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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. I love Megatron's Fusion Cannon, it just nails an Autobot so damn hard that they just disappear into another realm of pizownage. His tank mode is so damn formidable as well. Enjoying it so far, although only on the third chapter. Story is pretty funky too, I look forward to getting to control Optimus
  2. Folks, I'm curious - did this game come out today? I was in town and HMV was the only place that seemed to have and even then I'm not sure if that was just a pre-order box.
  3. Thank Fuck! Now if only they could make Brawl somewhat playable online!
  4. Cheers for the info chaps, I think I'll probably not download it - I seem to recall not liking Kiddy Kong on my initial play anyways. DKC 2 is probably my fave although the first is incredibly close, mainly for the reasons that Jonnas lists.
  5. I absolutely adored this track from the second game - so epic. I'm so darn tempted to download one of these off the VC. I've played through DKC and DKC2 fully before so perhaps I should give the 3rd a go (I've only played some of it) - I know it got probably the highest rating for any SNES game ever but is the third still awesome if you've played the other two already?
  6. I'm so buying a few hundred pots so that I can smash 'em with the Wiimote at the same time as when I'm smashing them in the hunt for rupees and fairies in-game.
  7. Although it's early days, the screens do suggest a somewhat-toned down nature - ever since the Gamecube I always had the impression that Mario Kart (and other Mario games for example) were becoming a little too wacky. Take Mario Kart 64, as RedShell says, you need to be a good driver/racer and usually you'll succeed through the clever use of items, not like MK Wii (which I do love), where if you're lucky enough to survive the gauntlet of Bullet Bills, lightning bolts, blue shells and that fucking annoying cloud, you'll still probably lose because someone is using a far superior vehicle and the wacky track will screw you over one way or another anyway! It's kinda like Mario Tennis 64, there was a items mode (which sucked), but otherwise it was a solid, fun-take on the genre that required good gameplay skills, and a decent knowledge of the characters and their skill. It's hard to describe but what I mean is something along the lines of, it was still tennis, despite Mario being in it, unlike some of the later games where it's Mario with only a vague hint of the activity involved. It'd be nice if they gave it the nostalgic look of traditional Mario (boo, I'm a GC hater I know) - Double Dash just looked sickeningly bizarre (and even MK Wii in some parts) and had the most weird looking tracks. Bring back Choco Mountain in a new form for us Super Mario World addicts rather than something as ridiculous as DK's Snowboard Cross or Toad's Factory, which despite how fun they are, have virtually nothing to do with Mario.
  8. He also had a bugger load of interfence/technical problems and virtually all the hands-on previews have said it controls amazingly.
  9. I'm personally for M+ but I certainly get your point. What would be cool would be for Ninty to have a GC pad/Classic pad option, as I too, depending on where my Wii is in the house, would struggle to play in an active manner at times. All the stuff they showed at the E3 demo, can be done with a analogue stick anyway right? EDIT: When I say, can be done with a stick, I mean in a basic form at least. Obviously, 1:1 sword fighting probably isn't the case.
  10. In most retail environments the Wii is still selling at normal price or only slightly reduced (think it's £169 where I work) - throwing extra shit in doesn't count in my opinion, it doesn't make it any less expensive (you still have to pay that amount in order to get the console), but rather it makes it better value for money. Furthermore, those prices are not dictated by Nintendo, as my original post implies.
  11. Unless you bought it second-hand, pretty much 95% of people did seeing as the fuckers at Ninty still haven't dropped the price! Lol!
  12. Umm, Tatanga and Wario were in the Gameboy games instead of Bowser. Personally though, I think it depends on how well the new bad guys work. Who knows, they might be better than the Kremlings!
  13. I love Majora's Mask being in the trailer, it even makes that creepy sound! Getting more pumped for this game by the day. Despite all my recent complaining, I'm in the mood for a new Zelda-thon experience! Reminds me, I need to pick up a couple of M+'s sometime soon!
  14. Exactly, you'd have to be insane to turn down the opportunity to work on a DKC game, they're just magical!
  15. I'm pretty sure the N64 had an abomination of a price (it with either £300 or £250 when first released in the UK). Saying that, that was back when Nintendo was more like Microsoft/Sony and did that whole "The Most Powerful Games Console on Earth" thing. It went down very quickly mind you. Remember I got mine for £100 a year after launch or something.
  16. I do wish they'd do something other than update the original 64 title. It's a great game don't get me wrong but it's kinda sucks for all of us who got it 13 years ago as, regardless of the 3D etc. we've played it before. One only hopes that they make a super expert mode or something. Also, an improved multiplayer mode would be nice Maybe throw in a few more levels with more varied environments.
  17. I think that would actually make me crap my pants. It'd be awesome. Great idea Tellyn, you should be Miyamoto's assistant!
  18. Hmm, it's a tough one to call - I hope they don't make the Sony error and go in with a price that is ridiculously high. Don't get me wrong, the 3DS is innovative but it's certainly not the most cutting edge piece of equipment in terms of graphical horsepower. Plus Nintendo has a habit of whoring profit - not a bad thing for a business to do obviously, but the profit margin on the Wii for exameple was incredibly high. Maybe they should go for less and make gains on the insane amount of software they'll likely sell.
  19. I know what you mean - it's actually a series of ridiculous platforms, corridors and in TP's case, cannons that blast you across the world - even getting to Zora's Domain for the first time in OoT was a little silly. Using the Ocarina to open up the waterfall made it feel you were about to visit this ancient civilisation that nobody had seen in ages and after going through swings and roundabouts to get there, you find that in actual fact their leader is a fat piece of shit that is blocking the way to an even fatter piece of shit. Something more akin to the trek up to Goron City, where it was simple, albeit epic (which is what I think you're semi-implying would be nice) but also the sense that it's one big interconnected world (aka Zelda with racial harmony). I suppose MM was the only one that got kinda close in that regard. Sorry if I've completely misunderstood what you've said by the way - I'm tired! Also, as much as I hate to suggest it, seeing as I absolutely cannot stand most Metroid games, why not borrow the backstory elements whereby exploration/examination (like the scan thing) and persistent conversation with NPCS actually inform you more of the world that you're adventuring through. I think MM had something similar where you could talk to people wearing different masks and sometimes they'd reveal information that you otherwise wouldn't have known and for the most part I think it really worked!
  20. This does look very good, although the voiceovers are so goddamn awful - why the fuck do they give Pit that voice! I imagine it'll be a good'un and will look astonishing in 3D. Nice to see Sakurai is on a new project, hopefully they'll keep giving him something new to do every so often so we don't have to put up with his input into Smash Bros anymore.
  21. True, as you could get to Zora's Domain through the Lost Woods but even then there was a sense of distance between the two. Here I can see the wall that, as far as I can tell, leads up to the river/waterfall.
  22. I'm curious - this supports the Classic controllers but has GC controller compatibility been mentioned? Because I think it's pretty stupid on Eurocom/Activision's part to not include it! Unless they've got the motion controls down to an art?
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