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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Did you go on that wooden roller coaster per chance? It's so awesome! It's certainly designed with adults more in mind - yet still kid-friendly enough for everyone! Only problem is getting there and back from centre of Paris is a bit of a nightmare as you have to rely on a dreadful coach service if you don't have your own transportation (there was an actual riot when it came to going home time!).
  2. Rogue Squadron is the best in the series - a unique (albeit not great) storyline and it just had interesting missions. RS2 looked cool but it just wasn't quite as epic - although I did love the fact that you could play it cooperatively in RS3 - it really did make the Battle of Endor that little bit more epic. Best Star Wars game ever (in my opinion) = KotOR - just funkin' amazing. Everything about it was awesome and the story really does just drive you through the game. Jedi Knight 2 is also absolutely brilliant. But that goes without saying. The Battlefront games are also worthy of a mention. X-Wing Alliance was so much fun, especially online and it also had some great missions. My most favourite Star Wars game ever though? Galactic Battlegrounds - my friends and I adored this online/on a network to the point where we still play it fairly frequently - the sheer scale of the battles really did make it a winner. I was so disappointed when they decided to follow up with Empire at War. It just wasn't the same. By the way, that train planet in Shadows of the Empire is called Ord Mantell. The book version of the game was so much better though - my copy is actually signed by Kenny Baker as my brother got to meet him once!
  3. Glad to hear that things seem to be going well for most of our n-europe freshers here! Once you settle in you will love it - I guarantee it! Uni life really does rock! Otherwise, things are fairly standard for me at the mo - back in my house in Bath but just working and earning some cash again - going to work at 8am is not fun....just constantly tired and even then I have difficulty sleeping at night!
  4. You should really try Parc Asterix - that place is totally awesome! And don't worry Dan, I won't get in the way of your love plans....for now....*sigh*
  5. Yeah Bard smells - tell 'em to keep their hands off my lady! London meet would be awesome There was one before I seem to recall but I missed out as i was living in France at the time (or maybe Germany, I can't remember!). But I'd also love to come up north sometime as my trips up there are usually not very diverse (just Durham....which sucks). We so need to organise a european one sometime - all end up in France or something!
  6. Have you ever had a Nightpook? (Yes I'm just making stuff up now....) I assure you it's amazing - mainly because it involves both I and the lovely Nightwolf! The Sheff meetup would be awesome as all you folks do seem lovely and I'm always up for getting to know peeps but t'is a bit far for me....should another one happen in future and I have cash (I'm probably going to get a bounty put on me at this rate....) then I'll definitely come up!!! Nightwolf, you now get dinner on me for cheering up my rubbish day with your lovely comment!
  7. LOL! I am SO there! (well probably not but I will be there in spirit!).
  8. So much sexual tension lately - it just makes me wanna rip off all my clothes and have a giant N-E orgy of some description!
