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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Oh man, Retro you're so darn lucky! Looks like an excellent part of your trip
  2. It's nothing to do with you disagreeing with me - loads of people have disagreed with me and you're singled out because you've been a right dick on this forum lately. Plus I agreed with you in my last post. Finally, I don't aspire to be mature, not my cup of tea.
  3. Rummy makes a good point. The whole joining for nintendo-related discussion and then taking part in general discussion is certainly a nice aspect of this forum which makes it worth returning to! I like to get to know the personal side of people on here I really do! Ask captain falcon or buttons or tellyn or rinha - I'm not anti-general chit chat! My only real concern was that the nintendo side of the forum has more or less been abandoned apart from a few of us who won't budge. The discussions there aren't as lively anymore! And sheikah, despite being a real douchebag lately, is correct - you can't blame people for not wanting to post about nintendo if they don't wanna. But maybe we're missing out on new members in that regard because we don't have much to offer on the gaming side of things? And there's some truly good discussions that do happen in general cc and if you look at my posting habits I've typically posted more in general than anywhere else. But new folk are drawn in because of nintendo and I reckon we're missing out on meeting new folk by letting that side of it down. At least with the removal of the bigger threads like hwyd where loads of people's posts go ignored, new folk can at least dive into a current affair topic or film related thread and actually have their post read and discussed without having to first learn what everyone's like by trawling through hordes of hwyd posts. Apologies for bad grammar etc. On my blackberry.
  4. Oh ma god, you're a woman! I knew it! I kid, I kid!
  5. Just thought I'd let you know that I did indeed read it - I hear ya and you make a good point. People knowing each other on here doesn't annoy me by the way, striking up new friendships is always good! I guess I just want something impersonal overall but for there to somehow be some room for personal friendships etc. to develop. It's a catch 22. But I think the staff have approached this in the right way for the moment at least. Anyway, I guess I'm just disappointed that the Wii Discussion/Retro Gaming boards in particular aren't more active, but making people post there won't make the discussion anymore lively though will it! Of course, if you guys wanna make me happy and shut up whining, you could just view my N64 thread in the Private Trades board and sell me some stuff!
  6. Gotta be playing N64 for me. Reminds me of the good ol' days!
  7. I don't like to get personal on this forum. As far as I'm concerned, you're all crazed!
  8. As much as I have no desire to try and answer every bloody reply here, given that I'm fighting a losing battle but... Yes, they are. But sub-groups do exist within communities. Which is what my point was. If you want to apply the general definition to those as well then by all means, be my guest. This is fair enough as it's your opinion but not everyone thinks the same way as you do. I'm by no means suggesting it's not a valid viewpoint, but there's certainly another side to it. Surely simplifying the forum would make it more accessible? Yeah, it's more impersonal for us who come here on a regular basis but it could allow newer/less frequent members to join in more spontaneously. It's certainly something that should be discussed. And, although discussion would've been preferable before all this, I imagine it would've been shot down before it'd even been given some serious consideration. Well, it's their forum I guess, they can do what they want with it. They certainly do so when they're dishing out infractions to me for no reason so why stop now! I definitely agree about consolidating parts of the forum for a tidier experience! Yeah! So scrrrrrreeeeeeeeewwwwwww yoooooooouuuuuu, Princess!
  9. Which, as I seemingly have to continuously point out, I'm not disputing. But this is a Nintendo forum. I come here to talk Nintendo. Not find out why so and so had a shite day. But, if general chit-chat is part of the package then I'm not against it. It adds more variety which is a good thing. My point with this whole thing though is that this is primarily a Nintendo forum whether people like it or not and people seem to argue me down for it despite the fact that the site is called n(intendo)-europe. Teen chat this ain't. And surely, Nintendo's "crappy shift" is a point of discussion nevertheless.
  10. I put yes - sure it's not the best job in the world but it's a worthwhile experience. Not like I have anything else to do with my weekends /sarcasm
  11. Oh sorry, I forgot we weren't allowed to register interest in games before they were released. I'll have to wait for the infallable words of Craig Harris' review to emerge on IGN before I can even consider buying a game.
