as of such (although I did do a placement year) but if you move to Canada I would love to come!!! Been meaning to go back there for some time now but money/time has been a serious constraint! Roomies???
  8. The moment I saw ReZ's new paint job it instantly reminded me of this classic from F-Zero. Just as well you don't look like the driver though Rezzy boy!
  9. Resistance 2 (PS3) Epic, and pretty well done despite a few flaws. It really does show off the power of the PS3 as a gaming console, I seriously doubt the 360 could mimic it and not drop a few frames doing it. A must have. 9/10
  10. I'm hoping it's a fresh experience - Zelda has gotten stale over the years...WW and TP were poor follow-ups to the N64 classics. Whoever mentioned the whole Triforce-gathering thing is gonna get a Thanks from me for stating the most sensible thing I've ever heard on these forums - doing that was one of the most boring experiences I've ever had in a game. The overworld certainly needs some improvement - bring life to the bugger. Saying that, knowing Nintendo, they'll just make it like Animal Crossing where the people who Link interacts with say a few new things every now and then and it's all hunky-dorey.
  11. Oi Nobber, Shorty, one of the admins here fixed your account for you so you should now be able to post :D

  12. We just need more economic democracy really - more say over what public money goes towards or at least more transparency and more equal footing between countries. We exploit the fuck out of so many other countries.
  13. The man's got a point...only the best people go here... Yeah I know, I know, I'll go and get my coat...
  14. Didn't Molly go to Manchester? My sister is going there next term, she's looking forward to it and I hear it's a pretty good uni!
  15. Don't worry man, we'll play Smash soon, then you can have all the taunt messages you like
  16. It's actually nice to see that things are going well for Sony for a change. Hopefully sales will pick up even more so than they already have - this whole lack of competition facing Nintendo has really pissed me off because Nintendo obviously have become so complacent that they need not do anything but released a piece of shite once every 6 months and wait for the money to roll in. Sony has some good games on/arriving on its console and the PSN is really starting to find its feet IMO. I want Fat Princess, Daft I know you're a lover of it, if I download it will you be there to hold my hand and play it with me sometime? Thanks to all who've added me so far btw! May I join in on your co-operative ventures? I too would like to make my way through it but feel that having a few good hands to revive my ass for the nth time might be ideal! I'll add you when I next get the chance!
  17. I would argue that new IPs aren't what make a console great - the N64 didn't really need any new franchises as it perfectly reinvented the old in glorious 3D for the very first time. Perfect Dark was far from not important - its impact was minimal due to it being released late in the life of the 64 but neverthless it did show what the N64 was capable of when truly pushed to the limits. Even today the multiplayer mode stands out for its amount of choice and options. As for the bolded bit, I don't really think MGS played THAT big a role in changing story-driven gameplay. Sure it was good but hardly revolutionary. I mean, Lylat Wars proved that voice acting and cinematics (in a literal sense too!) were suited to gaming and that was hardly the most popular game of the 64/32bit era. I think the first time games truly took a step in the direction of what you're suggesting MGS did, is when GTA III was released. Even Ocarina of Time, despite it being the most awesome game ever, didn't have that much of a fleshed out storyline. I think it's the technology that truly stood out in that era, and more how gameplay and game build changed dramatically to what is considered standard today.
  18. Vancouver. One day I hope to live there. If anyone ever gets the chance to go there, do. It's incredible.
  19. Flinky's question: The UK education system does indeed do fuck all to promote learning languages, which is a plus for me as I got into a top UK university, most probably because competition wasn't so great for the course but fucking irritating too. So many people are like "Why learn languages, everyone speaks English anyways". This is ignorant. Go live in another country and you'll realise that it's very much like it is here, only a few people will be able to converse with you in broken English. The company I worked for in the centre of Paris, had French as the office language and surprisingly few people could fluently speak any English. Having a language or two by your side is really a great asset, especially in today's globalised world. Razz: I agree with playing games in other languages, it's amazing what pearls of wisdom you'll find. ...Und der Sieger ist...Ness! EDIT: Damn I'm tired and making mistakes
  20. Judging from the consumer law that I know, I'm pretty sure that this laptop shouldn't have been sold as a) it's faulty and b) it's second hand. I'm pretty sure the 'popular electronics store' that you bought said macbook from is not actually allowed to sell anyone second-hand goods unless it clearly states that the item is indeed second hand. I'm pretty sure that they're not allowed to regardless though, where I work, most items such as HDDs and mobile phones are exempt from our money back guarantee because we can't always ensure that they don't contain personal information on them. In short, they're fucked. Go for it Dave!
  21. Well, this is opening a can of worms. One way to look at it is Religion could be considered a tool for controlling the masses. It's not quite so effective anymore as we live in a more developed world but it does make perfect sense. How do you get a whole country to do as you wish - you tell 'em that a big ass deity will bite 'em in the ass. Hell, I don't know if it's true nor do I pretend to believe that I do but it's most certainly a possibility. Look at the Catholic Church and their influence. They've been the biggest bunch of cunts for centuries. It's funny how they're constantly having to change their doctrine/views/etc. in order to be more suitable for modern life - if it were truth then surely they wouldn't have to - it's a conspiracy I tell you.
  22. I read it exactly the same way when I looked at my inbox earlier but it does make sense once you read the whole thing I was thinking he's gonna spike my drink one night at the SU bar at Reading and have some n-e fun on my ass (we secretly love each other).
  23. Dude...now I know that you didn't have any tools regarding the intro, but wtf man. I mean, what the hell was that? Was that just a way of wasting a minute of my life? It's just you throwing random video games/peripherals on top of each other, before panning out to a window of nothingness, followed by a still of the same window with a blinding amount of flash...I think giving yourself tools might be dangerous to mankind.
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