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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. The more the better I say, here's to hoping. I agree with ShadowV7 though, I don't see how anyone could have pulled that idea out of the back neccessarily.
  2. You make a rather good point there - the city would have to be huge or you'd need multiple cities and following on from your last point, it just really wouldn't be AC I suppose. What would maybe have worked better is if you lived in a online town with a set number of people. Say you have between 4 and 8 other players as well as your local animal folk in which you log on to play as such and if other happen to be on then you you can interacts with them too- saying that it would probably then give way to people causing disruption to the town, plus such a scheme would require players to play. Saying that, to counter that, something like a petition scheme in which you vote troublemakers out of the town would work. Plus moving town would be a lot easier too! Discussing all these possibilities sounds a bit silly though, it'll never happen (unfortunately - maybe, depending on what you like!)
  3. Also agree about multiplayer sports - that would indeed be pretty awesome! It's a shame that you won't be able to go to the city and just meet everyone there a la MMO style. Could have been a funky aspect.... That design idea is brilliant by the way - just imagine making something really cool, putting it on the market and then suddenly seeing your bells balance just increase into the millions!
  4. Hahaha, it's not like they can actually spell or speak properly in Surrey anyways! Anyone finds a mistake with my post and I'll kill 'em!
  5. E3 is for everyone - sure it's aimed at gamers but all the local newspapers etc. report on it (even if it's via the web) and it does get into the mainstream media. I can see why they want to give off this casual scent - it attracts the dough. Not saying it's what I'd have preferred but I understand why it's like that.
  6. A few things I feel they need to add to this game to spice it up (note: I don't actually mean this but it would be funny). - Having your neighbours getting drunk and disorderly at night, crime and even murders (in which you get the job of solving it and finding the culprit should you wish - c'mon you know it's better than delivering crappy presents!) - it'd give the Police Station an actual purpose. - Use items as weapons - you've got an annoying neighbour? No problemo. Just do 'em round the canister with an axe and then use your shovel to bury 'em under their own house - another cool feature would be if you dig 'em up in few weeks, they become a fossil that you can donate to the museum. - Thieving from and threatening Nook would obviously be a given. Firebombing his shop and other vandalism is also possible. - Why don't these animals get together? Have animals move in and live with each other, only to find out that some mouse has been doing that annoying pelican from the post office up the duff. Huge rows with animals throwing clothes and items out the windows at each other follow. And finally, something which would be great is if the game is like it usually is but Nintendo includes a mode in which, a nuclear war erupts 6 years after the game's release (based on the internal clock) and everyone's towns and cities are destroyed and you then have to join forces with wifi friends and attack other towns, thieving and killing for survival. People who time travel can then go back in time to other villagers in a Terminator-esque hunt for other players. Sure, it's stupid but hey, at least it's something new and different.
  7. I was skeptical about this game but after watching the video of it, I thought it was a pretty fun idea. Sure, it's not a "proper game" but I can just see myself having a laugh with this. Me and my friends are gonna think we're most awesome band in the world! Please say they bung an F-Zero track in here or something! Would love to rock out to it!
  8. Ah man that is sexy. I won't lie, I'm thoroughly aroused by that bold, yet ninja-esque statement!
  9. This will most probably be awesome but I'm having trouble deciding whether this really is gonna be worth my money - it just looks so similar to the previous iterations! I hope once more is revealed, that the longevity side of things will be better than the DS version!
  10. N64 for me. Was truly legendary. Just wish they'd make games like they used to. Saying that though, the Wii has been a great console for me so far, loving every minute of it, plus, VC N64
  11. Aye, forgiving oneself can be very hard to do. I found that when I was in my late teens. Acted like a right little tosser towards my parents at times and looking back on it you do wish you could change it! But such is life! Saying that it has taught me to behave better and I treat my parents with the upmost respect now (not to say that I didn't have any respect whatsoever before, I suppose I was just rather arrogant!). The good thing about having difficulty forgiving yourself I find is that you usually end up taking more from a bad experience and applying it in future scenarios positively. Cheers for the feedback on my first post by the way, again it wasn't needed but it's interesting to see what people who don't know you and therefore probably won't just say things to please you, think of your actions!
  12. Hey guys, Anyone know either a) whether there's any Brawl tourneys planned for the UK over the next year (with the exception of the Gamestation tourney I already know about) and b) whether there are any decent sites worth visiting which list tournaments? Doesn't matter how big the tournament is by the way! I noticed Xleague TV are doing a Smash Tourney shortly after release but I'm mainly after a doubles tournament if poss! Any info would be appreciated!
  13. For me, I would say that I like my Wii much more than Gamecube. When I first got Gamecube, I was arguably more excited about it, mainly because of Smash Bros, which was released only a few weeks after. However, that and a few other rare gems (Star Wars: Clone Wars for example - which I thought was underrated) only kept me interested in the Cube for so long. I personally thought Gamecube was the most disappointing Nintendo home console ever released, mainly because whereas the N64 had offered a ton of new stuff, Gamecube was technically the same thing but with better graphics and even then I'd argue that the majority of Gamecube games were nowhere near as good as most of the N64 library. Smash Bros 64 was my favourite N64 game which I'd played more than 1500 hours of. That's more than I actually used my Gamecube altogether! I ended up investing in an Xbox which was bought a good two years after and was still played much more! Wii however has had some awesome titles already appear and the whole concept/functionality of it suits me. I've got a (currently somewhat limited) library of retro games I can enjoy without having to have all consoles hooked up and the new games actually contain some innovation (Mario Galaxy). Channels offer some added features I can have fun with and I've got online, which yes is still inferior to even the old Xbox Live service for the original console but at least it's possible. I suppose the real point here is just the fact that the games are actually fun! So in short, my Wii has already seen more action that my Gamecube ever did! I'd probably have to wait another year or so to see if is better than my all time favourite, the N64 (the most heavenly invention in the world in my opinion) but I imagine it most probably will.
