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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Bah, wasted most of my evening away sitting around doing nothing - just couldn't find the motivation to do some work, so irritating as I have so much to do at the moment! Haven't properly posted on here in ages, but alas, nevertheless, it warms me to be able to read all of your antics on a daily basis! Anyways, time for some Marxist theory and then bed! Good night all! (muchos loving yada yada, xxx)
  2. I don't agree with this statement. I don't think it wrong for people to expect more from their games - developers can sometimes be pretty fucking lazy nowadays and when you look at the 360 and PS3 in particular, it is slightly annoying that what you predominantly have on offer is a huge selection of fairly generic shooters - all the innovation that came with the 64 died with it. There has been no huge leap in gaming since that console in my eyes. Wii is not the revolution that was promised, regardless of how you argue you it. And I certainly think I'm more than entitled to complain about something, if I feel that the content of it doesn't justify the 40-45 quid I've just spent on it. I also don't see why it's wrong to expect things like the latest technology to be present in games (online functions) - this is current technology and even then, online gaming has been "popular" for around a decade now - removing it from games that could make excellent use of it (I'm not saying every game needs it) is counter-intuitive. I'm a huge fan of local multiplayer, and much prefer it to playing online, but it's still nice to have the option to play online regardless. Or in the case of Brawl, it's just nice to play online without suffering at the hands of mass lag due to poor game mechanics. Games this generation, are just like games from the last generation but with newer graphics/sound and/or new less-than-revolutionary controls in the Wii's case. The games from last generation were just advanced versions of the games from the generation before them. Sure, improvements have been made and in some cases we've seen some excellent games, offering new experiences, but it's kinda hard to recreate a scenario like the jump from 16-bit console gaming, to 64-bit true 3D gaming. But still, the point is, after having digressed by God knows how much, that developers should be putting a lot more effort in, as innovation only leads to better things in a competitive market. In short, I have every right to complain if I want to - it doesn't make me "bratty" if I've come to expect more bang for my buck. And yes I realise I'm just a retro gamer who thinks that the 64 was the best thing since sliced bread but I really do think it was the generation that redefined gaming - this doesn't seem to be true of the two generations that we've had since then. Some of this I do agree with though - Ninty are certainly providing for two markets, and casual games are for the most part very fun and certainly a lot more ideal for social gatherings with friends. It's also been good at introducing new people to traditional gaming - bridge titles like Mario Kart Wii are really great examples of something Nintendo has definitely got right this generation.
  3. Gotta agree, Molly's voice is lovely, I'd marry it if I could! Long weekend at work, super busy today in particular. Otherwise Bob and I met up for some Brawlage last night, which was good fun, if a little tame for Halloween but oh well, I saved money and didn't have to break the bank! Back to uni tomorrow, worried about this goddamn presentation I have to give on Tuesday! If only I had more time to do my work!
  4. I agree with Zech's 3rd point completely - I think Ninty are slowly realising that the public aren't gonna be on their side for much longer. Had they kept the core games coming frequently (let's be realistic here, they've got more than enough money and have had two previous generations to get this right yet they still can't seem to realise that when you release a games console, you usually make money by releasing games for said console), then I reckon we'd see a lot more Wii sales right about now. People are renowned for buying consoles for the games - but why would anyone with a PS3/360 want to get a Wii when it very rarely caters to their core "needs"? I can count all the blockbuster titles on 1 hand, and even then many of those games could've just been done on one of the other consoles with shinier graphics and better audio output. I think the only reason the 64 managed to get some semi-decent sales (considering how many problems it caused/had/yada yada at the time) was because it had titles like Goldeneye that were capable of convincing people to pick up a machine. I can only think of one Wii title that would make Hardcores consider buying one, that being Brawl and even then I imagine the majority of people who got Brawl were probably Nintendo core fans to begin with anyways. It just doesn't offer enough to make it look appealing to full-time gamers. Furthermore, there is no revolutionary gameplay mechanic - it's old games with pointless waggle. Why buy a poor-looking, often shipped-out-to-a-crappy-publisher Wii port, when you can get the nice shiny version for 360/PS3, which usually has better controls purely because you're not indiscriminately waving a wand around. Nintendo has not delivered a revolution, merely a gimmick dressed up as one, and now that the public is starting to get bored with it they've realised that they've got no gamers left who actually want to buy one of their consoles and furthermore no games to actually entice them into buying one! The only genre that seems to really be innovative on Wii is FPS and even then we've seen fuck all of those around! And don't even get me started on the party games, even they're crappier than they were on the 64/GC.
  5. They mustn't! I always thought that the President in PD looked just like TJ's Dad from Smart Guy! Picture as proof!
  6. I'm not sure I'd list that as an unusual talent, I know a lot of people who can do that, myself included! I have no real unusual habits - apart from this one where I keep checking this forum on the Internet every day for no apparent reason. Think it's about games.
  7. Hmm, not so sure about that - I think I've heard more about you and your girlfriend in the last week than I've had hot dinners. But alas, you're happy so I shall not knock you for you
  8. Gotta love the politics on these forums from time to time - always seems to me that people are just crying over spilt milk (yes I'm referring the Flameboy controversy!) - There's way more important things in the world to get uptight about. It just so happens that blokes, especially when on Internet forums, feel the urge to spout all sorts of derogatory shit about the other sex for some pointless reason. However, I doubt anyone meant anything sinister by it. When hidden behind computer screens, or when not in the presence of female company, these sorts of things come out but again, I doubt many men hold truly hold these views. But yeah, my point was more along the lines of who really cares. People say all sort of shit, as long as they're not inciting violence or hatred then it doesn't really matter. I know it's been beaten to death already but it just amazes me that the last two pages of this thread have been taken up by a bunch of folk whining over a load of horse shit. Talk about something interesting for pete's sake.
