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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Why the hell would they do that? A HD Wii would cater to the hardcore more than the casual and the hardcore play Brawl and MK with GC pads. Also, I don't quite get the point of your SMG HD video display. My point was that if they make it so that the only major difference is that the games will still have the same graphics, but a sharper resolution, they'll run slower. That video is based on emulation software running off a PC, not off a Wii console. The games would then suffer from slowdown as Wii is not powerful enough to render at a higher resolution while sticking to 60 frames. Funnily enough, the guy in the video even says that a powerful PC is needed to ensure slowdown doesn't occur, to draw on something of a paradox. And yes, you could say that they could make the console more powerful in order to compensate for this, but I'm pretty sure that if the game has been developed and released before all of this, it won't be programmed to use this new horsepower anyways. And like fuck Nintendo will go to the effort of patching them all.
  2. Exactly. Plus, surely if they did allow 1080p, all that would happen is that games would look exactly the same as they do now but probably run slower because they're running in a higher resolution (which isn't really noticeable when the graphics are limited as it is).
  3. I was a get-all-that-I-can as I go kinda guy with the first one. But then I am a bit of a greedy shit. Just means that if you get stuck later on you've got some stars in reserve to progress
  4. Damn you people with import and review copies are lucky, I wanna play it damnit
  5. Funnily enough I haven't! I got 43 out of 44 entry passes and for some reason (we even checked numerous game guides), we couldn't get the last pass, as if our game/save file was bugged or something. And there is that one pass you get off of Kenzo or someone where you have to save up 15,000 cash...took like 3 days of solid play! I agre wholeheartedly with you, although I would say that Knights of the Old Republic was probably the last best thing (not to knock JKII, that game was incredible, especially online). I loved RC though. My main gripe with the game was that it was so freaking short! Just as you were really getting into it, it kinda just ended. Plus, they made the Wookiees so damn bad ass. I like your idea for a 4 player tactical co-op - my issue at the time was that each character was presented as each being an expert in their field, yet there was no advantage/disadvantage to having particular squad members perform task/objectives - they were identical in this regard. But yeah, don't worry, there's plenty of RC love here
  6. Lol! I can just imagine the expressions on so many angry fanboy faces if that were to happen!
  7. I found the Gate to be really underwhelming for some reason - I was excited all morning and then when it came to seeing it I felt disappointed. Maybe because there wasn't someone awesome like JFK or Reagan giving a speech when I went. I love how there's lots of small, but kinda cool and indie (I dunno how to describe it!) bars. It certainly makes a change from your traditional pub. And German beer is the best beer in the world. It's called Currywurst damnit! Make them order the right thing or they won't experience this most sensational meal! (Glad you mentioned this!). It really is and I'm glad someone else on here appreciates it as much as I do. I spent 6 months living on Rue Lepic in Montmartre and it was an incredible experience. It's like a quiet little village, hidden within a bustling (albeit beautiful city). It's also home to one of the best fondue restaurants in the world (in my humble opinion). Also, Eenuh makes the grand point of the Champs Elysées. I, at the same time as my Montmartre experience, even got to work on this wonderful avenue! Love Paris, wanna move back!!! And Jav tell your students that German kebabs are holier than God, Allah, and even the CCP. They taste so damn good!
  8. I've really no idea what to expect but I think it's gonna be minimal in relation to what I actually want to see. Wouldn't be surprised if an old franchise is finally brought back...have a good feeling that it could be Pilotwings! Although, if they were to redo it, I'd much rather see it done with Miis e.g. like the Wii Sports Resort effort but much more in depth! Otherwise, I see the focus being more on the 3DS than the Wii side of things.
  9. I have the Wiiware version of this - is pretty good fun, but I doubt I'll pick up the physical form version. The balance board mode wasn't the greatest either, slightest movement would sometimes result in fucking everything up!
  10. Indeed, as per our discussion the other day however, it holds up a lot better than Boy Harvest does in the control department! That game's controls sucked at the time, let alone a decade on, lol!
  11. You do realise that that example and your point agrees entirely with what I was saying? I wasn't saying that older games suck in comparison to newer games and rather I was suggesting that newer gamers might not appreciate them as much as those who played them at the time.
