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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Unfortunately this is how most of you northerners come across to us southerners. But scouse is indeed particularly annoying.
  2. Yo mabm apologies but we've not got everything unlocked - furthermore I will unfortunately be stuck at work :( I hope to take part in next week's one though! Try to pick standard racers if you can, I'm having a hard time finding any free moments in order to unlock more stuff :(


    Hope you have fun, get Redshell to get some more videos if you can :D

  3. Basically, the same rules that apply to Ine do apply to us when in mainland Europe, you can travel and even live freely among European states and you'll find that going from France to Germany for example, requires no identification. If you're flying from France to Italy or something like that then the airline will require a passport but that's just for identifying you as a passenger and it isn't legally required (well at least I think so). As long as a visitor to Europe is checked at border control on the way in to Europe (in say France) and checked again when they leave (say Poland), then they're allowed to go to as many different countries as they like without having to produce ID. I think it's a pretty nifty idea!
  4. That's the thing I've always found, if your boss is a smoker, they tend to be far more lenient when it comes to colleagues who also smoke. I remember saying to one of managers one time when he went for a smoke with another colleague that I fancied a "fresh air break" and was coming with. He basically said I couldn't and told me to go back to work. Equal treatment for the win. Either way, it doesn't really matter that much - end of the day I know I work harder than most and I don't stink like shit doing it.
  5. God bless the Schengen Agreement! Shame us Brits are still technically screwed over in terms of travel!
  6. Funny how they all seem to have moved to bloody Reading, fucking surrounded by 'em. I can't even remember what the Reading accent sounds like anymore!
  7. Was just on my wordpress account to see a blog called 'Lethargic Gamers' under the fastest-growing blogs on the wordpress network - to my surprise I click on it to see none other than flameboy and Happenstance as the authors! Wow, a small world indeed!
  8. Milton Keynes, the sunniest, happiest place in the world. It's like Margate, but without a beach.
  9. Surely you mean the opposite then? I'm confused. That or very tired.
  10. I literally used to live down the road from it. 3 mins or so I kid you not.
  11. Haha, a customer at work today some more or less exactly the same thing. Spooky. I agree, IKEA is goddamn annoying, was it in the one in London you went to?
  12. Never Back Down - one of the shittest things I've ever watched. The only reason it gets more than a 1 is because my friend and I had such a laugh taking the utter piss out of it. 2/10 Avoid at all costs.
  13. Got these yesterday: Two of the funniest games I think I've ever played. Some of the stuff in Madworld is just so wrong, it's hilarious!
  14. I'm not one for talking much about personal affairs on these forums but what the heck, I feel like it tonight. I've had one of the worse days of my life today - found out this morning that my ex-girlfriend (who also happened to be my first proper girlfriend) committed suicide last Thursday evening due to various reasons. We haven't spoken properly for a couple of years but nevertheless it got to me - I cared for her so much at one point and now I'll never have to chance to ever properly reconcile with her and just drop her a line to see how she is. Most of the day I was okay, being rather shocked in the morning and managing throughout the day with it on my mind at work. Then this evening it just got to me and I broke down in front of my Mum, which was pretty embarrassing but she understood. It seems silly to cry about someone who I've had no true attachment to for some time but I just couldn't help it. I dunno, ugh. Sorry to bring down the good spirits.
  15. It was indeed. The level G5 was a piece of shit in comparison.
  16. It's a good ale indeed although it's not one of my favourite. Nevertheless, it's certainly a popular one, I recall seeing it in a cafe in Paris when I was living there! Give Theakstons Old Peculier a try, it's most certainly the finest of all ales! Othewise go for: Black Sheep Goliath (purely because it comes in a huuuuge bottle) Anything with 'Bath Ales' on it You won't be disappointed.
  17. Hey, sorry it's late, but Happy Birthday Molly! I hope you had a lovely day
  18. Haha, is this the film where they go in that weird ship underneath the Earth and that dude melts when he goes outside to dislodge/do something? (I can't remember, obviously it was that bad!)
  19. Nothing at all, t'is good to see Plus, Greg is awesome, and therefore I can see why that would make you very happy
  20. Hmm, you seem rather happy/energetic tonight Buttons, either you've had a good day or Nando let you have a go on my copy of Pilotwings I sold to him (it possesses my aura!)
  21. Haha, aww, poor you! You are kinda little though, I can see why people might think that!
  22. Haha, I said the very same thing when he appeared and my girlfriend was like "who?". She almost got a beating. *I kid, I kid!
  23. Good ol' buttons, demanding as always :P It has been done m'lady, should I get back to scrubbing the dishes now? Your trousers will be pressed and ready for you in the morning!
  24. Dude, you will have me at Reading with you next year, just think man, it's gonna be awesome. On a more serious side, try to stay positive man, probs sounds stupid and obvious but it's not worth beating yourself up about things. Just one of those stages in life I think (Hope Tap man, Hope Tap, ooooh, we could create an n-europe pitcher!)
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