  14. I know exactly what you mean - tried an old GC controller out earlier to see what the difference was - was very responsive but I too am just far too used to the wheel already! So I've gone back to it! Curse Nintendo for their innovative ways, I'll never be able to race on any other console ever again!
  15. I'm just waiting for the post where we see you going "TRANS-FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM!!!" and turn into a giant Yoshi's head.
  16. It's a tough one to call - I personally found the controls in the DS version to be the only bad thing about the game. On the other hand, as you say, you do get extra and graphically it is surprisingly far superior to the 64 version (the character models in particular). I used the touch screen with a stylus for most of the game and it was fine for the most part. Some tricky areas which needed quick or precise movements were the only issue for me. The D-pad didn't cut it for me, mainly because you lost too much accuracy with it. So again, it's a case of, slightly awkward controls but with extra content (including the unimportant addition of improved graphics) and the ability to play it portably, or classic analogue control in it's classic form! On the plus side, the VC version is only 7 quid, which might be enough of a reason in itself to buy it.
  17. What an excellent game! No online for me yet as I'm still suffering from a lack of patch cable-ly goodness (which was meant to arrive in the post yesterday) so I can hook my Wii up on wired LAN (no wifi near me...) so I'm pretty gutted on that front. Regardless, I'm thoroughly impressed so far! The wheel is brilliant. Pulling off drifts and boosts is so easy. It's pretty accurate too, although I can see the GC controller being more precise. Either way I'm gonna do my best to stick with the wheel for now. When i finally get back online is there any chance that you guys won't have left me in the dust and that me and my nooby wheel can catch up with you on the race track? You know I'm just gonna win! Bravo Nintendo, I applaud you! Actually I was just thinking, in regards to my prior message, if people want, could they perhaps PM me with their MK Wii codes so that I can add them when I get the game up and running. Then I can just PM some folk back and wahey I've got something of a friend list. I spose it might be easier to just do it via the Wii Console thingymajig cause I know what my Wii Console number already is. That way I can just send an invite once I finally get back online! I'm so jealous of you all.... I'm gonna go play, can't resist the urge....just....so....good! Anyone in Paris who fancies meeting up for a game?
  18. A valid point. Perhaps I should edit my post? Lol. And it's nice to be liked....although my creeping out abilities have no doubt exiled me even further into the loser's corner of these forums....oh well!
  19. You never know....might be your lucky day. I am ever so sexy and open-minded....and I've just creeped myself out.
  20. Hey guys, Being the big lovely European-Nintendo-Loving family we are I was wondering if anyone has a flat or a room to rent from the beginning of March until the end of July in the cultural centre that is Paris. I'm from the UK, currently on a year abroad (working in Germany at the moment) for my degree course and need somewhere to live for when I start my new work placement in March. I'm a pretty easy to live with 21-year old guy, outgoing and friendly, and respect other people's privacy and personal space (and also like to have my own at times too). Naturally I like gaming (and would be a bloody good rival for when Brawl comes out!) but am also a keen weight trainer, enjoy swimming, socialising and visiting new places. I highly doubt I'm gonna strike it lucky here but if anyone has any information or can help out in anyways, please let me know! Hope you're all well! Pooki
  21. Darn those pesky Germans! I have a funny feeling most of them are all PC games anyways, it seems pretty big over here to say the least! Oh well, thanks for the responses anyways!
  22. Hey everyone, This may seem like an odd post so my apologies in advance! I've recently just moved to Germany (Mainz to be precise) and with me being new and somewhat alone I was wondering if anyone on this site lived in the nearby area and fancied maybe meeting up, be it for a bit of gaming or just to hang out, seeming as the community here is quite friendly I'm here in order to improve my German so therefore it'd be great if I could have the opportunity to speak with native Germans but it's not neccessary! I'm 20 years old so might be ideal to hang out with people of a similar age too. If anyone's interested in helping a poor lonely foreigner get used to his new surroundings, send me a private message or even reply! Tally ho! Pookiablo
  23. Go with Dell, they sell some very nice and reliable laptops and are usually cheaper than everywhere else in regards to what you get. Furthermore they do a lot of offers such as free double memory which is a great bonus! Plus their customer service is very good. I bought a Dell XPS notebook last summer. Although it cost me almost £1300, I use it for gaming and it actually performs better than most of my friends desktops. Back to the topic, I'd recommend Dell.
  24. Howdy y'all, Does anyone find that whenever they introduce Smash Bros Melee (or SSB for that matter) to someone new, they seem to find it difficult to actually play the game? I mean the controls are easier than any other fighting game I know, yet when my housemate and girlfriend played a game with me earlier, neither of them were actually capable of pulling off a smash attack. Is this a common thing or are these two individuals just somewhat uncoordinated?
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