  12. This is the thing really, at the time it was the best game ever. But reviews in a sense can only be reflective of the time in which they were made. It's silly to say that if OoT was released today, it'd get lower scores because the simple fact is that it most likely wouldn't be released in the form that it exists in today's gaming environment. My only issue is that people see a game at the top of the ratings pile and claim that its the most incredible game ever and that nothing comes close. Lots of games since OoT have made huge advances in technology and gameplay aspects and in a sense do more. Really, all a review does is give you someone's opinion at the time, telling you whether or not you should buy the game. OoT was a brilliant game in 1998. It's still a brilliant game now for people who initially played it in 1998, because it was so well made. I imagine most younger gamers who give it a go will likely find it not so great because it doesn't consist of what they typically find/enjoy in a game. As for the less decent retro games, I imagine they must find them pretty poor! This is a generalisation but I do think it applies. Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying that OoT is your favourite game. But the point is can we really hold a 12 year old game up as the standard for which modern games are compared to? The author's arguments did seem a little excessive - I suppose it depends on how you look at a ratings system - I, like most folk, believe that a 10/10 doesn't equal a perfect game, I think it just means that if you own that console, and furthermore, if you like that type of game (there's plenty of people who won't like SMG2 because they don't like platforming games and that's fair enough), then they're saying that it's worth all your pennies!
  13. Indeed. They've got a great IP with which they could clearly do some really good stuff yet recent Sonic games to me have just been incredibly boring and uninspiring. They should really get some fans on board, you know like ask them what makes Sonic great, what doesn't and perhaps most importantly what could be done to improve it. Nintendo does fan service quite well (well, in terms of gaming content), don't see why Sonic Team can't just put their hands up and say, tell us what you want and we'll try our best to do it. Secondly, they really should do a Mario and just shelve the story - make it as simple as possible and just let people play the fun bits. Given the solo-console approach on this (from a home console perspective) I imagine this'll be another one destined for the bargain bin. But, I do hope that I'm wrong!
  14. OoT is back on top now. It would be refreshing to see it dethroned (I do agree with your review point, although I remember most publications at the time rating the game in the mid-to-high 90s, rather than it getting the slew of 10s that SMG2 appears to have gotten). I say that, despite the fact that I adore OoT, but it a bit of a shame that nothing else appears to have bettered it since its release over 10 years ago. Saying that, it's very hard to compare all these games, they're all so blinkin' different that the top 4 or 5 games on that list might as well be considered as good as each other (with the exception of SMG1 + 2 of course).
  15. I don't remember the Sega-Nintendo war being so bad - from my perspective it was always the school playground debate between Mario and Sonic and who would win in a fight. Then Brawl came along 20 years later and proved that both characters were ass. And it was nowhere near as bloody as the PSone/N64 war.
  16. I would usually agree here but I have a Nyko charger that replaces my Wiimote backs with a battery pack and rubber grip and they're pretty darn good. Get a lot of life out of them and the design isn't clunky or out of shape. Also, third-party component cables tend to be just as good as Nintendo's official one, but cost a fraction of the price.
  17. Oooooooooh, it's so shiny Can't believe it's Number 1 - surely some less favourable reviews must still need to come in?
  18. ^Wow, that's pretty funkin' nuts! I think that if it ends up dethroning OoT, my hype level is gonna go through the roof, which is bad as the excitement may kill me before I get the game
  19. I know! It's insane seeing as they go so well together! Maybe they didn't want Gusty Garden being associated with another galaxy? Of course, I say that and there's a good chance that many of the old songs are appearing in what are new galaxies. Been playing through the original again with a mate lately in order to get my (incredibly poor) platforming skills back on track! It's his first time playing and from what I can tell, he seems to think it's a pretty swell game (the first hint of that being that we played it for 8 hours straight). Having a second player really does help with the old star bit collection too - some levels we're getting over double what I would usually get by myself.
  20. I wonder how this one will turn out - never really been a huge Sonic fan but who knows, Sega seem to finally be realising that whatever they've been trying to do with Sonic for the past ten years isn't really working so maybe we're in store for a treat I also agree about the music, seemed pretty funky.
  21. I thought I'd read somewhere that the trailer music wasn't actually in the game, aside from the fact that the Sky Station theme part of it is in the Sky Station galaxy and the Gusty Garden part is at the beginning. If it is a soundtrack for a galaxy I'll be very happy, it's the best song Also, I am very jealous of you Mike! Hope you have an awesome time
  22. Oooh, a la Mario Galaxy. That'd actually be pretty awesome if they pulled it off. I'd want coop though - although a splitscreen jobby could work for the 3D environments. My favourite bit about the first game was that awesome Impact song, followed by what was then him rolling across Japan obliterating (seemingly innocent) towns in order to increase his power - legendary, quirky stuff. Maybe I just have an MN2 addiction? I've completed it about 10 times and it gets more and more fun each time!
  23. Gotta agree with you there. All the local people seemed quite supportive of them which was nice.
  24. On the NSMB front - I really don't want a sequel, I found both the DS and Wii version to be really boring (unless you played 4 player co-op, that was quite fun). It's strange seeing as I absolutely adore the original SMB, SMB 3 and SMW. I think the new ones were a bit too easy and the level design didn't really do it for me. Meh, maybe I should just give it another go at some point.
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