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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Ah I see....only a slight discrimination against the men there then....figures.... Anyways, as for the ego boost that I'm going to assume you were so obviously hinting for in that last message: You. Are. So. Beautiful. To me! I can't sing so you got it slow-mo stylee - it sounded more romantic in my head I promise. I'll be careful as I've no desire to boost your ego so far that it can't reduce itself back down to normal levels again. And yes, I'm just kidding and starting some banter - Bring on zee banter!!! I haven't had a good bit of bantering in ages it feels! Also, I really have ignored the last 2 pages of WTF! It was too strange, even for me!
  2. Oooh I like the top photo, very cool concept going on there!
  3. And how good it felt indeed!!! And I don't see anything wrong with it too, t'was a joke. I've already confessed my love to nightwolf for example! I suppose I'm just jealous because everyone else got to Molly before me Lol, I just know my girlfriend is gonna read this thread later or something!
  4. Boston Legal Season 1 I was a bit of a late comer to this, but boy am I glad that I've actually had the chance to experience this wonderful show. Utter, sheer brilliance! James Spader and William Shatner are just absolutely amazing in this! I advise you all go watch it! 10/10
  5. Mr Ellmeister, which school are you teaching at in my lovely hometown? (If you don't mind sharing it on the forum that is!).
  6. Well no surprises here - a girl joins and you all clamber around her like she's the golden goddess of gold or something. Anyways, nerdy analogy and the useless attempt to try and make myself look better aside, Viper's got a point, you are haawt! So don't put yourself down as you'd be only doing an injustice to yourself! ....Yes, I'm just as bad as the others. I swear I used to be so much more controlled....I'm blaming Viper's influential ways.
  7. I know exactly what you mean about Owen Wilson - he always sounds like some sort of philosopher who doesn't actually know what the hell he's on about. I suppose he was alright in Shanghai Noon though.
  8. I had a rather late night, was out and about with the housemates driving around and....borrowing things. Roadside memorabilia is good!
  9. Sold. This is most certainly being purchased!
  10. No worries buddy, we know you're not bragging - I was in a similar (if somewhat opposite) boat about 2 years ago - unhealthily thin and fed up of it so I also started the weights! Went from 10 and a half stone to almost 13 and a half! I've now dropped down to about 13 as I was storing a bit of fat....all in all, it's good - I imagine it must make you feel great like it did for me! 2 years on and I'm still training, not trying to beefcake it just wanna stay in good shape - the g/f doesn't have any complaints either The point is, keep it up and well done so far!
  11. My reasons are as follow: 1) The games For me, Gamecube was a huge disappointment. A few, standout games which even then, merely felt like N64 games but with better graphics, but otherwise, there was nothing. Games like Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Starfox - all better on the 64 beforehand. However, on Wii, most games I've played have been awesome. Mario Galaxy is the greatest Mario game ever in my opinion. Smash Bros Brawl is also excellent, and I'm still playing it, whereas Melee had me bored in weeks (bear in mind I played the 64 original for more than 3000 hours). Also, innovative additions to games such as Mario Kart, where I can use the Wii wheel and finally play it online, make for great gaming! Even the more casual titles such as Sports and Wii Play have a special charm. Nintendo have always been renowned for their games and here is where I think they prove that they're one of, if not the best! 2) Hardware I can live without fancy graphics. Saying that, graphics on Wii can still be pretty awesome. I just like how the machine looks, controls really do add a lot more depth, be it fighting Ganondorf in Zelda or just browsing through the Nintendo Channel. My only minor gripe is the lack of memory 3) Channels Such a nifty idea - I love being able to browse the net without leaving the room, or watching trailers for new games and even reading the news from time to time. It's new, it's different! I think things like the Mii Contest Channel just add a bit of fun to the mix and give a greater sense of community, despite the limited online connectivity of Wii. VC I'm a 64 nut, so being able to replay old games without having to hook everything else back up and even experience games I never had the chance to play (Sin and Punishment ftw baby!), is heaven. I'm also getting into the NES stuff a bit too, as my time with this console was rather limited as a child! If only I had more money! I'm also loving new Wiiware titles, there's really some cool stuff out there - beating my French housemate at TV Show King in French was classic and will stay with me for some time! 5) Online Now don't get me wrong, the online side of things on the Wii is actually pretty dreadful when it comes to it's UI and ease-of-use but the ability to play some classic franchises online is magical. Sure Brawl is laggy as hell and I get mad when it is, but hell, I'm playing new people all the time at it, something I never go to do before! Plus Mario Kart Wii online is just God. Even my housemate loves it, and he indulges in gaming rarely!
  12. My day has been knackering. A nice early start with French Comedies - believe me, they're not funny at all. However, the lecturer is hilarious so he makes up for it. Then this afternoon I took the time to have a nap for the first time in ages, was actually rather lovely! Then it was back to Uni followed with an unplanned trip to work so that I could earn a bit of extra cash. All in all not too shabby. Otherwise my friend cut my hair about at about 12 30am on monday and surprisingly it's been very well received! It was just the standard, shave all over (but not too short!) as I'm getting a bit fed up of having it grow back so quickly, being bothered to do stuff with it. I think it suits me quite well. I suppose I shall have to add a picture to the user image gallery sometime in the near future!
  13. Happy Birthday buddy, ain't been speaking long but you're pretty sound! Hope you've had a good day!
  14. I agree with Jav - with the exception of lying about friends being there - you get caught out on that one and it'd just go against you.
  15. Couldn't agree more - furthermore, is there any CCTV at your workplace? Perhaps the entire event was caught on camera? My mate was assaulted the other day (though not nearly as severely as you ) and our manager stayed 2 hours extra just to make sure the police were contacted and that said customer gets his ass burned by the authority - doesn't matter how severe or how unusual it was, there's just no excuse for such behaviour in a public and professional environment.
  16. Oooh, our household shall be doing the very same event too very soon - it's gonna be pretty awesome! (unless we fail the last song or something....).
  17. I'm pretty sure they did this sometime before as a joke or something. I remember being sad enough to read about it. Anyways, couldn't really give a toss, Domino's shits on Pizza/Pasta/Whatever the Fuck hut, anyday!
  18. My current plan (as devised by my brilliant house mate) is to attend my work's christmas party this year dressed as Duke Nukem. Trying to hit the old weights lately and get somewhat "cut". Of course, I'm not even a 1/5 of the size of the Duke and I've been doing weight training for over 2 years now!
  19. Aww I didn't see this thread Hope you had a good day Zero! We shall have to have a birthday Brawl for you sometime soon! Perhaps later today?
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