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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Yeah but she's always so bloody miserable! I'm hoping she reads this, maybe it'll spark an angry response via the forums!
  2. Ooooh, I liking the stroking, hell, I like you guys, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister! (To quote the great Full Metal Jacket)
  3. I said that...why don't you agree with me too...*cries for attention!*
  4. Couldn't agree anymore. Of course some things (like a death in the family for example) can't fall into that category but even then, it's a case of just getting on with life and finding happiness again. It's like people who complain about being unfit or out of shape or fat, yet they do absolutely nothing to try and change it. It's kinda ironic in a way.
  5. I'm amazed that the DS Lite sold such a small amount upon release - I seem to recall everyone and their mum buying one!
  6. Goafter, Eevil, you guys are two smart motherfuckers. I salute you both!
  7. Depressing isn't the word I'd go for, some people have been hit by tragedy but many still seem to be making the most of life!
  8. Nah, I think that'd undermine Smash Bros. in a way - Smash Bros. exists (sorry I forgot it!) mainly for the reason that it's not traditional. I would mind seeing an updated version of Fighters' Destiny however!
  9. What Eevil said...in perhaps not so many of the same words. Just don't think about her (easier said than done I know) and do that by doing other stuff - coming on here and complaining about it isn't constructive for you plus I imagine she probably wouldn't be too happy to see that the hundreds of people who visit this site reading about her personal life. Plus all us nosey douchebags giving you advice and condolences will only reinforce the thoughts that you're thinking! - not good btw! Sure, it might not be kosher but as all blokes tend to say, fuck her man, go have some fun and leave her to own devices. Heck, fly a kite or kill a plant or something.
  10. In regards to the sports series, Nintendo needs to do what it did with the N64 - keep it simple. Mario Tennis 64 was awesome, mainly because it played so well and was just like playing a normal tennis game, albeit with Mario characters. The cube one seems to have all these gimmicky moves and rubbish like that. If they kept it simple and focused on the gameplay it'd rock!
  11. Well, this is pretty awesome, people have such interesting lives! There's also quite a few emotional reads in this thread, some of the stories were very sad but it makes me happy to know people still keep on living life and making the most of it! Hello, I'm Martin, I'm 22 years old (8th December 1986) and I'm reading, the history of the book (sorry, awful University Challenge quote) Well, basically, I was born and bred in Reading for most of my life (up until I was 18 years old). Most of you folk will probably know of Reading, mainly because you come here once a summer and destroy the environment with your loud rock music and camping equipment (heck, I love it too baby!). I've had a pretty fortunate life and therefore I should be and am grateful. My Dad has always worked in the Motor industry, having had various jobs. Unfortunately, he's been hit by the odd redundancy here and there but he's in a job for now and therefore we should all be happy for that! My mum didn't work when we were younger and instead stayed at home so she could raise us. Once we were a bit older, she took up work part time at the University here and now holds a full-time position. She did an undergraduate degree about 5 years ago, which she followed up with an MA and is now working towards a PhD in History in her spare time - it's crazy just how well she's actually done! We were quite comfortable financially growing up and at one point it felt like money did grow on trees. However, this hasn't always been the case and my parents did always do their best to instill in me the 'value of money' and that I shouldn't take it for granted! I feel that they've suceeded. We're not the richest/poorest family by any means but I do think we have a lot to be grateful for. I've got an older brother and a younger sister, making me the infamous middle child - yes, I do suffer from middle child syndrome! In terms of my childhood, primary school was quite easy and I had many friends there. It was once I hit secondary school that I realised that school wasn't always a friendly environment and here my group of friends shrank considerably, that being a good thing as only (mostly) decent people remained. I never really suffered from bullying but I was always quite self-conscious of how I looked, that being incredibly skinny for the majority of my youth. Even close friends at time would say things that hurt my feelings about it. My year at school had a lot of idiots in it but thankfully this didn't stop me from doing well enough to progress on to sixth form. Once there I specialised in A-Level French and German, but also did History and an AS in ICT. Thankfully, I just about managed to get into university, the reason being that although I missed the grade requirement ever so slightly, they let me in anyways. I bet Bath University are regretting that move now! At uni I study French, German and European Studies. I'm in my final year and it's nightmarishly difficult! I'm fighting the good fight however. I enjoy living in Bath, something about the surrounding countryside and the old buildings there works for me. Last year I lived in Mainz, Germany and then Paris for a complete duration of almost 12 months in order to do two work placements. The German work placement didn't go so well, mainly because I didn't enjoy the work I was doing and because I was ever so lonely. I've always considered myself one of those people who can keep themselves occupied quite easily when alone (dodgy I know...) but being alone in Germany with absolutely no one else I knew for at least 150 miles was difficult. Once that finished, I moved to France, lived as a bum for a week as I had nowhere to stay and managed to find a place to live. My job there was much more engaging, I had a flatmate, whereas in Germany I'd been put in a tiny, damp studio apartment and I also had a few friends there. As you can probably all imagine, there's an awful lot more to do there too! Oh, and I work part-time in a shop! Only a few hours a week mind, to get a bit of pocket money to buy food with but I do enjoy it. There's something about serving the general public that's awesome. I like talking to folk and trying to resolve problems, it's