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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Wtf man, that's his heritage. We love him and his ways of the Danish pastry.
  2. Looks shit. I'll take my Wavebird any day thanks.
  3. http://wii.kombo.com/article.php?artid=14572 So the Mother series is now 20 years old and unfortunately we have yet to see any of it appear on our European shores (and I doubt that we ever will). I've been playing through Earthbound recently once again via certain means...without going into much detail (I would love to buy a cart of it but 190 quid is a little steep!) and I love the game! Who else has played this gem of game? What are your views? As some of the smashers will know, Ness is my favourite Nintendo character, for numerous reasons asides from the fact that he rocks in Brawl. Do you think that the popularity of the Smash Bros. series might ever cause Nintendo to finally stop worrying so much about the rejection that it suffered at the hands of the US market back in 1995 (or whatever year it was) and finally give us a new Earthbound title? We can only hope that Nintendo do eventually take a similar approach to what they did with Fire Emblem. So please, share your thoughts and opinions! EDIT: Balls, just thought, this is in the wrong board - if someone can move it for me that'd be swell!
  4. Exactly. It's something to do with the game code or along those lines. I imagine too much info is flying around in the background and unless you have a super connection (as well as everyone else playing), chances are, it ain't gonna be a smooth ride. Surely Nintendo could have streamlined it somehow? I'm not expert when it comes to making games but I'm pretty sure that it could have been done better. Hell, they could've taken a load of programmers off of the Subspace Emissary (saying that, that wasn't exactly a masterpiece either) and put them to work on making an acceptable online mode. I imagine Sakurai probably played some part too - from day one he was trying to sabotage online play, for example, the stupid user interface and set game mode. I'm pretty sure he said it was something along the lines of fairness and everyone has "fun". What would've been more fun is having the democratic choice of playing the game the way we want to and not having someone else tell us how we should play it. /end rant. lol.
  5. The music in Brawl really is something special. I love Calling to the Night - it's so serene, yet perfect for a 1 vs 1 match. I need to play local multiplayer more often - only problem I tend to find is not many people who also own Smash Bros around (actually there's no one else...) Agree and disagree - I used to play the original on a weekly basis with friends, 1 of whom was more or less the same level as me and then the other two players either varied from good to "not a clue". Nevertheless, it's still good fun I find. If you've got friends round, I tend to ensure that all items are available and we play some stages where even decent players stand a chance of getting owned. My friend managed to beat me once after securing a pity Smash late in the game, wiping pretty much everyone else out and then took me out in a sudden death. Fun times indeed! Agreed. Brawl online is in my opinion, more of a failure on Nintendo's behalf than even the Virtual Boy. They could have easily made it much better.
  6. Folks - My day was alright, blah blah blah, got a browser-related question - my hotmail account won't seem to remember my email address despite the fact that I keep putting "Save my email address" as the option. Furthermore, I tick the "Remember me" box for the forums and everytime I come back it tells me to sign in, does anyone know why this is happening and how one can rectify it? In the meantime, I'm off to play Earthbound!
  7. Porridge is pretty damn awesome - especially great to have before going for a morning gym sesh, the amount of energy you get from it is quite incredible. I think I've lost a tiny bit of flub lately - not too fussed about losing weight - I'm around the 13 and a half stone mark and it's a good weight to be, but losing a little bit of stomach flub would be nice. I've by no means got a belly, just a bit of unwanted stock that needs shifting. Otherwise gym is going well, hopefully I'll be back up to max strength in no time!
  8. Sorry but Digitiser were cunts - sure I used the service and enjoyed the snippets of news, but they reviewed Mario Kart 64 as being a pile of shite. They can burn in Teletext hell for all I care! You don't diss MK64. It pwnz the universe.
  9. A Star Wars lightsaber game is a must. A new Jedi Knight sequel of sorts tied into it would be excellent. Hopefully they'll tighten up shooters a bit, then we won't have to worry about fiddly or unresponsive controls when it comes to throwing a grenade or trying to melee an enemy, only to then find out we've reloaded or something. It's offering more accuracy after all, let's just hope that they use it!
  10. You should try doing my job, it's pretty much like that all the time. I shouldn't moan though, it's not permanent (well I hope to God it isn't anyways!). Fuck you.
  11. Will you be actually going to the Theme Park (as in on the rides, etc) on the Friday as well as the Saturday. I only ask because chances are, I won't be able to do the Saturday due to work commitments. However, the Friday could be bloody good fun and I don't start Uni until the 28th Put me down as a maybe good sir! Pick me up on the way.....? No....?
  12. EA, doing something right. Who'da thunk it?
  13. Getting this on Tuesday, can't wait
  14. This is a very clever post and I fully agree. Nintendo is too concerned with profit for my liking - everytime something sells poorly, they always hammer on about how despite poor sales (I'm looking at you Gamecube), that they always made a profit on it. Sure, it's good business practice, but it's hardly risky. WM+ really needs to take off if we're to see any truly innovative games come our way. Wii games are getting a little stale (how many party games do we honestly need?) and something to revive the hardcore and yet still appeal to the casual is more than ideal. I think WM+ does this. The only problem is as many of you have said, Nintendo simply aren't pushing it enough. By all means, bundle it with software, it's guaranteed that this strategy worked for Wii Fit and the Wii Wheel with Mario Kart but we're still looking at roughly a 30% install base of Balance boards of all Wii users - considering all the hype and advertising, it doesn't seem like very much. I can't see WM+ doing better/much better than Wii Fit. Of course, then you look back to the N64 era and the ill-fated Expansion Pak. It was and still is an excellent piece of tech and as a result led to the creation of many brilliant games (Perfect Dark anyone?) but was poorly supported by the consumer base. It was supported even less so by developers as a result of this. Just look back to Conker's Bad Fur Day - a game which looks like it should have used the RAM pak and was a game released when the pak itself was available, yet doesn't, probably because Rare/Nintendo were so concerned with achieving the maximum sales possible (This could just be because the game was being developed very early in the N64's life, seeing as it was originally meant to be Twelve Tales or whatever it was). If Ninty up their game and start getting Motionplus out to its users (just give em out for free for Pete's sake, it's only doing what the Wii was supposed to do in the first place!), then I can see Motionplus or at the very least, optional-Motionplus games, taking a frontline in Nintendo's repetoire of software.
  15. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a nice day!
  16. That makes two of us hombre! lol.
  17. And again with the dictatorship that is n-europe...
  18. OMG, you're so fucking rude. If that was my house I probably would have belted you one. Just as well Jamba and Bluey are such nice people. My opinion of you has dropped greatly. There's simply no excuse for bad manners. P.S. My apologies for not being able to come folks, looks like I missed out on a treat of a day I REALLY would've loved to have met buttons and nando as well, seeing as they're rarely ever on the same island as me.
  19. Dude, I'm sorry! I promise I'll sort those games soon! As I mentioned recently, work has been a right nightmare in terms of getting some free time. Apologies for keeping you waiting, will let you know when I can (might be able to on Wednesday).

  20. That's one of the best things I've read in a long time. Sounds like an awesome kid!
  21. Bad news guys, I definitely won't be able to come - the workload is too much at the moment and therefore I've got to go in Saturday to make sure everything is sorted out by next week. I worked a 12.5 hour shift today...sorry to let you all down
  22. Wow, 3 Boifdays! Hope you chaps had a good day!
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