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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. You see, I thought it was that but I looked it up and the Interwebz seems to say otherwise...I'll change it...apologies.
  2. Are you sure you can't eat mince raw? I'm pretty sure the French do (Steak Hache - the a has a top hat - I know the name contains Steak but it's actually mince!) And I suggest that you find some mince and make some, fuck me did they go down the chute well! You been gymming today btw?
  3. I fucking love this guy already - I'm with you buddy. I'm very pro-Europe - we need it more than any of you nationalistic cunts realise - anyone thinks otherwise, they can officially suck my balls. I don't care if you're Polish, Pakistani or purple with yellow spots - you're welcome in my country anytime if you're here for a worthwhile cause (that doesn't include blowing yourself up...). Wasn't that feudalism - I believe it worked in a slightly different way too? Maybe you mean something else, apologies if so!
  4. My mate and I just cooked homemade burgers - it's always good to team up in the kitchen and make something delicious don't ya think? It's amazing what he put in them - onions, chilli, garlic, mustard and ketchup (this was into the actual burger mix). We topped them off with bacon and cheese slices. Fucking devine - in the words of Art Attack's Neil Buchanan - Try it at yourself!
  5. Ooooh, a cleaner, check you out lil miss fancy pants :P (Yes I had one in Paris so I'm being a hypocrite but that was a different country!) EDIT: Ooooh, Bluey, your place looks pretty nice! I like the little touches such as the candles(?) on the window sill!
  6. Powerball Neon White Pro Signature At an incredible price - down from £27.50 to a very reasonable £14.64! I've heard good things about them from a friend and I'm hoping this will help me in the guns department
  7. Bought myself a powerball (soon to be posted in the PYP thread) in order to help tone the arms. I hear they're meant to be quite good!
  8. If I happen to be coming from Bath still (I may be back in Reading though) then perhaps we could meet on the train as I believe it will be the same one!
  9. I think it's just something that lots of us aren't accustomed to because we don't do it ourselves. If you enjoy doing it though then who is to judge, as long as you're happy! I don't think Wesley was being homophobic, probably just a bit shocked as he's only seen you dressed as a bloke before!
  10. Tbh ReZ you are a pretty inappropriate person at the best of times, lol! But I loves you!
  11. If you want some gorgeous countryside, decorated with old, vintage buildings then I suggest coming to Bath and setting up camp on top of a hill. It's one of the main reasons why I adore living here!
  12. He sounds quite pathetic! I wouldn't waste the time on him for the minute mate - hopefully he'll realise he's being a dick and provide some sort of decent apology. Then perhaps you can subtley hint that most folk don't like it when people "get physical". But yeah, I know how you feel, if he keeps acting like a cunt, invite me up and I'll smack him about a bit.
  13. There's always some sort of dick like that in the group - guy from back home used to be exactly the same - has a few drinks and gets all aggressive and annoying - it can most definitely ruin a good night out with chums. Unfortunately it seems to be how alcohol affects some people
  14. As is the same case with Christmas...you do remember your business partner Marcellus Wallace...I mean, you do celebrate Christmas right?
  15. You can do it on any day you want and I'm sure the majority of us couples do! It's like saying why save present-giving just to Christmas Day when we could technically do it any other time we wanted (which we also do!). It's a time of year thing, it's cheesy and commercial sure, but as the above poster said, it's a day that is specifically "designed" (for lack of a better word) for setting aside some time in order to do something romantic and have a bit of fun.
  16. It's nothing more than a commercial day but it's still nice to do something on it - just a bit of fun really. I dunno what I'll be doing, probably something cheap though, me and the gf are quite poor atm!
  17. Some of the comments on that article are so hilariously funny. It's a shame people can't just lighten up and have fun nowadays.
  18. I'm not sure if I'm correct, but what gets me is that I believe there is no maximum working temperature in the UK (fair enough, it's not very often it gets that hot), but sometimes in the searing heat, having to constantly lift heavy boxes in the stockroom at the place I work is enough to almost make someone faint!
  19. You are most loved kind sir! Was just about to change the avatar as realised that I didn't add a border to it! Feel free to share your views on it. Edit: Feedback for yourself to come shortly. = Not too keen on the av I'm afraid, there are nicer pics - looks a bit monkeyish in that one.... 6.5/10! However, I do love the sig, for she is absolutely stunning! I'm assuming you added the black outline yourself? If so t'is a very nice touch! 9/10!
  20. Avatar = she's pretty hot so that'll do me, like the background too 8/10 Sig = Nice, clean, sharp, professional (yes, even though it's a paint job! Bonus marks awarded!) - a fine effort Mr. Haggis. I'll have to start seeing what all the fuss with Gossip Girl is actually about 9/10
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