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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. I can understand her opening it up if for a definite agreed trade-in but I agree with Fierce, there's no need for it. Lodge a complaint!
  2. Happy (belated) birthday! Hope you had an awesome day!
  3. I wouldnt say a huge romantic gesture - that just makes it seem like you're in the wrong then when you clearly aren't. Just have a talk with her, see what she's thinking and say how you feel and take it from there
  4. I feel for ya buddy, it's rather bizarre. Does she ever do anything else late? The wife and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum at the mo too, must be a November thing! Good advice dude!
  5. Are you suggesting that I get in there before the others do? You aren't are you....*sigh*
  6. Meh, I went to Canada to meet a girl I met over the interwebs....she's dead now. Joking aside, I did actually meet up with her and as a result started a VERY long distance relationship (which lasted 3 years I shall have you know!). It was all safe though and we did speak to each other for a year more or less everyday before that though via MSN, email, telephone, webcam. I think providing you're sensible about things like this (as bluey clearly is) then it's very unlikely something will go wrong! And bluey you're obviously a very lovely person - now I wanna come to Japan just so I can have a friendly coffee with you (*tries to disguise axe....*)
  7. Your posts always crack me up, I'm not sure if you're intentionally being funny but nevertheless, spot on with the comedy style!
  8. Just to let you know, I would happily go and get battered with you right now if I could! (I'm guessing my second post got deleted too....probably just as well!)
  9. I remember watching that video months back and I wholeheartedly agree. It's incredible. That video alone proved to me that he was destined to be President. As for trying to assasinate him, I doubt it'll happen. In this day and age, everything's too sophisticated. It's like how the police in the UK always seem to be on the trace of some sort of terrorist circle and stop it before it even starting. Chances are CIA will have blown the fuckers away before they even load the clip.
  10. Meh fuck her mate, if she's going back to someone who she broke up with before then clearly the problem is her and nothing else. Chances are she'll break up with him again. Just enjoy being single, watch some porn or something and then find someone else without rushing into anything. Trust me it works every time.
  11. I have the same thing, it's not a chode or anything (I'm still "big") but it's a pretty wide one. And my gf would most certainly agree with your last statement there (that or she's just trying to make me feel better....*sigh*) - only problem I have is standard size condoms, I think only one brand (Pastami, Pastrami, something like that) seem to do wide-fit ones you can easily find in most retailers. Very unusual for me to pop out with such comments but we're all grown-ups I feel. *giggles frantically*
  12. Before I get told off, is your mate physically disabled? For 56 quid a week with everything included that place is an absolute steal!!! Also, twenty mins is hardly anything, I live about 40-50 minutes away from my Uni (that's by bus) and I pay 80 a week with nowt included (trust Bath to be bloody expensive). If it's a case of someone waking up a bit earlier every morning and getting the bus to uni then it's worth it. Of course, if I'm wrong and they genuinely can't deal with the challenges of the landscape etc, then forget this post!
  13. Meh, I reckon it just makes things far more interesting! Plus once you find out you're with the wrong one you then usually get it more right the next time (well some people do....)
  14. I have allergic conjunctivitus and blepharitis as permanent conditions (although the allergic conjunct. may go in a few years time if I'm lucky!). Try suffering from it more or less every single day! A day without some form of eye drops is like a day without air for me. Have had the buggering problems since I was 13. Yes I know, boohoo, but was just putting things into perspective - you guys are very lucky! I'll probably be blind in a few years!
  15. Do not worry my dear, many a student bank account was emptied for the special event - I'm sure you're just as classy if not classier than me!* *Disclaimer: The latter statement is probably not true, I'm just too cool baby!
  16. Well, after I finished a long, tiresome day at Uni I ended it all in style. Cuban Cigar and a glass of scotch, whilst sitting under the stars with the housemates. Man life is good.
  17. This is why I love you Nightwolf - your smarts and beauty alone make you such a perfect catch.... I lived in France earlier this year as some of you will already know. Having experienced it first hand, I can say that it's an excellent country and as much as it pains me to say it, I believe it to be a much better country than the UK. Things over there just work better. I can't believe that you found the people in Paris rude though Nightwolf, I worked in a company for 6 months and I don't believe I've ever met friendlier people. In my opinion, it's here that you find the ignorant and rude people. We feel superior for no real reason. People here lack manners - in France, just entering a lift in which someone else is already in, means you should say hello (or bonjour for the purpose of this conversation). If you don't do so, you are considered a very rude person! I consider this to be good etiquette! People don't do that here, instead we all just give each other an uncomfortable stare and appear snobby. Sure these are generalisations but I think they're pretty evident ones. All I can say is tough luck on the rest of ya - once I graduate, I'll be able to move across there and get a job dead easy and live it up in a fine country and hey, if it all goes pears up, I can move to Germany, or back to the UK!
  18. Oooh my girlfriend has the same top as you Letty! (Not that you care but it was just a minor observation....)
  19. Wow, that's pretty messed up. That's kinda like one I had the other night where my hair and teeth starting randomly falling out at a very rapid pace. There was blood also of course! I woke up with just a slight sweat from that one..... Oh and a dream I had earlier in the night involved me dying by getting jettisoned into space. All I can say is don't eat kebabs!
  20. Hmm I suppose I could....I don't really have any banter to be honest....was just trying to act big.....lol.
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