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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. My girlfriend had Fearne Cotton come to her house in December - her housemate is appearing in some documentary with Fearne as the host. Crazy stuff! I worked on a new header for my blog today, thought I'd share it with you mofos By pookiablo
  2. Got it in one (well that's what they always do on Boston Legal at least...)
  3. Not to mention, kill your parents (well try in one case)
  4. Tbh, he looks pretty fucked up as it is - hopefully they'll leave him to rot in prison.
  5. First time I listened to this and I wholeheartedly agree - truly wonderful!
  6. Couldn't agree more my friend. That whole album is pure genius. Nothing Left to Lose however is one of my most favourite albums of all time, can't fault a single song on that one!
  7. Couldn't agree more - the whole, "weird around new people thing is bollocks" Unless you suffer from something that actually prevents you from interacting with other people in a normal way, then you're just being a big girl's blouse. As Rummy seems to be suggesting, just make an effort - everyone there will be entirely new to me and will probably think I'm just as big a douche in real life as I am on these forums but either way, I'm not worried about it, am actually quite excited! Look at it in a positive fun way - drink will be there which might help loosen folk up! Besides most* of the folk here seem pretty normal. *Subject to terms and conditions. 99% of forum are potentially insane. Your statutory rights remain unaffected.
  8. I handed all my essays in! Two weeks off now, FREEDOM! The last week has been so shitty, nothing but crap food and late nights, writing about the apocalypse in literature and film....IN GERMAN! Not to mention the other two essays....either way, they're over now, meaning I'm a happy Pooki
  9. Theory of a Deadman - Santa Monica Perhaps my favourite song ever - this band really does deserve more recognition!
  10. This makes me think that us southerners need to have our own mini meets more frequently in order to compete with you lot!
  11. You could have just said "because Pooki's going" - I am after all, the current definiton of epic amazing. Can't stop the Pookster baby!
  12. You people are wimps. I mean honestly, God knows how you'd survive a long haul flight! I spent a total of 11 hours travelling from my flat in Mainz all the way to Cardiff University via various methods of transportation and on-foot travel just to see my girlfriend for a few days back in 2007 - you lot need to toughen up! ...Plus the last time I checked hostels/hotels usually came with showers.
  13. Nothing a train journey wouldn't solve - it's gotta be like 4 hours top? For a weekend that's not too bad!
  14. Awww jeh, come the fuck on MM, you know you da best!! OoT is a very close second!
  15. Well you're right, we don't want sometihng rigid but I think having a good idea of what to do before we get there might be useful. Otherwise it's just gonna be a case of walking around for a couple of hours trying to decide what we're gonna do before we do it. I think it's only fair on the people who're spending a lot of money coming (such as Eenuh and Raining and all the northern lot) that we're somewhat organised and make the most of our time as a group.
  16. I'm looking forward to seeing what Daft says about that demo he's gone to! nice to see a bit of activism!
  17. Hey y'all, Given the current situation in Gaza and all the other dreadful things in the world that are going on and the fact that some people were complaining that we don't have enough threads like the "How Was Your Day?" thread, I thought perhaps we should have a thread in which we can specifically discuss what's going on in the news and the world! If such a thread already exists (I've not been here that long after all!) then by all means, delete this! So, to kick-start some form of discussion, what are people's views of the whole Gaza situation? Does anyone have an idea on how we might finally resolve this burning issue?
  18. I say draw up an itinery for each day - try and locate things in roughly the same area and do them at the same time - sure London's not huge but with all the meeting up along the way, etc, we'll be constantly slowed down/sidetracked throughout the day. I think it'd also be nice to consider things like dinner/lunch and arrange places to go, perhaps a little in advance. One night we could go to Chinatown for example! That way if people do split off during the day or get there later, then there's a nice big meal we can all attend Ideas of what to do: there's an aquarium somewhere, could be good fun. I'm also up for Hyde Park like many of the others. I would say London Eye, mainly because it'd make an awesome forum photo, but from what I remember, it's rather pricey!
  19. Trocadero!!!! (I swear I've spelt that wrong!) If older folk wish to go drinking in the evenings (I don't want to exclude any of our younger members!), then I do know of a very funky dungeon pub somewhere in Marble Arch - providing it's still there that is!
  20. Well that's pretty much all this forum is - a place to discuss your opinion! At least the guy's trying to have a discussion, instead of just being a nob like you! You being a mod should know these things after all!
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