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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. In response to those who like to throw out figures regarding the number of games sold - wonderful, what a clever argument you formulate. I'm sure the sales of £3.94 value kettles, which undoubtedly sell bucket loads at Argos are also indicative of high quality. The point is, nothing decent has been released in a while. Whoopdee shit for Mario Party 8, back in my day Mario Party was a respectable brand, not the lifeless pile of shit that it has now become. I imagine very few of you go out every week and buy a new release for your Wii, purely because there's probably very little that actually entices you. I'm not complaining about Wii Sports or Wii Play - I like those games!!! However, when Nintendo has a console that is selling this well, it makes you wonder why we're seeing the current trickle of quality games - after all, this is what the Wii was supposed to offer, no? As for a "derailing", it's merely a siding, in which a few of us are baffled that Nintendo continues to perform so well despite releasing unprecedented amount of dressed-in-gold shit. I think a mere comment of our stunned amazement would lead to a very boring forum discussion.
  2. Yes I do realise that Retro, hence the editing just before you posted. I was just getting carried away! Sorry!
  3. Agreed. All these years, Nintendo's been making epic games and getting fuck all money for it - then they release Wii and a decent game every blue moon, whilst doing nothing else and they're earning enough money to buy Japan. Nobs. EDIT: Okay, so not fuck all money, but not as much as they did deserve!
  4. Omg...OMFG...my brain...WTF is wrong with you!!! Just thought of that makes my tongue wanna grow hair!
  5. What he means to say is that we all bundle into a pub, preferably a spoons of some sort as it's cheap. Then we all proceed to get utterly battered and discover 3/4 of us are fucked as we've missed the last train... I think it's definitely a worthwhile venture for us all!
  6. Yay! Put me down for the mo, should be fine unless I get done over by work. I wanna get drunk with the Rummeister!
  7. You got ALL that for you birthday! Fuck me! And I thought there was an economic slump! I got 30 quid and a box of chicken wings!
  8. I went for dinner with an old friend last night. Sharing old stories over a glass of wine and peri peri chicken was a delight. I was quite happy to see her, being that it's around two years since I saw her last! Also, Frankie and Benny's cheese cake = epic win.
  9. Yeah what did happen to that thread! My views (providing I'm allowed to come!) 22nd and 29th are great for me. London @ New Years is a no go. I'm afraid I will have other plans plus I can assure you, it will be suicide! Both places would be okay for me, although St Albans is a bit more on the map so to speak, might be better for other folks?
  10. I understand your point entirely and I'm sure you'll discover something you'll want to do when you're done. I've no idea what I want to do when I finish, and i've done placements and the lot - that's helped me more decide what I don't want to do, lol! But back to you, even if you don't know what you want to do right away after finishing, at least you'll have a whopping two qualifications to throw out whilst you're finding out! I imagine it'll certainly broaden your options available too! Other thing I've noticed is that nowadays, unless it's a certain field of work such as medicine, where accuracy is of utmost importance, you can get into most lines of work anyways. Like I said, two degree titles and you'll be flying free my friend! And I apologise, this post is in no way meant in a patronising way and it probably seems that way given that you're the one with the degree and not me, but just wanted to say that from the sounds of it, you're probably on the right track as it is and that the doubts you might have are substantiated, but I personally wouldn't take them to heart too much. It's all a matter of time and at the end of the day, there's still a long way to go in the course of life for both you and I!
  11. Gotta agree partially here - my uni year thus far has been a shitter in regards to work - you can try arguing that your course is tougher yada yada people, but learning both French and German AND then having to do European Studies on top of that is a funkin' nightmare! But it's interesting and I'd rather be doing this than just working. Nothing wrong with just going straight into work and it's clear that it works out very well for most of those that do. The way I see it, I get to learn something in depth over the course of 4 years and hopefully it'll be of use to me later on - if not, fuck it, at least I got drunk and met some nice people in the process of doing it! And uni life is good - don't go basing things purely on your first year my dearest uni n00bies, it's usually just an intro after all! Things will pick up (and then you'll probably start complaining about that!).
  12. It's basically about Jordan's new pad being transferred to him officially etc. - you usually get a solicitor to do it for you. I'm not sure what Jordan's situation is and I've no wish to know as it's his business but I believe it would normally also involve the official establishing of a mortgage or something along those lines. All too technical if you tell me!
  13. I feel your pain buddy - problem with n-europe is that it doesn't really seem to be n-europe at all, more n-uk. With mainland Europe being so large I imagine that meet-ups are usually very hard to arrange. Didn't someone try to arrange something to take place in the Netherlands over the summer, if I recall correctly? Was it a success?
  14. That last part creeped me out. And why were you out at 8pm on Xmas eve, you know that Santa won't come if you're not in bed!
  15. Oh yeah....how embarrassing lol. That's what late nights do to me it seems! Nothing special, I'm not a big birthday person. The house and I shall be partaking in some fondue-age later tonight though
  16. Yeah, my council were also of similar "nobbishness" and put them up far too early. Of course, the shops don't help either, having their decs up as early as September in some cases! Totally bonkers!
  17. Stayed up late and blasted through COD: World at War with housemate on 360. Was bloody good fun, really was impressed with it.
  18. I've no idea, I just like to be me - wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm unique or act however I want, I go with the flow somewhat but I'm not one for trying to stand out - I like to just melt into the big pot of everything. As for what people think of me - not fussed. Of course, opinions of family and the g/f do matter to me, as those are the one who are important to me! If friends think bad stuff then I imagine they shouldn't be my friends!
  19. Yes, but more importantly, because I was born on this very same day too! (only 6 years before triforce was....)
  20. Happy Birthday chap, as Rummy said, I too thought you were older. You were clearly born on a very awesome day
  21. Oh don't worry the humour was sensed - I've no wish to stalk you (yet, lol)! With the degree that I'm close to obtaining I imagine most lines of work would involve me to travel mainland Europe a fair bit, who knows! But us n-europers do need to "hang out" so to speak - Rez and co. look like they were having a bloody gd laugh (although they know each other via other means). Will there ever be another London trip a n00b like me might be able to attend at some point (that or Bristol or Birmingham).
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