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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Body Harvest (N64) Seriously, give this game a go. Takes a while to get into but once you are, it's pretty epic!
  2. The bit in bold really did crack me up! I voted Clock Town - t'is most certainly the most fleshed out! Not to mention that awesome little tune that plays in the background. I restarted MM today, been ages since I last played it and so far I'm very confused (which makes for a better gaming experience seeing as Termina is a pretty odd place in general anyways!). Best Zelda game without question. I'm pretty sure that Clock Town has a lot more to offer in the way of side quests, seeing as a large number of the masks you collect in MM are related to people or things in the town. But yeah, it's still a pretty cool island I suppose. The Bombers are so much cooler in MM than those douchebag wannabes on Windfall (can't remember the name of their gang - the Killer Bees or something?)
  3. Some modules are worth more perhaps? I dunno how it works for you. It's like with my language modules, the actual spoken and written ones are where the points are, the politics, culture and Europe side of things are worth about half as much in comparison.
  4. Been bogged down with uni work and the like recently so very little chance to get on here unfortunately I miss ye all! Still, few more weeks and I'll be a free man! Not much happened today, apart from my mate's girlfriend coming round and getting everyone else addicted to Peggle. I can't stand the sound effects any longer! Had a cracking indian takeaway for dinner too!
  5. Yo, Does anyone here have this beauty of a game and still play it? Recently got into it, along with my housemate and thought it'd be fun to play some folk at it sometime if people happen to have it!
  6. I just finished nerding it up with my fellow commander, I mean housemate. We set up a "command centre" of sorts in the living room, 2 laptops, one of which was plugged into the TV so we were able to have a giant map screen in the awesomeness that is Supreme Commander. Our team fared well until a giant robot came and wiped the majority of my housemate's base out. Then it pretty much went downhill from there on. Good times.
  7. Well if anyone wants to chat over PM/MSN in French/German sometime I wouldn't mind - would be good practice for me in fact!
  8. Well folks, I've got my French oral exam in a couple of hours and I'm not looking forward to it in the slightest! Sometimes I wonder why I picked this degree! Oh well, best suck it up and get on with it, wish me luck!
  9. Some of the views on here are a little strong and would appear to be based on evidence that is more hearsay than the actual truth. I'm not trying to profess I know everything but I would argue that under our current economic system, immigration is a good thing. I'm all for it, I've been an immigrant worker in two other countries and I feel that I contributed in a small way. As long as the people who come over make some effort to assimilate (but not forget their own cultures entirely of course) and play an active role in society, then that's fine with me!
  10. Awesome, I'll be taking part in this - show those cunts what for - I'm entitled to my privacy, I don't want anybody thinking they can just steamroll over me and do what they like despite the fact that they technically work for me! Cheeky buggers. Let the spammage begin. First person to throw a trojan that works in there wins for the year.
  11. Oh dude, you didn't tell me you got Company of Heroes, we need to play sometime!!!
  12. Got that right. There's just something about them that you can't forget. Mine was psycho yet the good memories are still remembered just as much as the bad!
  13. Yeah but she's a moany bitch. I've seen buses that are more attractive. She coulda stood up for herself more. I don't like the northern twat either though so was disappointed with the outcome persoanlly.
  14. Motherfuckers. I remember that happened to me once. One of my former flatmates walked into the kitchen in the middle of the night to find a random guy eating some of my sliced cheese and her mushrooms. Very bizarre.
  15. Smuggling a cheesecake? We could make one in the wilderness that is Hyde Park. Round up some random berries from nearby bushes for decoration. Which are the poisonous ones again?

  16. I'm also off to bed (not with Jimbob...), need to get my beauty sleep and what not! Toodles!
  17. Not to mention you'd also looooooooooose!


    Muhahahahaha! I am legend. I am Pookiablo, Baker of Awesome.

  18. Bahahaha, I know what you mean, I was pissing myself!
  19. nando???? Darksnowman's is close...
  20. Hmmm, you drive a hard bargain - Battenburg is the greatest cake in the world, trading it would be unholy! You may keep your cheesecake this time round. I'm thinking a bake off is in order! You're going down missy!

  21. Noooo! There's airmail! Don't do it! Just think how happy you'd make Pooki. Happy Pookies are good for the world! Plus I'm hungwee! I might go get some Battenburg come to think of it...

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