  9. Has anyone heard that seat-belt safety song they have on the radio at the moment (it's an advert)? I was pissing myself when it came on, surely they can't expect people to listen and actually seriously consider such a serious safety issue when they're singing such a stupid song.
  10. Happy birthday to the both of ye! I hope you guys had a great day
  11. Bahahahahaha! This thread is pure genius! That one if Eevil as the WoW guy from South Park had me rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter!
  12. Just got back from the Reading uni video game society's brawl tournament - placed 2nd out of 32 after going out in a very close sudden death battle against a R.O.B. (I was Ness) - an epic night, some very close and lucky wins got me that far Was nice to meet some top Smash players/awesome people too.
  13. I think nightwolf would prefer to refer to it as "inflated ego" or something along those lines... Along the lines of whoever suggested abstract buildings, why not do something along the lines of old and contemporary in today's cities/towns - how old and new are morphed into one living space - just look at London for example, lots of historical landmarks surrounded by new and modern complexes (some of which are quite artistic). It'd certainly be interesting to see to what extent a merging of generations has occurred. EDIT: Holy crap, I said 'along the lines' a lot there! I blame tiredness.
  14. Perhaps if this game is a success we could see "Epic Mickey" in the next iteration of Smash Bros (if there is one that is)?
  15. Now that is a good shout! In other news I'm currently at uni, enjoying a cup of jo, while devouring a most delectable muffin. If only I didn't have so much goddamn reading to do...
  16. I was gonna suggest taking photographs of my good self (for I am divine...or not) but imagine that that probably wouldn't get you a very good mark...
  17. Where have you been lately? Swear I haven't seen you on the forums in ages! I hope you and Nando are all good :)

  18. You do need to make sure you get the technique right - for example, not bending all the way over and using your lower back muscles to counter balance the force of kettlebell as you lower it i.e. keeping your back positioned correctly as you perform the exercise. When you do normal weightlifting, obviously it is stressed that you do not use momentum to lift the weights as it can cause injury. But then traditional weight exercises are fairly stationary in nature. Here it's a case of raising the weight using momentum, but you're copying a motion that you could do sans kettlebell, without risk of damaging yourself. Plus, much like free weight training, you'll find yourself exercising supporting muscles as you're working whatever it is you intend to be primarily working. They're a bit tricky to get used to but they're considered "the rage" at the moment. I stupidly started off using a 16kg kettlebell which was a bit too heavy for what I intended it for but once I built up my strength using an 8kg Kbell, the rest fell into place. Lately, I've been lazy though and am in serious need of working myself hard so I feel a bit hypocritical for suggesting such devices when I'm hardly using them myself (around once or twice a week if that).
  19. Man up boy, us employees in the south don't complain, we just lift, and show off our muscles, while rubbing our Zeus-esque beards and drinking fine mead! If only Argos were that exciting...
  20. It's strange - the way in which you can use kettlebells certainly seems to give them this cardiovascular benefit of exercise - say, if you're just swinging it up from the floor to then turn into a shoulder press, the motion does begin to knacker you out not only in the sense that the muscles in your arm get tired but also your whole body becomes tired because you're having to move your whole body in order to swing the kettlebell up. Not very clear I know. This video explains it best (I hope) EDIT:sorry, video should work now...
  21. This looks very interesting - it caught my eye on the main page and I'm liking the direction that Disney is taking, seems almost unreal that Disney would allow for its most important IP to be transformed in such a way. I await screens and gameplay footage with mucho anticipation.
  22. My recommendation for all you gymites who are looking for home exercise solutions from Argos: and... Ideally, you'd need a little space - I use my garage personally although I did have such equipment situated in my room during uni and it even made its way over to Germany at one point for use in my very small studio apartment. A truly worthwhile investment a) as it avoids any gym membership fees should you wish not to have to pay monthly and b) if you do go to the gym like myself, it makes for a great supplement for those days when you can't make it to the gym or just don't have the time to. Also, Daft, seeing as you're really into your keeping fit at the moment, I'd really suggest you try using kettlebells if you haven't already (apologies if you have!). Really good as they do offer an all-round workout of sorts, it's a bit strange unless you try it yourself. If you're gonna buy one (gyms don't always have them annoyingly enough) then I'd say go for a 8kg or 16kg one. I'll quit being a patronising know-it-all now. Otherwise, my day was good. And Molly I'm in agreement with meeting these aussie chaps, always a worthwhile experience catching up with out-of-town folks. And stop being insecure about how you look, you know that EVERYONE on here thinks you're hotter than the sun Ashley I love you. EDIT: The weight set shown is the 50kg variety. You can buy extra discs as you get stronger, the best ones being the 2x10kg set that goes for around 18-20 pounds (can't honestly remember the price of it!)
  23. Don't be silly, it wouldn't be a Dante post if it actually contained the slightest amount of logic or structure or relevance to what is actually happening at the time.
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