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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Yeah, don't give the cunt a penny my friend, all their fucking fault. Shouldn't have been such a careless fucker to be with should he!
  2. Happy Birthday Raining, have a great day!!! EDIT: Whoops, Happy Birthday to Mcphee as well!
  3. Today has been tiring - graduation day - extremely, extremely hot, wearing smart dress and a gown and being stuck in a very very very hot abbey. I think I've lost quite a bit of weight as a result! Pictures to come!
  4. Spooky, more or less exactly the same thing happened to me, word for word! Mine involved more viscious lying though, to be honest, I'm not sure what was true and what wasn't! I try my best not to think about it!
  5. Perhaps the most accurate thing I've ever read on these forums. Perhaps I will give it a pass!
  6. Yes! Kids! I can play with toys again and not be outcast for it. I think the ladyfriend does too, although whether or not we're still together by then to raise a family of course, is another question! Mini-Pookies will rule the world! I'm gonna train em up to be totally bad ass!
  7. I would suggest the following: Tricep curl Bicep curl Bench press too if you want All low weight, high number of repetitions! I imagine you probably look great as you are though and Nandos probably loves you exactly how you are so don't overdo anything!
  8. Oooh, we should brawl over the net sometime! I might go through the Subspace again sometime soon too!
  9. WTF, you have our Queen on your god damn coins! She used to be your Head of State or something! Bow down before her like the rest of us!
  10. People, I'm confused and being a noob as usual - how long do I have to use Windows 7, before this whole shutting down every 2 hours business occurs? I have an email saying that the Beta ends on 1st August 2008 and the Release Candidate will expire 1st june 2010? Ideally I wanna keep Windows 7 on my system until I can upgrade to the official thing. I don't have my old XP disc (it appears to have gone walkies...)
  11. I had a Feast the other day too, my Lord they are fucking godly!
  12. Fucking hell, how do you afford these things!
  13. I love how I instantly knew which ride that was. Looking pretty pro Mr.
  14. The moral of this story: never use credit cards.
  15. I might have to try that little weights/cardio tip next week when I reinstate myself at my local gym back home - cheers buddy!
  16. First of all, it was a joke response (I did warn Tellyn over the n-e chat earlier) - mariosmentor was being a complete nob and I just found it funny. Do you honestly think I actually believe people are thick because they come from up north? Of course not, jesus I'm not Adolf Hitler. I was just trying to wind the guy up because of his ridiculous views, I don't need to go out of my way to insult him, he's already done that enough by himself by being a complete and utter idiot. I'm all for a United Kingdom, and a United Europe for that matter, hence my current academic/career path being based in European law, politics and economics. I wasn't pretending to be a know-it-all - no one in here knows the full situation. In response to the non-drivel part of your post (Yes, Mods can talk rubbish too you know), I did read from quite a few sources the other day that even if Scotland were independent and it did have control of the oil in the North Sea, it still wouldn't be financially secure. It goes both ways. Besides, the Scots do receive more money per head than us down in the South from the government in regards to public spending (it's around £1000 more), not to mention your university education system is free. Also, cheers for the infraction, I'll frame it on my wall, bet you felt a great sense of pride dishing that one out! I love how you give me one for insulting another member and then opt to insult me yourself - so rational there, clearly you're just as stupid as all the other supposedly stupid people in this thread because of their "disgusting" views. People get wound over things like this and last time I checked, they are allowed to. Deal with it.
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