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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Haven't seen it but I imagined it to be exactly as you described - they really did kill G.I. Joe, it was fucking awesome back in the day. Nothing will ever beat the original movie's opening for me - so campy yet awesome! Man I loved the 80s. The last film I saw: The Blues Brothers I hadn't seen it for a very long time and hence, remembered very little of it and I'm surprised that that was the case. One of the best films ever made. John Belushi is a legend and I love the all-star cast. The bit with Ray Charles performing 'Shake a Tail Feather' is one of my favourite movie moments ever. Period. If you've not watched it, make sure you do, it's such a feel good, yet hilarious and funky film. 11/10
  2. My recent purchases: Mario Party 8 Yes I know it's hardly Game of the Year or anything but my sister and I are big fans of the Mario Party series but haven't invested in one in quite a while. I finally found it for £19.99 after what seems like an eternity of searching for it at a semi-acceptable price. haven't had the chance to try it just yet but hopefully it'll be a bit of fun My other purchase: x4 Bad day at work. Nuff said.
  3. Hey all, I know he's probably a complete unknown among the General Chit Chat lot but justseth has been welcomed with open, loving arms into the online Smash Bros community here at n-europe, mainly because he's such a top guy to play Smash with! It's a bit late, but let's all wish him a Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good day mate!
  4. Dude, just realised you were online - I haven't seen you in like a year! How are you? Fancy a game of Smash Bros for old times sake sometime soon? Could be a good laugh! Hope you're well!

  5. I think you need to be more specific. There are a lot of us that that could apply for!
  6. Dude! You're staff now!?!?! Did I miss something???

  7. In what way have I ever given that impression! I am an angel! My lovely nature and witty, yet clean charm make me a most likeable person indeed. Yes. Hmm. *Desperately hopes someone makes a joke about sex* /giggle
  8. Haha, Buttons I love how you're so innocent, it's a very nice (and somewhat cute) quality! You're all the better for it! Some people's minds have been completely warped...*cough* ReZ *cough* I know Naaatheeng!
  9. Have you an amusing example of said making-conversation-awkwardness?
  10. Yeah I think you can add more, haven't checked but would be surprised if you couldn't! Go forth and buyeth! Now you've made me want one...tut tut tut, and just when I have no money either!
  11. No, they're built well (well usually), it's more that the technology in it isn't cutting edge so to speak. It's very good for a netbook, considering how small a netbook is but it's not the fastest running or the best with graphics for example. The review I read said that running video on youtube for example might be a bit stuttery at times and I imagine websites that use looks of graphics might not run too well. My comment is meant more as a "compared to a normal laptop/desktop PC" sorta thing. The lifespan thing is more a question of how long can you use it before it can't run anything. Saying that, I suppose they're only designed for browsing the web and sending emails anyway. Haha, self-indulgent is certainly the most fitting word! Everytime I sell a Samsung at work, I always have this unusual habit of mentioning to the customer that I also have a Samsung - it makes me feel rather glamorous in some sort of yuppie-tastic way. That or I'm just trying to let them know that they've made the right decision buying one. They probably just think I'm an ass though, lol. EDIT: That use LOTS of graphics, not looks, lol, I'm tired :$
  12. I just read a review for it, seems like a fairly reliable system and having Windows XP on it is much better than Vista which would only slow it down. Price point doesn't seem too shabby either. I'm in two minds though, as personally, I need something for uni next year, as I'm not sure a small keyboard and smaller screen (although 12.1" is pretty big considering) would be ideal. Still, if you're just using it at home and you're browsing your favourite forum/other websites, I think it'd be a pretty solid investment. Not sure how long they expect a netbook to last you, the specs aren't exactly high. :S I love how its shiny black exterior makes it look so pretty, yet also provides you with a reflection to remind you that you're the lucky son of a gun that owns it. I think the NC20 comes in two different colours, as the one I saw was white. It has an anti-bacterial keyboard too! So no more germy/swine flu keys I wish I could see one in reality first, hmm, perhaps we sell them at work, ideally I'd wanna see what the screen looks like when on - last thing anyone wants to be doing is forever scrolling!
  13. You say this model (the Samsung one) has a 12.1" screen? Oooh, I may have to look into this - how much does it cost? I've heard really good things about the NC10 so I imagine that this should follow suit. Samsung are generally awesome anyways, their TVs are just to die for
  14. The girlfriend came to stay yesterday and left today - was good fun despite the obvious brevity of it all. The highlight of today was most certainly visiting Nandos and acquiring one of their most delightful meal platters. I swear I could go there every single day! Otherwise it was a bit of a walk around town, looking in shops (more because my sister and my gf wanted to), which surprisingly didn't bother me today. I'm one of those people who just finds browsing the shops for an extended period of time to be utterly mundane. Knowing what you want and just going in and getting it is just so much more efficient! Saying that I suppose you do miss out on the bargains/deals if you only do that. I also watched The Blues Brothers last night, which I probably haven't seen for at least 12 years (and hence remembered very little of it) and can safely say that it's managed to shoot its way into my favourites list. Pure comic genius.
