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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. I bugger off the General Chit Chat for one day and suddenly it's infested with "penguins" - you're all crazed!
  2. Was well chuffed with this, in a way I would have loved something new instead but Mario Galaxy was my most favourite games of the last ten years and therefore more of it is a good thing! I just hope there's a fair bit of new stuff, as much as I love more of the same, it does help to have a few fresh concepts to keep the game exciting!
  3. Am liking the sound of this - t'is a shame my sister is off to uni next year, I could have used her help completing it
  4. Happy Birthday mate, have a nice day!
  5. Is Game 5 Risky Woods for the Mega Drive (think it was on that?)
  6. It's like when you fly a plane, you pull back on the stick to go upwards. As Nando has mentioned in some detail, I imagine it's the N64 that has made me the way I am. It makes a ton of sense though!
  7. Lol, ownage there by Eevil. On a serious note, I gotta agree with him, you can never be too sure!
  8. My sig has deleted itself - any reason why? Is this just a bug or was it removed for a particular reason?
  9. Can't agree with you there and if King V were around he'd probably say the same - get some Maximuscle - the stuff you've got is just full of filler and other shit. There's a reason why the other stuff costs more. All that stuff will do is gradually make you a lot fatter over time, especially as I doubt you're doing anything remotely in the same league as a bodybuilder or professional athlete. Also, if you can't have any input in what you're fed then you're probably best off not using these supplements altogether - they usually require a very strict diet in order to be effective and safe. Do what you want though, that's just my input.
  10. What the...I used to think you were cool! Inverted is the true way to play...
  11. I don't remember RE2 being that rare for the 64 - there's much rarer out there e.g. all the stuff that came out in 2000.
  12. Don't quite agree here, I'm a lefty and I play (on current gen controllers as well as N64) right-handedly. I think it's more a case of what you're used to - personally I've never thought, "hmm, I need this controller to be the other way round". So I'd be more inclined to agree with Rummy but I certainly see where you're coming from
  13. Nah, although I've heard that they're awesome. I went for STL, who would appear to have mixed reviews - personally I'm rather happy with it although I'm struggling to make the high notes not sound airy when playing them. If I get any good, I intend to buy a few more of them over time, they're so cool (unlike myself).
  14. So you got annoyed because someone said you weren't hard? ....dude, grow up. I thought you were more of a man than that....
  15. I completed Wind Waker for the first time yesterday (better late than never I suppose) - it was a great game but something about it was lacking in comparison to MM, OoT and even Twilight to a certain extent - I think the lack of main dungeons, standard "sail your boat from A to B and back again" side quests and the lazy game design methods of making you find every single triforce chart/triforce shard//not leave your boat for 3 weeks/amass bugger loads of rupees in order to do so and fight every single boss again in Ganon's Tower really made it less special than what it should have been I feel. My friend was saying it's because I didn't really give the sidequests much of a chance but I did do an awful lot of them - it just got a bit boring after a while. Perhaps I'm missing something? In MM at least, the sidequests were all story-oriented (in the sense that they had their own mini storylines and the storylines themselves had a fair amount of depth) and it just makes it so much more appealing. I couldn't care less on the other hand about finding every single last bloody bit of treasure in the Great Sea, whereby I have to play the Ballad of Gales and the Wind's Requiem a million times over! I'm just playing through Master Quest for the first time (not done it before and by golly is it weird, not sure to what think of it thus far) and will then follow up with MM afterwards, for it is my favourite Zelda game without question!
  16. I bought a ceramic Ocarina the other day! Got a few songbooks and a protective case for it too. I'm hoping to finally learn how to play a musical instrument!
  17. Bahahahaha! On a serious note, just as well you're alright. I agree with the others, he needs to be sat down.
  18. One more exam. One last fucker. And then I'm free! Completely screwed up today's exam though so I reckon I'm not destined for a 2:2 seeing as this year counts for so bloody much of the entire degree...
  19. I remember that Mako pad, always annoyed me because it lacked the symmetrical design of the official controller! That Ultra Racer contraption also brings back memories, don't recall seeing one in the flesh but do remember looking through magazines wondering how in the hell you were supposed to seriously play games with it. Or how it could have been any fun for that matter.
  20. Awww jeh baby! Can't stop the Pookster! Do I have to come up with one now or something?
  21. Premier Manager 64 per chance? Otherwise i was gonna say another one of the ISS games, be it 98 or 2000.
  22. My most recent purchase was an ocarina of all things - a nice ceramic alto one from somewhere in the states. Hopefully, it'll be a worthwhile investment (not sure how it can worthwhile mind you other than playing Zelda's Lullaby a million times).
  23. Yeah go to the gig I say, your friend will still have a birthday next year! Can't be bound to what they wanna do all the time!
  24. Happy belated birthday to the birthday chappies! Hope you had a nice day!
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