  9. Lol, I love you Zero! You get my official seal of approval. Maase, I get your point - of course you play the game to win, and the very point of it is to try and win, but the point (lots of points here, lol) I was trying to put across is that if you lose, who cares, the thing is, you should just have had a good time losing! Deathjam and I had an extraordinary battle the other night and although I only just lost which was a bit gutting, I had so much fun regardless that it was one of the best games of Brawl I've ever had! Sure winning would have been a small bonus but losing the game isn't gonna kill me lol. Some people are just far too competitive - it's nice to want to be good at something but if you're being a jerk whilst doing it then it probably isn't worth it. I just don't see the logic in only having fun if you win at something competitive. If you always won it'd be boring. The amount of times I've died in stupid or funny ways or seen it happen to other people and have them also tell me how funny it was, far outweighs any victories i may have in terms of enjoyment. I remember those moments way more fondly. Reminds me of my Counter-Strike days when I played in a small clan with friends. It was mostly fun but one friend managed to ruin it for me completely, to the point where I told 'em to go sit on his fist and I didn't bother playing with them anymore. If we lost a clan match or even a friendly, the guy would go completely berserk, demanding that we had to train to get better, or that I fudged up too many rounds because of my n00bieness or that we played terribly, etc - and by berserk I mean swearing and yelling down the mic and getting into one hell of a bad mood. Truth be told, most matches we lost by a close margin, were completely epic. If we got thrashed, oh well, it was meant to be, but at least I had someone show me how it was done properly. This guy played the game over 50 hours a week. I usually went for 4 at most. Perhaps, it was just me not taking it seriously enough - or actually it's probably just the fact that he's a dick who's a sore loser and I just so happen to have better things to do in life. He's like that with every and any game though so must be a personality thing (very generalising comment there I know - take with a pinch of salt!). I remember on my last night before I went away for the year, we had a LAN party round his in which we played Galactic Battlegrounds. His army wasn't doing very well against mine and after I weakened 'em severely, he quit the game, had a go at me for supposedly "taking too long to wipe him out" and then stormed out of the room, forcing my friend (who was his team mate) to resign, ending the game a lot sooner than it could have. And yes, he's only 20 years old, very mature for his age, lol.....
  10. Whoa, whoa, I'm not talking "trash" about anyone - you were the one on your high horse - all I'm saying is that you're over-competitive nature and more importantly, your undeserved, superiority complex, can SOMETIMES spoil the game and community we have going on here. Recall if you will - playing with my friend Bob who doesn't even own the game - you and Mr. J thrashed us pretty much every time and we carried on playing in good nature because it was fun no matter how much we got beaten. We then plays a map which is new to Bob, he spams a little bit and you leave the game because of it (which did lead us to win that game primarily) and it was also the only game we beat you by a significant margin. You then start complaining not only in your SSBB profile comments' box but also on here. And even when I told you that he was new and didn't own it and that he even admittedly stated that he was spamming because of his lack of experience with the game you fail to even recognise it. If you're so amazing then spamming shouldn't even be a problem for you - especially when you have a goddamn reflector move! Everyone else has said you've been acting arrogant and that's plain and simply because you have - I've had some excellent games with you - such as that brilliant co-op Multi-Man Brawl we did a week or two back - I play with you because it is MOSTLY fun and we've had some pretty incredible matches but my complaint was aimed at your somewhat arrogant attitude towards the game in recent posts. I don't come on here to be an "asshole" towards you, as you so kindly put it, just for kicks because I have far better things to do with my time like enjoying Brawl. I don't even know you. And, as I said, if you're getting seriously wound up about getting beaten at Brawl by someone living hundreds of miles away over the Internet then in all fairness, I do find it very amusing when you get thrashed, just as I would about anyone else (like when I got a very evil look from some nerd at Japan Expo who I laughed at for having a tantrum after he got destroyed by some n00bie at Brawl). It is just a game mate. Trying to throw that into the same context as me killing someone just a) makes you sound stupid and b) give very little support to the very poor counter arguement you've already put forward. All I'm suggesting in this debate is that perhaps you eat some humble pie and just have fun with us guys when you're playing. People will always be better than other people but we don't meet up online to play games to flex our biceps and shout about how big our willies are. We just have a laugh. If you can only find enjoyment in winning then I feel sorry for you and I suggest you find something that you're perhaps better at (or just join a pro tournament for God's sake). If it bothers you that much take me off your friends roster - it really isn't the end of the world to me!
  11. Hmm...I dunno.....lol, just kidding, you're definitely up there mate! And that's the fun with playing Foxfear - I find great satisfaction in the fact that when I beat him it ruins his day. The best one was when my friend who doesn't even own the game managed to beat Foxfear in the very first game we played online with him!