  15. It's times like these when you can truly tell what a greedy bunch of bastards Nintendo are. The store I work at has increased the selling price of the Wii, no doubt thanks to Nintendo increasing the trade price not so long ago. Was it really necessary? Surely having a console sell at say £150 and thus bring in more customers is a lot more beneficial than trying to rip off recession Britain even more. I can't comment on other store but imagine that it's a universal thing. I've no idea what Ninty's direction is nowadays, at one point it was make a fuckload of casual (yet good) games and earn a licence to print money and now it seems to be a case of do nothing and hold onto their pennies as best they can. I'm actually hoping that the PS3 gets more of a footing and starts putting a serious dent in Nintendo's lead - they've clearly become complacent motherfuckers because they "aren't competing with the others" which means that they can get away with releasing one game every other year and overcharging the consumer.
  16. Well that's the NHS for ya, they're all a bunch of fascist cunts. (Well, not you Chris or Raining, I mean the dicks right at the top!)
  17. Where the hell is everyone lately on the Chat server - hardly anyone goes on anymore Come back peeps!
  18. Good choice of music my friend! I like how at the beginning, you've got the cats sort of strutting along to the music!
  19. If there's no room, there's no room - unfortunately capitalism creates issues of space within our organisations. I'm stuck working in a shop, the work being far from the most desirable but at the end of the day, it earns me my money. Sure, I'm trained for much more, but in the meanwhile it is a case of making do. Job opportunities will arise again (I've not been actively looking anyways but many friends on my course have). I think danny's idea of having people do community service in order to get their JSA is a great idea - it doesn't matter if you're content doing it or not, if you need the money you'll have no choice but to do it. If people think it's below them in any way then they need to get off their high horse, that or not be a hypocritical bastard for opting for JSA in the first place. I certainly feel that we all need to come together as a community more than we actually do - our towns would be all the better for it.
  20. Many Congrats Dan, I know what a great feeling it is to be accepted to an MA after they keep you waiting in suspense! Sounds like a very interesting course you've signed yourself up for there! Also well done to Razz, enjoy your new found mobility and freedom! Just been down the gym, just did some running and rowing, with a tiny bit of cycling too. Was pretty good, seeing as earlier in the day I had done some weight training - flatter stomach here I come (who am I kidding...).
  21. Which was more or less my point exactly - not everyone is in as neat a position as me - obviously if you need it because it helps your entire family (which was what I was getting at with the 'parents supporting you if they can malarky') so that you're kept off the streets then by all means go for it. When you're buying an ipod with your JSA though, I imagine your family aren't doing too badly.
  22. Someone (I think Odwin) made an excellent point about how someone living by themselves in a house with a mortgage is obviously much worse off than someone like Villan, who from the sounds of it, is living at home with his parents. Parents are anchors - they support their kids and usually are able to do so (unless they too are unemployed). I really strongly agree with Molly on this one - just because the system is there, doesn't mean you absolutely HAVE to use it. Personally, I wouldn't sign on, because living with my parents as I do (remember that I do work part-time and am about to start a Masters degree, hence why I am), I don't see any need to take other people's money. My mate however is one of those guys that Odwin used in his example, and it makes sense for him to take the benefits in order to keep living. Nevertheless, it does irk me somewhat that he still pays for the full Sky TV package and smokes at least a packet of cigarettes a day. I love the guy but if money is that tight then he really shouldn't be wasting it on said activities! Still, coming back to what was said earlier, people do need some small gifts to keep themselves cheery - I just don't classify an ipod as one of them, maybe a nice meal with friends or a CD or DVD, something reasonable for pete's sake! It also seems ludicrous to me that Villan's parents are charging him housekeeping when they know full well that he doesn't have a job - why not start taking the money from him once he gets a job? I've never been unemployed in a similar way though and obviously I don't quite know the extent of how frustrating/depressing it must be but people still need to be responsible - taking everything you can get and then using it to help yourself to luxuries does take the piss somewhat. I work my ass off to earn my stuff and if I were on JSA I think I'd be at least somewhat grateful to everyone else who is working to ensure that that system is there for me to use. But alas, I'm sure it's our society that's instilled these views into us. P.S. thank you to whoever put my name in the title, I feel privileged, which is ironic as I'm not the one receiving JSA, lol.
  23. Basically, just the two I mentioned in my above post (A bout de souffle and Vivre sa vie = English translations are "Breathless" and "My life to live", well at least that what I think the second one is called". Another cool old Nouvelle Vague film is 'Hiroshima mon amour', it's directed by another dude called Resnais but it's a pretty interesting film - think it's the first film to ever use instantaneous flashbacks or something.
  24. Somebody make a new post for this JSA debate, it's getting interesting and I wouldn't mind adding more of my opinion without derailing the purpose of this thread! Oh well, should have got a job before uni began and kept it while you were there (work for a big company and transfer). Planning ahead my friend.
  25. I had Nandos last night, my god it was awesome! As I said to my pop when we went the other day - "The day you have a bad meal at Nandos is the day the world ends." Just epic mealage.
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