just a shame I never think to solve any of my own! Weird things about me. I think a hell of a lot. About everything and anything. I never shut up. Ever. Perhaps the most peculiar and damaging period of my life was when I was 15, up until 18. I randomly met a girl from Canada who I formed quite a strong relationship with. She lived, evidently, thousands of miles away but that didn't stop us talking everyday over MSN or the phone. I'd spend holidays with her, when I could afford it and soon, we were in a serious relationship. However, it was too serious and it certainly wasn't healthy for either of us. I would stay up until 3am every night, only to then have to get up a mere 3 hours later in order to get ready for school. She became a bit obsessive, quite demanding and constantly suspected me of cheating (which I hadn't been!). The last time I saw her was in the summer of 2008, she came to stay at my parents' house, only to piss them off with her rudeness and spent much the time either mad at me or crying because of something I'd supposedly done. In a nutshell, she was absolutely mentally unbalanced. She lost the plot and our relationship went from ridiculous to just plain stupid. I would give examples of some of the things she did but I'll try and be a bit graceful about it all! Having been with her so long, clearly made me fall in love with her and by this point she'd broken my heart. Instead of being this funny, charming person, I became incredibly unconfident and let her belittle me without standing up for myself. If she got upset, I learnt that even if I had nothing to do with it, it was in some way my fault and therefore I would make myself think that I was to blame. Eventually, it all fell apart, mainly because, despite my parents having hated me for a good few months as a result of this relationship, they stood by me when I finally cracked about all the problems I was having and said they'd support me whatever decision I made about my relationship. My girlfriend at the time no longer seemed to be the same page as me or anyone for that matter. And so it duly (and painfully) ended. It's a great shame, for she truly did break my heart! It probably doesn't sound that bad, but quite a lot of it I can't really go into detail about! Ever since I've always been more careful with relationships however and thankfully, I'm now with a girl who's incredible! She gets me on all levels, is successful, smart and my God, only the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen! She supports me and puts up with me (such as moving abroad and all those other silly things I always end up doing) and for that I'm grateful! Also, my 20th birthday is when the Wii was released and therefore I am clearly indicative of its success! Maybe I'll spill more beans later!
  12. Ooooh, Haggis got an Asbo??? Also Tigerdust, that was a very nice story! Nice to see folk from outside Europe also contributing here, keep 'em coming folks! I'll post more about myself later - I'm supposed to be doing some work at the moment!
  13. Pookiablo

    Wii Fit

    I've been playing again this week as I'm back at my parents' place - I ache all over! Press up and Side Stands are so bloody knackering! I did 3 sets of them yesterday, now my arms kill! I like the Press up challenge, I completely caned my trainer at them! Also, I recommend everyone does "The Warrior" yoga pose, it's awesome! Guys, I'm still aching from Wiifit...gonna attempt some cardio today - I unlocked that Super Hula Hoop thing yesterday - almost killed myself doing it! What a great way to lose weight!
  14. Howdy folks, So I've been a part of this community for some time, posted fairly regularly as of sometime last year and have enjoyed my stay here greatly thus far! I've gotten to know some people a bit better, striking up the odd friendship so to speak but it'd be nice to learn more about all of you! Some people have been here ages and know everything and anything about fellow KNEE users! So, tell me about yourselves! What do you like doing, where are from? Likes/dislikes, interesting or amusing anecdotes, I dunno, tell me about your lobotomy if you want to! Perhaps you have some dark secret to share (Rez, don't go overboard here...) Give it a go!
  15. I got invited to the demo, not really one to protest though, more an observer. I think one leaflet said, "abolish all the nukes". Personally, there's more chance of getting a whale up your ass.
  16. I gotta agree with Cube about Rareware for the 64 - they're the ones who kept that console going and they did so by churning out classic after classic. 4-player multiplayer - The N64 did this and by God it did it well. Yes I know you could get it on SNES but who wants a shitty multitap and a very meagre selection of games with the ability to have 4 people playing? Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros (64 that is), Perfect Dark, F-Zero X and many, many more. All perfect for getting a few mates round yours to battle it out and trash talk! I'll come up with some more later, for now, it's back to work!
  17. Bahahaha, omg I forgot about this show, that's so awesome they're on DVD!
  18. Ooooh, can I add you and Ine I'm back home for a couple of days and therefore the opportunity to play you both would be most splendid!
  19. Not that I should really jump on the bandwagon and join in as it's none of my business but I do suggest that you just chillax for a bit. You don't need someone else right away (although it might feel like you do), just enjoy being your own person for a little bit and don't rush into things. There seems to be this huge emphasis on having to be in a relationship nowadays, when really there's nothing wrong with just being single, having fun while you are and then when the right moment comes along, that being a natural moment that isn't forced, taking a stab at it! Anyways, I'll quit prying...good night one and all!
  20. Lower Earley is (without sounding stuck up) one of the nicer areas, I wouldn't say it's rich, but you'd probably struggle to find a house under £200k (or not given the current financial crisis!). Just avoid the likes of Whitley and to some extent, Tilehurst. They're not particularly desirable. Your area's alright though, you're slapbang right in the middle of a pretty large asian community with plenty of shops and that wonderful park I couldn't agree more about the clubs, however they're far too pricey. I tend to stick to the likes of the Hope Tap, O'Neills and the Purple Turtle (although I've now decided to stop visiting there...)
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