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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Wow Eenuh, your pics are amazing! Love 'em both but the second one really does have that tea party feel to it. That bear on the left is so cool, love it!
  2. Bahaha, that bit at the end made me LOL big time for some reason!
  3. In the infamous words of none other than the Duke: "Blow it out your ass!"
  4. The music was good but it was shit compared to F-Zero X. Air Guitaring those tunes for the win!
  5. I know I'm gonna gets yelled at but I'm afraid I can't come...turns out I have work, which I forgot about until yesterday...sorry - I promise I will come to the actual London one!!!
  6. Ah my morale is lifted - many thanks kind sir, you have my utmost respect! I just played the Boston Legal drinking game with housemates...let's just say tomorrow will be a very rough day... In addition, I love you all.
  7. Well that could be because you didn't have any actual interest in them whereas you make this situation sound like a much more lucrative opportunity.
  8. The eurozone is still growing nevertheless, albeit not as greatly as the UK has been but close enough. By allowing ourselves into that special group, we'd be much better prepped for competing with the likes of China and India. When the other, less developed EU states start to adopt the euro then I think it'd be a win-win, as Europe would see more growth on a whole!
  9. This is awesome, think I will also join the bandwagon and download the original! The laughter caused by this thread alone more than merits a purchase!
  10. No one said you're not allowed an opinion, we just said we think yours is stupid. End of.
  11. Aw jeh baby! It's the BREAKDOWN!!! You speak so much truth my friend! In response to your previous point - I'm sorry bout Fish is right, you're talking balls and it's the stupid opinions like yours that contribute to the problem. They're coins for fuck sake. How the fuck can one coin be "fiddly" (kudos to you for most ridiculous description of the day) and the other not. THEY JUST LOOK DIFFERENT! They have exactly the same denominations as ours. And I don't get how it's complicated - unless you're incapable of using sterling either.
  12. The way I see it - you were testing the waters with what you said the next day to this other bird after she said to ignore it. Shepherd's advice was very sound if you ask me - think about how you'd feel without your current gf and for that matter, without anyone. Are you only wanting to leave your current relationship because there's someone else or because you feel that it's just time to end it anyways? To me, I get the impression it's the former and if so then what you're doing (that is, attemping to make a comparison between the two) is pretty dishonourable in my opinion.
  13. The Top Gear format idea sounds like a bloody good shout!
  14. I'm pro euro - it'd undoubtedbly be far more secure and if anything wouldn't it increase foreign investment into the UK? As for Haggis' arguments, please stop. When I read or hear stuff like that it makes me angry that my country can be so stupid about something as trivial as the look or denomination of a coin.
  15. I think the length of time of these events is longer than it appears in the film. Obviously, if they'd made it all seem longer, it probably would have made the film incredibly boring. It's just fast forwarded for viewer pleasure so to speak. We're never given a specific period of time for how long Han and Leia etc. have been in Cloud City before they encounter Vader. Also, there's a time gap between Empire and RotJ. It's surprisingly quite long, despite what the end of Empire actually depicts. In this time, Luke does all that funky shit like creating his new lightsaber (remember the old one gets owned along with his hand). Although, not official at the time, Shadows of the Empire, is technically episode 5.5, and that explains what happens in the meanwhile. If you're interested in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, then it's probably the best book available in it.
  16. Lived by myself in Germany and I did get pretty lonely! I love my own space when needed but nothing beats having good company!
  17. You, me, marriage? Those tunes are just so good!!! What a great game!
  18. The Happening. No particular part of, just the entirety of, The Happening. I prefer to call it The Crappening it was that stupid.
  19. I know what you mean about thought - spoke to my Dad yesterday and he said, despite it being silly, he really would like a headlamp for when he's doing DIY around the house. So now, the ultimate challenge is to find him the ultimate headlamp! It could be like a TV series: Pookiablo will return in the next exciting episode of "Pookiablo Returns"
  20. I get a (to provoke a forceful discussion) "sensible" amount. Couldn't honestly tell you though, it does vary here and there but probs between 100 and 300 tops (being when I got spoilt rotten in 06 with a surprise Wii). This Christmas is going to be a light one due to everyone having very little money and rightly so - I had a very small list as it is! Christmas is just a good day off from everything to eat chocolate and be happy I say.
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