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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Reminds me of when I contacted Birdseye to tell them how godly their range of Steamfresh vegetables were. My friend also contacted (on my behalf) Sharwoods, telling them to give the guy or gal who came up with the ingredient quantities for their Korma sauce a fucking promotion. Didn't get a response on that one though.
  2. Strangely enough it does have something to do with someone dying, lol.
  3. Would be nice to have some (combined with your lovely company would make it even better too ). I dunno, not sure if I should go into specifics on such a public medium. It's rather tricky to explain...plus I'm not sure if bringing the mood down is good.
  4. Ugh, fed up. Too much on my mind. Feeling guilty about something that I dunno if I should be feeling guilty about it. Can't get it off my mind. Trying to do uni work and failing miserably. Want battenburg
  5. The church are just a bunch of ignorant morons, hence why religion is so redundant these days - I dunno if there's a God or not but I'm pretty sure he'd be pissed if he saw what the fucking idiots in the church are doing half the time.
  6. Funnily enough I used to have one of those in my old student house. It's just a shame we didn't have other things like decent central heating and taps that didn't drip...
  7. I always found it funny that he had to wear the iron boots in order to be able to sink to the bottom of lake or river yet was always carrying them to begin with. Now I see why he beat Ganondorf - clearly got more than just the Master Sword up his sleeve!
  8. Ugh, headache. Thankfully Dr. Mummy has prescribed me some painkillers so that I may continue with my work! Otherwise went to a gig in Cardiff last night - was fun but had to have an early start this morning, as needed to get train back to Reading so that I could attend a meeting with one of my professors and go to class too. Was not fun and probably the reason why I have a headache now. Life's been stressy lately. I managed to get in contact with an old friend of my ex the other day (the one who tragically died earlier this year) and she's said she's got a big collection of old photos that she can send to me which will be nice. The more memories I can have the better. I'm hoping she has at least a few photos from when I was 16 - there's particular pic of my ex and I on the beach that I always cherished but stupidly got rid of last year (mainly because of pressure from my parents to tidy out my room and get rid of stuff I didn't need anymore...). Probably sounds kinda creepy but I just feel like holding on to a few mementos. Really miss her lately and I don't know why. Maybe I'm just getting carried away with the glory days of my teenage years? lol.
  9. Current Gen games have been those prices for some time, unless it's Wii. Pretty sure even last gen £40 was the usual price for a game, unless it was on PC. Last time I recall picking a game up for £30 at release was back in the day of the PS1. Don't even get me started on the 64...those prices were fucking ridiculous, but hell, they were great games!
  10. I had a nap from 8.30pm to 9pm and I dunno why but now I'm super pumped. Working on presentation. Do not disturb, the Pookeroo machine is running for a change. And I realise the irony in being on here and writing messages... I love you all.
  11. When I first saw this post I thought you'd gotten some sort of TV deal for lethargic gamers - nice to see the television world is still going to remain a safe place though. All the best for your appearance.
  12. Lol, dude I was gonna ask you for your PSN ID but then saw it under your Online Info - seems kinda obvious that it would be that really...


    Down with MW2!!!

  13. An old favourite of mine, just love that wheezy laugh.
  14. Why must essay-writing be so goddamn hard when you least need it to be! Having to write about world governments and sovereign states, so not only am I slowly falling to sleep, but I'm also tempted to raise my tired hand, gun in grip and shoot myself. Well, maybe it's not that bad but I just wish I had a clear idea of how to go about my work Otherwise, it's been a day of distractions and espressos. If only n-europe were a bar and not a forum - then I could get battered and tell you about my shit in a trivial, drunken manner.
  15. I find this to be the case where I work although I don't really suffer from a lack of hours as I don't actually need them, but many other colleagues get a good amount of hours even though they're incredibly unreliable. Some people phone in sick on a fortnightly basis and it's more than clear that they're pulling a sickie and getting away with it. Not to mention some folk are very competent at disappearing when things get busy/they're bored. /rant.
  16. Lol, well in case that I can only hope that it's "The Swindon Lot" that go! It could be worse though, hell, you could be wasting your free time working at Argos...
