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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Excuse my enthusiasm but surely this is the most inspiring post of the day thus far?
  2. Isn't there this concept that Internet is gonna work on....whatever that system is, a la mobile phone, where we'll be able to get it everywhere and anywhere and really fast. I know it exists now but I've no idea what the hell it's called - mobile broadband? I can see that replacing wifi quite easily.
  3. Happy Birthday mate, I too hope today was an awesome day for yee!
  4. I seem to recall the N64 was spouted as "the most powerful games console on earth" or something like that at the time. And that had probably the best games ever. Shame about the sales though, truly was the greatest console ever made.
  5. Did you want to take me there personally nightwolf? Lol... ...Yes, propositioning on a Nintendo forum probably isn't the smoothest move now is it...but yeah, something like you said!
  6. Just now. I'm in the mood to just unwind and see where the drink takes me...
  7. I don't recall anyone saying that they didn't enjoy their life as it was anyways. It's just speculation. That and I was hoping more for a debate over why we build all these weapons, try to outgun the other etc. As for my life I love it, so there's nowt wrong there!
  8. I believe, although I could be wrong, that he went to my secondary school! I wasn't there though....think I might have read Junk too, although I'm having trouble remembering it
  9. So at the moment I'm writing an essay for my German culture module about the idea and representation of the Apocalypse in German film and literature and it made me wonder what most people's view is regarding the end of the world. Do you think it will eventually happen? Perhaps in our life time? I suppose more importantly, how do you think it would happen? I guess when you consider all the nuclear bombs and weapons of mass destruction that exist, it's pretty spooky that there's always, no matter how unlikely, a chance of a nuclear apocalypse happening, even now. Do you think we as humans have a fixation on "self-destruction" so to speak? I know it's pretty heavy for a saturday afternoon but you guys are all rather profound folk, so give it a go!
  10. Perhaps most important of all, what do you actually use for PC for mostly?
  11. Xbox was the greatest console of the last generation and it really didn't get the credit it deserved. There were some excellent games, Xbox Live was a really solid service and it was probably the closest you got to playing some epic PC games without having to own a decent PC. My only gripe was that it got killed off too soon and for that matter, far too quickly (games disappeared from the shops in no time whatsoever!). When you look at the last batch of games being released for it, (Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Doom 3), it really did seem like it was the first time developers were truly unlocking the real power of the machine. A great shame. Best controller was the Gamecube one, just so so so so darn comfy!
  12. I think, although a very good game (I refuse to use the term excellent as it does fail big time in some areas), Brawl mostly sold on hype and the fact that the core fans all bummed Melee. Not to mention that Mario Kart is a very well-established brand - I don't wish to detract here though, for it is an excellent little game! Regardless, I do mostly agree here! Wii Fit is perhaps the greatest example of this, given it's higher-than-average selling price.
  13. Tbh, the term next-gen is the most inappropriately used term in the entire history of gaming!
  14. May as well join in and give some impressions of people! Can't do every category unfortunately as my antics here have only been occuring a short while as well. The categories: The 2008 Edition Ultimate Member of the Year Thread Starter of the Year warandchaos Staff Member of the Year Hellfire, for all his wonderful fanboy posts Moderator of the Year Dan Dare (he is a moderator right?) Admin of the Year Um, can't remember who but the one who booted g-man and didn't ban my account/IP at the same time (Shorty I think?) Most Helpful Member Of The Year Most Respected Member Zero Best Newcomer of 2008 Not sure I can really comment on this, joined last year but haven't used the forums much until just this year, I'll give nightwolf my vote, she was great when I started posting again! Most Knowledgeable Member of 2008 Dannyboy the Dane Funniest Member 2008 Moogleviper Most Negative Member of 2008 jayseven Spammer of the Year chris the great (gym, gym and gym, lol j/k mate) The Credit Crunch Disaster Award - Who Would You Trust Least With Your Money? Tough one - probably Jordan, I reckon he alone is keeping the UK economy out of recession! Most Missed Member of the Year bluey? Best Return of the Year Jamba? User With The Best Sigs Of The Year User With The Best Avatars Of The Year Molly Forum Couple of the Year Jordan and Letty I spose If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer...Who Would It Be... Moogleviper, sure he'd make it a funny situation The Taciturn Award (Doesn't post often, but when they do it's worth waiting for) The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here Rez Best Forum Moment of 2008 Brawl tournament Best N-Europe Playground Game mock the thread The N-Europe 2008 Award For Personality Of The Year I'll be kind and give it to Rez Best User Ever Dannyboy the Dane The N-Europe 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award raining again --- Bonus Categories Best Wii/Ds Game of the Year Mario Kart Wii Best Non-Nintendo-Console Game of the Year Rockband 2 - I've not played many games this year.... Worst Game of the Year Spore aka pile of shit Best Film of the Year Dark Knight Best Album of the Year Scars and Souvenirs - Theory of a Deadman (won't see this one anywhere near the top!) Best TV Show of the Year Boston Legal Best Company of the Year Asda? What can I say, I like cheap food!
  15. I will concur with your Mccoys praise. The Thai Sweet Chilli Chicken flavour is orgasmic. But Kettle chips are also wonderful. I think an underrated contender is Marks and Sparks' own brand handcooked crisps. Simply delicious!
  16. If you want an excellent starter, opt for a King Prawn Butterfly - I assure you that you will not be disappointed (unless you don't like prawn or your takeaway is just ass!).
  17. Good lass for the backing up us Branston Believers! I'm currently using Sainsbury's own Extra Strength mouthwash and it's very good as a cheap alternative! However, Listerine is really the pro choice - you can just feel it burning away the evil in your mouth!
  18. So I thought I should add a few more pics of myself, get in the community spirit so to speak! So here's a few from last Friday - Playzone: a giant indoor kids' playground, which has an adults only night! Needless to say it was hilarious fun! Here's a few pics of me spinning around at ridiculous speeds before hurtling off into a net wall - yes it did hurt. It was also pre-birthday celebrations as I wasn't going to be able to see my gf on my actual birthday. And yes, she is forcing me to lick the end of a candle...she's lovely like that! By pookiablo Gotta love that facial expression.... By pookiablo Down I go! By pookiablo Birthday cake! By pookiablo The infamous candle scene By pookiablo A mugshot from a couple of months back, no idea when and where exactly. Before I went for the squaddie look! By pookiablo And finally, the pensive drinker... By pookiablo
  19. Branston Beans shit on Heinz. Shame nobody buys them though. Am I also to believe Rez that you drink kitchen work surface bleach? Is it nice?
  20. I may also need meeting at the station if possible That or just direction to wherever we end up going would be grand (failing that, the place where we're going and I'll google maps it)
  21. I was most surprised that Mirror's Edge did, the demo was fantastic.
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