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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. At least read the guy's post, he says he wants to connect via cable! I've only used the official one before, I imagine you'd probably get the same quality from a Datel brand - the technology is fairly standard. However, the one I used worked perfectly It's a shame I got rid of it, otherwise I'd have just given it to ya!
  2. Lol, was gonna say, that must be bloody expensive for your area! It's not exactly Lower Earley...lol j/k
  3. Whoa, whoa, no need to go knocking Warburtons! Their loaves are of an exceptionally high standard!
  4. Agreed, Dazz666 is lame, wasn't really worth making a thread about!
  5. Today has been alright thus far - not been up to much exciting, got another good mark back from uni which is always nice and good for lifting my morale! Otherwise, I'm in an extremely horny mood, like unbelievably and I dunno why, it's kinda annoying!
  6. Why not just have something cool like Pookiablo? ...What!?!?! It's a great, original name!
  7. Don't worry, I was just like you, quite tall and nothing of me! Hardgainers like us can gain weight, it just requires a bugger load of eating, and by eating I mean eating well! Suggestions: - Make sure you get three good meals in you a day - try to eat more each meal, but by that I mean eat more of the good stuff (chicken, fish) - start a weightlifting routine, focusing primarily on your upper body - perhaps, although I wouldn't fully recommend it, try a weight gain supplement of some description - the Progain line from Maximuscle is very good, but pricey. There's another type which is make from more natural ingredients, think it's by a company called Reflex, very good but extremely expensive!
  8. Jordan, that Mario Galaxy poster is fucking amazing, where'd you get it from??? My N64 collection has yet another new (well, I suppose it's not really a new game!) arrival: For £10. That might seem like a lot for an N64 game, but this is one rare motherfucker. Not to mention that lostmario wanted £17 for it!
  9. I think it's normal - my mum doesn't always ask about my girlfriend, again perhaps every few phone calls or something. And again, she talks to her when they're in the same place and it seems similar to your situation. Perhaps your g/f is just expecting a little more? That or her parents have said more about you? I think my g/f and her mum talk about more frequently than I do about her with my family lol. In other news, I think my N64 is DYING! Someone help me, I'll cry if it breaks
  10. Wow, it's pretty fackin' busy on here tonight boys and girls. Always good to see a nice turnout!
  11. In an attempt to bump this thread and perhaps boost the exercise morale on the forums, I thought I'd be the first to dare to post some pics of myself! I've been doing a reasonable amount of weights lately. Unfortunately when I was ill, I managed to lose a fair amount of weight so I've been working my way back up so to speak! I'll never get a six pack I've decided but overall, I feel good for having worked hard. Hopefully some of you are proud of your own progress too! Current weight: between 13 - 13 + 1/2 stone (around 80 to 85kg for you mainlanders). No laughing at my pics please! And c'mon peeps, post your progress!
  12. Thanks for pointing that out...I was obviously assuming everyone was buying one purely for the camera functionality! Ignoring your stupid "point", I was merely stating that they (my colleagues) weren't too impressed with the camera. Or are they not allowed opinions either? It wasn't a "Heaven forbid, people can't buy these, VGA cameras won't do!", and my post was written in a way which clearly didn't suggest this. I don't mean to be a complete prick and point this out but it annoys me when absolute idiots like to read too much into something. But well done, you win first prize! Anyways, moving on. I would get one of these. A new DS is always nice! I just don't use mine as much anymore I'm sure a future piece of software will finally sway me though, I'm having a hard enough time trying to put off the temptation of GTA: Chinatown Wars as it is!
  13. Get out. Now. I mean it. Just go.
  14. True but hell, I wouldn't say no. I'm seriously, seriously, kidding!
  15. I'm a fan of either, but to all you no bits lovers out there, be proud for I have just purchased some Petit-FILOOOOOOOOOOOOOUS!
  16. Just battled my way through a horrific German translation exam...here's to hoping it all works out well! Now I'm chillin with some Coca-Cola and contemplating the dreadful thought of tidying my room...
  17. I'm guessing you mean something along the lines of "opposites attract" but in a more complex way? Either way, you seem to thinking very sensibly about it all! Your problem doesn't sound too "healthy" for lack of a less elegant, non-offending (sry!) term. Reminds me of a certain ex-girlfriend of mine! Anyways, sorry to pry, it's just your day has been interesting whereas mine has not!
  18. I spose on the plus side, you went along and kinda know where you're at...hopefully. Will you be seeing them again do you reckon?
  19. Man I fucking love Thorpe Park - ReZ can we go together sometime?
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