  17. I agree with you 100% - honestly don't see the big deal with MW2 online - it's a poor man's Counterstrike - spawning is completely stupid and I don't see how Infinity Ward can even remotely suggest that the game is balanced in any way. In short, yes I suck ass at it. Plus I didn't play COD4 online but the online really is awful compared to classics such as Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also... Molly: Sorry to hear about the possibility of redundancy, I hope that they keep you (don't see why they wouldn't, seeing as you seem awesome in every regard) Jay: stop spending so much money! Now's as good a time as any to get off the fags and save dough in the process. wolfy: Sorry to hear about the course. I think all uni courses come down to wikipedia/some form of website that does more than your teachers but for less monies. Me: stop distracting yourself and do some goddamn reading! Must not fail essays!
  18. That my biggest issue at the moment - it's quite the life-changer. Good in some aspects but bad in others (especially when it comes to friends and family )
  19. Oooh spooky! I'm considering (given my current MA/languages background) the diplomatic service/European Union stream - dunno what sort of position but the idea of playing ambassador is kinda cool. You should get involved too, then we run away abroad, throw lavish parties and live off cocktails and fine food. All while living in our luxurious ambassdorial residence! Hmm...perhaps I'm getting a little ahead of myself...imagine that'll at least be another 20 years off....harumph.
  20. Ah, quite the obstacle course then! I'm looking at applying for the Civil Service fairly soon and they have a very similar application process (it might even be the same who knows), so I look forward to hearing more about your progress! I've had a rather dull day...just a seminar in the morning on Marxism and then fuddy-duddied about the rest of the day, sleeping and procrastinating. Really need to get my head down and do some work this week!
  21. I think it's parents who are to blame for this - so many kids came into work over the weekend with their parents picking up Modern Warfare 2 for 'em and you can't do fuck all about it. Now, I'm not saying that parents shouldn't be allowed the freedom to decide what their kids play, but age limits are there for a reason. I think it's a case of parents actually finding out what's in these games and furthermore, determining if their kids are mature enough to be playing them. I imagine a lot of us have played games that we were not originally old enough for, so it's a bit hypocritical to suggest that these ratings are a law that must be abided by. Technically they are law, and they apply to everyone, but unfortunately not everyone is the same. I think this is more to do with maturity than age. The one thing I find to be most effective about these laws is that the games can't be bought by those underage themselves in most cases, which helps in preventing parents from at least being aware that such a title has been bought. Older siblings and friends doesn't help lol. I got Perfect Dark when it was released back in 2000, which as we know, was rated 18, and I would've only been 13 at the time. Knowing that I stood no chance in hell of getting it, due it's absurdly overrated rating, I campaigned to mother and father to see if I could convince them to get it for me. The first thing they did was ask me, what the game was about, why it had such a high rating, what you did in it, and was there anything else that it could be compared to. After fulfilling their criteria they seemed happy enough to get it for me, and thankfully mother had read an article that had said that the game was rated a bit too highly. They did their research and they deemed me sensible enough to play it and not be affected by its content. Some parents just don't know what's in games, or rather, they do but they don't realise that young kids could be influenced by these things and even worse try to imitate things from them. Jesus, if your gonna buy the fucking thing, read the box, see a review, ask a store clerk instead of being a goddamn loser. Goafer made a point about seeing it from the other side - I can see an outsider's point of view (MW2 was an example) but I don't agree with it - terrorism is a serious issue in society today thanks to 9/11 and I see nothing wrong in elements of it being portrayed in the media, just like it is in films such as The Baader-Meinhof Complex, for it has cultural and even educational elements. People know terrorism is a horrid thing, the level in MW2 is not portrayed in a distasteful or entertaining way - it's pretty fucking brutal and it gives a fairly honest view of terrorism. People with a brain will certainly see these aspects of it - kids who are still growing and learning will probably not. It is ridiculous to even begin to argue that games can be used to train people to become terrorists - it is not a terrorist simulator that teaches you the core aspects of what is needed to be a terrorist - it's just painting a picture of how a terrorist event might happen or unfold, much like terrorism has been portrayed in other media for some time.
  22. Ah balls, these things are always on a sodding weekend. Can't come
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