  12. As stated in the meetup thread - shall be on in about 10 mins so you may pwn me with your Samusy goodness! And Foxfear, I got the game at the beginning of August and I have (excluding team matches), tidily put you away in pretty much all of the games - usually as Ness or Lucas. Now players like Tyso, Boko and Sprout are the ones who truly put up an awesome fight - usually as lower "tier" characters - it's very rare I beat them. Try not to play to win - it's just no fun then.
  13. Tyso has a point Foxfear, you're hardly a pro or anything. Tyso plays it how he wants and still pwns your rear. I think you just gotta enjoy the game for what it is. Hell, I'm using Falcon a lot lately and strangely enough I'm winning a fair few games with him online - probably more than I do with Lucas. Not saying that tiers don't neccessarily exist - but moreso that I don't care - Sprout beats me with every character under the sun regardless.
  14. Not such a good day for me Went back to work for former employer today after spending the last year abroad but not enjoying it at the moment. It's just so god-awfully boring, but more importantly, many of my friends are no longer there. Plus to make matters worse, I have something wrong with my eyes and as a result, my right eye is very swollen and red - not something I wanted customers and colleagues gawking at. But oh well, such is life! But alas, oh well,
  15. Amen Dannyboy! Btw, Deathjam, I would most like to see your Samus in action sometime! Perhaps we could arrange a small battle in the near future?
  16. Ah crap, that's the day after my birthday....kinda a crummy thing to have after loads of cake and presents....
  17. Seeing as I used to use Lucas (and would probably call him my second main) I would say that he comes much higher up that list! I can see the Falcon being so low though - that guy just seems to have no priority but what the hey, I'm giving him a go! Going by Smashboards is a waste of time though, the people over there are losers and they just base these on tournament rankings mostly. Doesn't say much about the actual character.
  18. Warioware sounded like a good idea - well done to whoever suggested it. It's short, addictive and simple. Probably the best thing for people who're just popping in for a bite to eat. Mario and Sonic needs quite a lot of explanation/reading the controls guide - you want simplicity.
  19. Have you actually lived in Paris? I doubt it. Go try it - I assure you it shits on London - like most things do in France. Sure, the French are losers, but at least they build for the future - their rail and road networks puts our to shame. Plus the metro is actually reliable.
  20. Give me a few weeks just to tone myself up a little bit and maybe I'll consider dropping a few clothes....need something inventive though!
  21. Got this today when I traded in my old Xbox games (t'was a shame as I truly loved them....) and it's pretty damn good! Was thoroughly surprised to see such a well-built piece of third-party equipment! Also got something similar to that as I decided it was finally time to pick one and by going universal, I'm covered for any potential console purchases in the near future (although most just use HDMI). I've still got £20 credit left so need to decide what I'm gonna spend that on!
  22. How about we stick to the topic at hand, rather than coming up with silly explanations for rather controversial topics?
  23. We need new picture challenges a la the mug shots. Can anyone think of any cool poses/places/anything etc. for a theme?
  24. Ooooh, excellent idea. I also suffered from the same problem! It got even worse when our oven door fell off the hinges....not to mention the huge grill pan fire we had.....fire brigade were not happy chappies!
  25. Fuck the north I say. Us in the south have things like civilisation, running water and TV. You're all just a bunch of barbarians. The capital is found and the Queen resides in the south for a reason. On serious side, I obviously voted for south because I'm in the south but that's not to say that the north doesn't have it's perks. Places like York are lovely, people do tend to be friendlier - however, they also tend to be a lot rougher around the edges too so it's at both ends of the spectrum - in the south most people just stick to what they know and go about their business - a shame as there's a lack of community I find but there's usually less trouble I suppose (excluding the gangs of chavs). Otherwise, you northerners can't talk for shit - that accent makes you all impossible to understand and to us it just sounds uneducated. I'm sorry but I'm only giving what is an uneducated, narrow-minded view of the south lol. And whoever said "where's the London option" can get bent. London's awful - sure it's cool to visit but living there is dreadful = and horribly expensive too! Try something better like Paris.
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