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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. As much as I agree with you in terms of practically (yes you should join a Nintendo forum if you're a Nintendo fan and you shouldn't rabbit on about how much better the competitor is), we're still nevertheless allowed to criticise things. As for the responses to my N64 comment earlier, yes 3rd party support was pretty poor but some very decent 3rd party games did make their way onto the console (Rogue Squadron anyone?). The console boasts some of the best games ever made, even if it did sell horribly. And no, I'm not speaking from the arse fountain of nostalgia - I still play my N64 almost daily (currently working my way through Banjo, Jet Force Gemini and Fighters' Destiny). Part of the reason why I personally feel the games on N64 were surperior is because of Rare - without them the N64 would have suffered a much quicker death. So many classics were developed by them. This is of course, not so much the case anymore, I don't think Rare are quite the company they used to be (I still have yet to try the latest Banjo though so I'll reserve judgement until I do so). I'm not saying that Wii boasts no good games whatsoever - I've thoroughly enjoyed playing my Wii and most of the titles I've come across and as I said, many new iterations of old classics such as Galaxy and Mario Kart Wii are in my opinion, the best yet. But in regards to the choice and range of quality gaming, I feel the Wii is severely lacking. I suppose Wiiware is helping out on this front however.
  2. Tbh, it's because we didn't invent Guinness (the greatest drink in the world) and Bombadier in comparison is a bit boring to get drunk on!
  3. You're kidding? There's a fuckload of excellent N64 games, most of which have way more polish and effort dedicated to them than any of the drivel that the Wii has seen so far. Sure, there's some stinkers but on the whole there's a lot more shit available for the Wii now than there ever was for the N64!
  4. This actually looks like a bloody good idea! We'll all be professional marathon runners after playing through the likes of Zelda!
  5. I've had a Wii since launch (which incidentally was my 20th birthday, hence why it's now such a huge success!) and although it's at home with the family I do enjoy using it. It's second only to the most amazing invention ever, the N64!
  6. I just don't think Nintendo, or any game company for that matter pump out games of amazing quality anymore. Super Mario Galaxy was the only exception. Most games are just generic and they either boast fancy graphics or some overloved IP that helps them to sell. Take a look at Brawl for example - it's basically Melee with a few extra modes and a very, very badly made online mode. That's not enough of an advancement if you ask me. At least make the game work properly. The Gamecube was "saddening" because all it tried to do was what the N64 did but with flashier graphics and sound. There's very little "new" in these games. Sure, N64 took the massive leap into proper 3D Nintendo gaming and therefore it might be a bit unfair for me to say that I expected something similar with the Cube, but I just found the general quality and polish of most Gamecube games to be lacking compared to such incredible N64 titles like Perfect Dark. Even today that game defines gaming better than most of the shite we're seeing.
  7. I want babies someday! I think kids add a whole new dimension to your life - plus, being the personal driving force behind creating another living being is pretty much second to none - it's seems to be such a wonderful experience.
  8. This is starting to sound more and more appealing by the minute! I'll bring some tinnies along!
  9. Truth is, the N64 library flattens anything that Nintendo's made since the release of the Cube, with the exception of Galaxy and Mario Kart Wii!
  10. Hell yeah she is - and I know what Dan means - "that" scene was actually incredible purely because it was done so well!
  11. It's annoying - having suffered from a nasty bout of flu not so long ago has caused me to lose a little bit of weight, mainly because I hardly ate anything during that time! I did some weights earlier but I gotta say I do feel a bit weaker than usual...hopefully the strength will eventually come back to me!
  12. Very true, and this way Nintendo will make it look like they're not the bad guys and all the retailers will be the ones getting hit by the majority of the contents of the almighty shit cannon that the public will no doubt have in store for them.
  13. Not to mention that they played the original German version which beats the living crap out of the dreadful English version she did! I too thought Rorschach was awesome - he was so well done. Plus I love when he's in the prison and he's just working all those inmates over, I was laughing my head off!
  14. Why especially not for me??? Is it cause they'd be too good-looking, which in turn would result in some sort of Oedipus-esque event occuring???
  15. I do believe, although don't quote me, that they're making a hell of a lot more than that per console. Sure, there's only so much they can get the cost down but these things are making a bugger load of money for Ninty.
  16. I imagine their argument will be - a dip in profits will equate to a dip in the amount of money they invest in future projects but they're not exactly helping their consumer base with a move like this. Either it means that the Wii stays in short supply as the retailers won't buy as many of them to sell or we see an increase in the retail price eventually as the retailers will too want to make a profit of some description. Who knows, perhaps it'll just stay the same. Either way, it's a dick move on their behalf.
  17. Agreed - there's no real reason for it other than making profit - if they were earning a loss as a result of the crunch then I could understand (except I reckon they wouldn't do anything in that scenario as that'd mean it wasn't in much demand). They love their money, simple as.
  18. But you and Flinky would make such awesome n-europe babies They'd be like mine and nightwolf's but not as good!
  19. Thanks Eenuh! Yup, it's once a day you're allowed to vote, I imagine it's to stop things getting out of hand. I just reckon with n-europe's help we might be able to get her to the top!
  20. Cheers ReZzybunny! People, keep voting, she's actually 14th out of everyone now! Sure you have to sign up and I'm being a pain in the arse but you'll making her happy and getting me a lot of lovin' in the process. You can vote more than once a day folks! I know I'm spamming and it's annoying but eh, it's one of those things you do for love I suppose!
  21. Nope, I agree with you. I find it can very rarely be put to some sort of decent effect but otherwise it could just be sung a hell of a lot better!
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