  12. Well I view the community as everyone who's signed up to the boards (bar the ones who no longer visit here and thus have essentially left the community). When people speak of community on this forum, what they actually mean is the small group of people they interact with on a more regular basis than the other members. That a sub-group within the community in my view. Regardless of allegiances to General CC, Other Consoles Board, or Wii Discussion or w/e, the community is the "n-europe community", hence that little button at the top. Of course, not everyone chooses to be as big a part of the whole community as everyone else, etc. but that doesn't mean that we can't make more of an effort in order to try and make the forum a more inclusive place.
  13. I did! But I was ignored (or someone gave me some baloney that "we'll do it next time"). And the fact they're community run means that they should be as inclusive as possible so that EVERYONE in the community can take part! Why make it "just a fun thing" for a few select people when it could be an even more fun thing for even more people! As for all the other stuff, that's fair enough and each to their own!
  14. Well Eenuh you're right, the general side of things shouldn't be excluded, although my thought on the matter is that there's too much emphasis on it. A place for general discussion is great and all but when it becomes the overriding theme of the entire forum, then it really defies the point of n-europe being a Nintendo site. It might as well be g-europe. Sheikah, I get your point but I prefer quality over quantity. As for the community aspect, it's actually hard to call it a community. Seems more like a clique of people who spend more time on here than others. The general discussions always involve the same people talking with one another in a fairly familiar way about their lives (which they've already talked about a million times already on the forum), which makes very little sense to anyone who enters the forum for the first time. As Jim correctly stated, it's a bit intimidating (I remember thinking so when I first joined too). At least with specific discussions anyone can join in and not have to feel like they must know everyone before saying something. Also, as we're talking change, then the whole n-e awards need a rehaul too. The fact that there were no awards for best person to play online with, or any awards related to the supposed core content of the forum for example only serves to further deepen the divide between "north" and "south" of the forum.
  15. I agree - I imagine they're high-res ones or something but even then. Lot's of detail, which is strange considering how fast you'll be typically going. Not quite Galaxy but certainly not far off. I may have to pick this one up!
  16. Of course the ones whining about the General Chit-Chat mix up could go and experience other boards for a while. It's a Nintendo forum, yet very few people on here regularly contribute to Nintendo discussion. I swear some people on here have never even visited the Wii Discussion. And as much as it comforts me to know that everyone else's life is as shite as mine, I'd much rather we had bigger and better Nintendo-related discussion. That's the reason why I and I imagine most other people joined. Sure, I like the community aspect, but HWYD and other trivial "life" posts dominate this forum.
  17. Phew, just as well I read your post before making my own then!
  18. Well, firstly I don't see why you think non-LGBT folk like myself wouldn't contribute. I may not be directly associated with it but I'd find the discussion interesting and it'd be a good way of a) giving the main LGBT issues of the day the attention you feel they deserve (rather than getting mixed up and likely ignored within all the other sexuality thread stuff) and b) might help non-LGBTs with their understanding (that makes it sound like I think people are ignorant but to a certain extent it's true - I don't know what it's like to be gay or bisexual). Plus, it'd be a great place for people to go if they want advice or just wanna read opinions/thoughts from LGBT people - given how crap society still is, it'd be a great support tool for those who are afraid or alone in real life. Just my two cents.
  19. I'm a Master's student. But on the weekends I have an alright junior management role working for a general retailer. Nothing too exciting but it looks good on the CV.
  20. This is pretty interesting and I'm all for it. The HWYD thread has gotten kinda dull over the past few months. It'd be much better if we just shut down the whole of General Chit-Chat, then we could get more Nintendo/game related discussion on the go!
  21. I just buy off of it - I don't think I'd be any good at the whole posting, constantly taking photos crap. Congrats though dude!
  22. They look so much more sinister, now that I've realised they have teeth Zelda is no kid's game!
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