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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Haha, an excellent (and very funny) point you make there sir! I chuckled muchly!
  2. I think you'll find that it is stated somewhere that the money is intended to go towards social and cultural activities as well (they expect you to spend some money going out and enjoying yourself, as this IS a necessity to some/a reasonable extent). Personally, I always had to put mine towards rent and bills and very occasionally it would buy me the odd chinese takeaway. But I worked throughout the entirety of uni life as I'm not a lazy fuck like some and earned money. I'm expecting someone to now bang on about how some courses are more demanding and harder than others yada yada, boohoo - BA honours in languages at Bath (yes one of the best universities in the country - ooh, arrogant) where my life was consumed with study every bloody day and I managed it so save your sob stories. Either way, the loan is intended to be paid back eventually and we all know the terms and conditions that go with student loans. I can see why Villan bought his ipod, we all need a pick-me-up from time to time, although perhaps he should have invested in something a little less expensive or just not told the masses, lol.
  3. Oh amazing, a Jean-Luc Godard fan (well hopefully) too! Have you watched A bout de souffle and Vivre sa vie before? Both excellent films!
  4. It's certainly along those lines - it's more the fact that, despite being current market leader, Nintendo still seem to struggle to get major (as in AAA) titles released on their console. Even now, the big developers seem somewhat reluctant. The Playstation was an entirely new IP back in the day and that got shitloads of support from 3rd parties! Of course, we're talking different consoles here and obviously the differences between Wii and 360 for example are quite large. Nevertheless, you'd think that seeing as creating games for Wii is less expensive than the HD competitors, developers would be swarming to it, core as well as casual.
  5. Seeing as Nintendo can't seem to get anything released on their system I somewhat highly doubt it!
  6. I think it's more the fact that Nintendo are worried lawyers will be trawling through all the connections found in the game to the IPs they may or may not represent and fear it might cause a barrage of lawsuits. I suppose (as stupid as it sounds, because I too think its a tad bit prudent) it's not worth it moneywise, I can't see individual VC games being huge money makers compared to most retail releases.
  7. Well today consisted of an 11 hour shift at work, followed by getting an owning from Captain Falcon and Fused King on Brawl - sad times... lol
  8. But where's Starfox, F-Zero, that Kid Icarus game we were promised, a Mario Party that was actually designed for the Wii, a Zelda game that wasn't a last-minute Gamecube crossover (arguably the same could be said for Fire Emblem as it's hardly anything new) - bah, perhaps it's just the lack of Rare and therefore, me comparing the Wii lineup to the N64 is like comparing gold and paper. You're right though, we've yet to see any truly decent games from some of the 3rd party giants. At least the N64 did see the release of certain games such as Turok (which to be honest I always thought was shite) and Konami's Goemon series. I think my original point is - Nintendo are on to a winner and the fact that it's taking them so long to whip out a continuous stream of titles is quite astounding really. If they want to push the Wii then they really do need the software to back it up. Not to mention, titles such as Pokemon Battle Revolution and Animal Crossing are poor excuses for games - they're not even acceptable when considered as a port. Either way, I've had a bit to drink and am probably talking shite - so feel free to disagree.
  9. I'd be Ness without a shadow of a doubt. Baseball hat (and bat) included.
  10. Ninty aren't releasing enough in my view - to be nearly 3 years into the Wii's lifetime, and have only seen a small fraction of Nintendo franchises actually appear in a new form on Wii is beyond ridiculous. I mean, I prefer Wii to Gamecube but hell, at least they actually released SOME games for that dreadful excuse of a console (I'm not a fan of it - plus they weren't exactly quick with GC releases either). Nintendo seems to be hedging it's bets on the casual crowd a little too much - sure the casual brings in money, but there's nothing to suggest that they'll be around forever. Has Nintendo abandoned its core audience? In its own eyes: no, we're just too fussy and demanding, in our own eyes: yes (or at least most probably), we're buying the bloody thing and we know what we want. I think Ninty forgets that it's their core audience that got them through the N64/Gamecube eras - disappointing them now isn't the best idea if Wii, or Wii 2 or whatever comes next goes tits up.
  11. I too suffered at the merciless hands of braces - it was probably worth it in the end but by God was it awful at the time!
  12. Nooo, you're too nice, go bat him with a newspaper or something! In other news, I just finished a 12 hour shift at work - I'm rather knackered. I'm thinking cheese on toast for dinner - any other suggestions from you lovely people?
  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again (in a non creepy way), you look perfect the way you are! So quit worrying, pretty lady
  14. I got it from play-asia.com, don't quote me 100% but I think it was around £21 - obvs not a brilliant price for what is technically old technology but what the hey!
  15. What did one tampon say to the other tampon? Nothing, they're both stuck-up cunts.
  16. A boring day for me but a nice one as it involved me not having to go to work. A day off now and again is always nice. Went to the gym earlier and I seem to be getting stronger so hopefully I'll be back up to my best performance soon! Otherwise, I'm debating whether or not to do something tonight, hmmm....
  17. Bad controls is perhaps my biggest gripe - a game which is unresponsive instantly disconnects me from what's going on and causes me to curse and swear at the game. I don't see how bad graphics can break a game. Sure, if they're so bad that you're unable to make out what's happening on the screen then by all means, but I think other factors such as sound, storyline and gameplay are way more important.
  18. Ordered myself one of these last night - I've got a horrible feeling that my other GC controllers are somehow damaged, mainly because of being in a bad mood one night and smashing two controllers into the ground repeatedly. I think that was more other things on my mind than just the game. Either way, a nice new controller should mean I'll look after it - plus it has a 3m cable, which means I can actually sit at a reasonable distance from the console (I have a Wavebird but that seems to be broken too).
  19. It's certainly a lot, don't get me wrong. I just guess, I was almost expecting it to outsell Mario Kart Wii. The gap between the two of them is quite considerable. Then again, Mario Kart does have that casual appeal whereas Smash Bros. does not. Either way, it's topped Melee and it's only been on sell for a year and bit.
  20. Hmm, well I may look into this, although it depends, what is it that one can actually do with Homebrew? I'm not really after emulation as it's illegal and I feel bad enough playing Earthbound (although if Nintendo had released the bloody thing over here I would've bought it!). Is there anything really worthwhile is what I'm asking I suppose!
  21. I'm surprised Brawl didn't sell more. Nintendo were banging on about it as if it was the best thing since sliced bread!
  22. Folks - this sounds intriguing to me. I'm slowly losing interest in my Wii, mainly because Nintendo as per usual, are on to a great thing, yet fail to back it up with a little known thing called GAMES! Some of the features here sound pretty cool though...my main concern is online play - yes I complain about playing Brawl online a lot, but I'd hate to lose the ability to play the game online with friends, just as I would Mario Kart Wii. Does Homebrew prevent me from doing this once it's installed? Can I still get VC games and still do everything that a Wii is supposed to do and more? If so I might need some "info" on how one can do this...
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