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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Yeah, go with altavista, it's a good little search engine!
  2. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 Finale My. Fucking. God. Simply amazing episode. So unbelievably dark and harsh in parts. They've introduced a new character known as Cad Bane, who was not only as ruthless as fuck but it seems, will be sticking around for some of Season 2 (Yay!). Probably the coolest bounty hunter they've ever had in Star Wars, not even the Fett(s) has anything on this guy.
  3. Recently, I've been playing through this N64 gem from back in the day (1998) and it seriously is one of the most underrated games I've ever played. It's truly brilliant. If you can get past the far-from-great graphics and the somewhat difficult first level (although it does get a hell of a lot harder!) then you'll be amazed at what you'll uncover. This is a very difficult game at times and the lack of save points and the possibility of fucking it all up thanks to the human death toll bar make for a serious challenge! Body Harvest was developed by DMA Design, who later became what is now notoriously known Rockstar North - and this game has so many hints of GTA 3 in it. Has anyone here played it/completed it? What are people's views? I seem to recall many people thinking it was a terrible game at one time...if you're able to get hold of a cheap copy or via other means...*cough* ROM *cough* then give it a go! I'm about halfway through and loving it!
  4. Aww, now you're making me want to play it too!
  5. A couple of people at work today got a chance to play on one of these - they weren't overly impressed - one mate said that the camera (facing you that is) isn't very nice quality at all. They did both comment on how the menu screen was a lot neater than before!
  6. I just buy clothes I like and I'm comfortable in. I'm quite simple really, just t-shirts, hoodies, jeans! I don't like to stand out too much, just nice simple, but stylish designs. I'm also a fan of wifebeater vests and shorts!
  7. I know I'll get shot down for this but I actually really liked the fact that it was quite a linear game - sometimes it's confusing when you have so much to do! Having just a set task and a good overview at the beginning of each one made me aware of what my goals were and made me think how I should go about achieving them!
  8. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 1 - 22 (with the exception of No. 8) The film released last summer is a bit average but this series that follows it is pretty exceptional. At times, it's quite dark and really does act as a representative of sorts of the horrors of war. You do see the odd dismemberment or someone getting eaten by a creature. A few episodes are duds but on the whole it's showing to be quite a promising show. I love how the clones are given a bit more personality, such as when they have different haircuts just to show their unique side or when you learn more about them, (e.g. one troop who has a creepy obsession with collecting droid hands from the ones he's destroyed). The effects are also bloody amazing! Season finale is this Friday and I can't wait! Worth checking out if you're a Star Wars fan or you like animation. Don't go on your judgement of the film!
  9. Don't worry buddy, I imagine you look the shiz too! I love wearing shorts and a wife beater in summer time, gotta soak up those rays! And I promise I'm not coming on to you!
  10. I too would like to see a similar thing in the next Zelda game - some of those sidequests were breathtaking - like the Kofi/Kafi whatever his name was one, I think that was the first time I truly sensed some real emotion in a game! This isn't a returning thing but on a sidenote, it would be cool to have the odd NPC help you fight your way through certain areas or something. E.g., Imagine Sheik helping you fight your way into a Gerudo hideout or something!
  11. Eenuh, as annoying as it is, perhaps you might be able to photocopy some of the key points/chapters of the book? It's a similar situation at my uni, getting hold of necessary resources is a nightmare!
  12. Hmm, I don't have my Wii with me at the moment but this might be a ideal summer investment for working so hard on my degree.... Now if only I could actually get on with the work!
  13. No. I couldn't agree with that at all. It's a forum. Not a workforce in need of motivation to save their jobs.
  14. You fancy people with your fancy bonuses! I'm not jealous...just living out of an overdraft and wasted sundays at a local retailer...harumph...
  15. You're right, "restrict" is far too strong a term. I'm all for positive discussion and I do think there's many positive things we can indeed talk about! I just think having a go about people's "negativity" is ridiculous, people need opinions if they're to discuss things! But yes, I agree with you, folk like Teppo need ignoring, and up and until now he had been ignored by me as it was. I mean what an asscake. Anyways, I've said enough, back to the discussion on Wii! Any chance we can close this thread now?
  16. This news surprises me but it is good news! The more folk online will mean more people to play with! I imagine Brawl and Mario Kart are the main causes of such a large Wii-online userbase?
  17. I don't "throw shit", I just share what I think about my products and the company that makes them. If you take that personally then perhaps you should learn to not get so frustrated over a video game company. People are allowed to think differently to how you do. My priorities in life don't include being a messiah to Nintendo and telling all of n-europe what a stuck-up cunt I am. I'm here to discuss, not waste my time having you take little pot-shots at everyone who doesn't think your console is as great as you do. Learn to discuss without escalating the discussion to stupid heights friend, it'll serve you well in future.
  18. I agree with all of this and I'd even go as far as to say get rid of the General Chat part of the forum, there's people on there who NEVER post in the Wii Discussion section and prefer to opt for the bland "How was your day" thread day in, day out. There's very few people who come into the Console Talk side of things and therefore only a select minority, which would appear to be the most passionate of folk, is left to discuss what n-europe is actually about. The divide between these groups of people (the north of the boards and the south) seems to sometimes be almost as profound as the one between North and South Korea! Of course such an idea would never be implemented. Anyways, all the folk who feel the need to curb free speech by suggesting that we start to restrict negative discussion towards Nintendo can go take a hike. If I'm unhappy with the way Nintendo is doing things, then I as a consumer have a right to share my views on it. I'm all for a debate - coming back to what I said earlier, most of the shite found in General Chit Chat (which I do often add to I admit) does nothing to spark a decent debate and goes entirely against what a forum is traditionally designed to do: discuss things!
  19. They all found out incidentally that they do in fact love the Wii and want Miyamoto's babies?
  20. Sorry but I gotta disagree here - you don't have to "justify" yourself to anyone - no matter how arbitrary N-E might appear at times, it's not a courtroom! Getting rid of a negative aspect of the discussion will only make discussion less worth having. People just need to stay on topic. Make a thread in which we do that very thing?
  21. With the greatest of respect as I do like you King, this is a bit of a silly post - people will always be like this. It's how forums work! I'm always criticising Wii and if people don't like my opinion then oh well, I've got more important things in life to think about. Getting worked up and in some cases "angry" about games is one of the most pathetic things ever.
  22. Reminds me, the Departed is on in a bit, I may go watch as it's so damn awesome!
  23. The solution here would be that you get some motor skills.
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