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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Happy Birthday good sir, I hope you have a most pleasant day. Most pleasant indeed!
  2. I've just had an exceptionally good indian takeaway - does anyone here have a particular takeaway establishment that they swear by no matter what? I use "Curry Nights" and every single curry I've ever had from them has been bloody exceptional. Astounding. I feel like such a fatty now though. It's a bit dull my end tonight as the girlfriend wasn't able to come visit due to the bad weather, t'is a grand shame as I've not seen her in a little while Lonely Pooks
  3. Beautiful song from a beautiful lady . Yes, I'm being cheesy but what can I say, I laaaave it!
  4. My original comment was something of an exaggeration by the way - I was incredibly skinny but I wasn't really that pathetic!
  5. So as some of you will know, I'm quite into my weightlifting. I've been doing it for over 2 & 1/2 years now and I still get as much enjoyment from it today as I did when I was only able to lift a measy 10kg before entering a massive sweat. Who here hits the gym frequently, or perhaps like me, has some equipment at home and enjoys working the guns, or toning that tum of theirs? Is there any particular type of equipment you swear by for a particular exercise or a certain technique that works (a part of) your body in a very good way? If you don't enjoy weightlifting or exercise in general, why is this so? If you had ideal conditions/settings (be it going with a friend where possible, not having to travel very far, etc.) would you feel more inclined to do so? Perhaps you know another activity that you think is more superior to your fitness needs that you could share with your beloved n-europe followers? Also, I wanna know your tips and techniques for exercising! What works for you! Do you have a particular routine that might benefit others? So yeah, step up on that soapbox people and start flexing those pecs or flashing those trim bodies! You know you wanna please the Pookster!
  6. It's interesting how many people you get who consider themselves to come under a certain religious branch yet really have nothing to do with it. This isn't a criticism, if anything it's a good thing - they believe what they believe and don't (usually) feel the need to push their views onto others. I'm not religious but I do believe there could be a God. I swear one person I know just says they are purely because they want to justify having a big church wedding...perhaps I'm just being mean. Both variants of these posters are stupid attacks on the other. I think, have a point of view and if there's a debate over it, do it in an intellectual realm, rather than ruining my afternoon on the bus thinking about the awesome video I saw last night on pornhub, because now I'm getting angry thinking about these pricks and their pushy traits. If I had my own, it'd simply say, "Who gives a fuck? Let's go get druuuuunnnk!". Or something along those simple lines.
  7. I signed up to this the other week. Seems like a pile of crap to me. Perhaps I was just expecting too much from it?
  8. Hardly any snow here but all the buses and trains are cancelled, along with Uni. I imagine the roads today are absolute hell because of what looks to be very icey conditions! I wanted another snow fight .
  9. Sorry, I think my late night postings have probably come across as being a bit rude or resentful, I assure you guys that I'm really not! I suppose what I mean to say is that I'm not one of the forums most prominent members, such as those who've been here ages and have had the time to get to know each other! I know that I'm welcome and I do love chatting with you guys but obviously I've not had the time to fully integrate myself just yet. I sound like an attention seeker now...lol! And Jayseven, you don't bore me, if anything some of your best posts would appear to be written under the influence of alcohol! What you write isn't boring, what I mean to say is that the HWYD thread does follow this very samey format day in, day out in what appears to be the same thing happening over and over from time to time. I was just using you as an example - I'm sure if we were drinking together in the pub it would be far from boring my friend I do think the HWYD thread is useful - I do check it daily as it's where most people tend to post. We do also have some good discussions in it and I do like to get an inkling into some people's lives. If I had to vote, I would opt for keeping it - it does act as one of the "fundamental" threads on the forums. Nevertheless, we could do with more varied discussion - some of the other big threads such as the Comic Book Thread for example are ones I won't go near because I have no interest in them. Of course, you're probably thinking why don't I just go and make my own thread but truth be told I have no idea what we should discuss and I fear I'll only be making one for the sake of it! Either way, let's use our noggins and get chattin'! Apologies for any offence I may have caused by the way - I've been suffering from insomnia lately it would seem.
  10. You people are all better than me at this...if only it wasn't so addictive...
  11. True, but the sheer stupidity of it did make me laugh quite a bit! Lol!
  12. A valid point indeed. I'm not as warmly received on these forums as most of the others though (hence the validity of your point!), probably because I don't post all that frequently but I've made an effort nevertheless to try and become a part of the community! I think the next NE meet-up will act as a good medium in which to make my experiences here much more personal!
  13. No, because there is still some interesting stuff in the thread itself - I wasn't trying to suggest there wasn't - however, lots of people do just repeat their daily routine over and over. If something exciting happens then yeah, that's cool and it's nice to know (depending on the subject of course). I was just throwing my support behind us n-e folk being a bit more varied in our discussion.
  14. War, I don't think you necessarily pick boring subjects, most of your posts do cover some interesting aspect. What I find is that you just don't necessarily provoke a thoughtful discussion in most them - e.g., you tend to just give us a yes/no question, which means we can only give an opinion and that's it (or it just goes entirely off track). As Danny said, just think and perhaps word things better. I like that you post lots of threads, it's nice to see something different on the forums regularly! It gets a bit boring to read every single day that Chris the great went to the gym for the millionth time, Jayseven got drunk yet again and that once again someone has had an overexaggerated, sickly emotional encounter with a girl or boy and feels the need to cry their heart out to a bunch of random people over the Internet. But ya, just give it some thought I say!
  15. It's an interesting thing to think of, something which I'm sure we all think of from time to time but I think it's not really something worth worrying about or pondering too much time over - the point is we're not meant know (well that's how it seems at least) and we most probably never ever will do. I just hope I act as a good compost for the earth when I get put in the ground. Indirectly helping an apple tree grow would be quite cool.
  16. Breakfast for the win! (Blue Falcon!) C'mon!!!
  17. Holy crap, this looks like a PS1 game. Well perhaps not that extreme but surely they could do better?
  18. Yeah, t'is pissing me off. I was promised more snow!
  19. Just had a huge snowfight with some neighbours. Was bloody good. Got this guy right between the eyes, he was not very happy! I on the other hand was laughing my head off, especially seeing as his own housemate had only just got him in the face a mere 30 seconds earlier, taking his glasses out in the process. Epic stuff.
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