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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. I am right in thinking that these are the chaps who also make Lucozade, hmm? If so, I bow before them and their glucose-y ways - t'is a pretty honourable step to take!
  2. It's more than just a cookie, in fact, it's many cookies! I wanted it to sound better than Aimless' muffin...of course if you take my cookies I'll happy accept his second rate muffin! Aimless: It's on boy!!!
  3. We used to play a more barbaric version of skipping where you had to run through the rope from one side to the other before you got hit by it. The rope swingers used to just speed it up so you found yourself either jumping for a bit or diving for safety - usually resulting in getting nailed in the face. I think it got banned in the end - some girl got tripped mid-jump and feel on her face. Think she lost some teeth too.
  4. Whoa, whoa, I hope this isn't a dig at the masterful Gregg Wallace's tasting techniques? The guy is God. Plus he's a former football hooligan! I can't get enough of those "laaaavly laaaavly flavaaaas"!
  5. I've given it a second chance - good for putting the blog updates out there, plus I now know more about Dyson's life than I do my own, lol!
  6. I'm pretty sure it's our treasury which funds the whole fucking thing though. Be grateful, you do better out of us than you think.
  7. Creme Eggs = like a good pussy: you lick 'em out good!
  8. In my hurried reading mode I thought I read Star Fox: Assault for a moment - would have been an exceptional price for it, seeing as it was £24.99 last time I checked. Star Fox Adventures really is a pile of shite though, I'm sorry. Chances are it's my old copy that you've bought!
  9. Dyson, how the hell have you never seen Star Wars!?!?! Or even half of those films you listed!?!?! Most are awesome!
  10. Eh, Pooki is ill Been suffering from the illusive "man flu" so to speak since Thursday. Never ever had anything like this before - usually I just get a few sniffles and then I'm done for the year. The last few days I've just felt like utter shit I'm doing what I usually do when ill though and am watching Star Wars (well the new cartoon series).
  11. Happy Birthday crazy man, have fun!
  12. Somebody give this man a medal - probably the best advice I've ever seen anyone give - he speaks the truth and I wholeheartedly agree with his post Eenuh!
  13. Cheers for the heads-up Flinky, shall do so tomorrow as am poopered right now!
  14. I was curious (bit off topic I suppose) - does n-europe require a translator at all? I could do with frequently practicing the translation of documents/websites and perhaps thought I could be of some use to the folk here? I'm well versed in French and German and could (obviously) therefore translate from those languages into English where necessary? I doubt I'm needed but if something does pop up, let me know as it would be quite beneficial for me!
  15. Glad to hear he still uses it, hopefully means that he must like it. In regards to using them, I imagine there's a time and place for them - the whirring sound probably does get annoying. Still, if you use it while listening to music then I suppose that's not too bad! My upper arm muscles are quite strong but in comparison, I still have very small wrist and forearm muscles, probably because my wrist bones aren't that big anyways. I don't expect for them to grow, just for them to strengthen up a bit more! Hopefully, using a powerball regularly, combined with my hand grips will help - bench pressing can be quite hard on my wrists I find, especially my right one!
  16. I got to play with half of Maul's at some shitty film museum in London, seems pretty cool (if somewhat heavy!). Yoda is definitely a good purchase at the moment, I forgot to mention that I was after Vader's but it looks like that's gonna be a £50 quid purchase minimum. And that if I'm lucky enough to see it that low. Think I will maybe wait until I'm in a slightly more stable financial position and then opt for the Yoda one. Most of these sabers are gonna have to wait until uni is over and a proper job has been acquired
  17. I'm trying to buy another replica lightsaber but the bloody things are so expensive. Currently got a very optimistic maximum bid of 24.99 on one on ebay at the moment. I imagine it'll spiral into the 50 region in no time. Anyone know where I might be able to buy them cheap cheap???
  18. Although I don't want to send this thread off-track, many thanks, S&M is indeed awesome. Another one of my favourite views was from the top of Whistler mountain when I travelled to Canada about 4 years ago now (Summer 2005, I think) when I was visiting my ex-girlfriend. I went here with her family for the day - it was pretty amazing, went up in a cable car and got to see the view found below (not my own photo unfortunately). It was awesome, not something you usually get to see whilst in the UK!
  19. What pisses me off is how some guy was complaining that, although we as citizens can move to somewhere else in the EU, it's not a viable option DESPITE the fact that loads of people are pretty capable of moving to the UK in order to find work. It is viable, I've fucking done it mate and believe it ain't that hard. Maybe you should try learning another language and doing what some of us call a little known process called integration or actually make yourself something of a competitive candidate for a job.
  20. Get a powerball, I boughts one (check the Post Your Purchases thread) - they're bloody cheap on Amazon and good for the guns!
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