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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Oh man, I just did the second robot battle in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - the "charge-up-your-power" bit before the actual fight was hilarious - a giant rollerskating robot with a metal pipe demolishing sea side towns, boats, flying castles (wtf?) and even taking out mountains. It's just so stupid but so funkin' awesome at the same time! I seriously urge you ALL you play this game, it's just so damn magnificent (okay it's not the best game ever but the charm and loopiness of it is just so overwhelming!).
  2. When you say fun, how fun do you mean? Fun as in on a similar scale to the fun experienced playing the original Goldeneye/PD or fun as in, it's alright but you won't play it forever?
  3. It was one of the most simple level designs in the whole game, how could you get lost!!! My faves are Grid and Temple. I really like how they spruced Temple up, make it look a lot cooler!
  4. Ah yes, I know what you mean. Many a weekend was spent doing this. The funny thing is that I was actually better on the tiny screen! Can't seem to shoot for shit nowadays!
  5. I hope you're not one of the ones who come into the store and do that. Cleaning that sort of thing up is most certainly not one of the perks of the job!
  6. Cheers for the kind words Daft. Indeed, I know exactly how you feel. Writing an article, even a short one feels so damn time-consuming. Not to mention that my own ideas/thoughts are limited, more people = more creativity! Would anyone know where I could find other people who may be interested? Even on a guest posting level? By posting every 2-3 days I'm not exactly getting much exposure and that's not that great when you want discussion (which could then lead to more post ideas).
  7. Yay! Somebody loves me! A small article I wrote was uploaded to a gaming website! Clicky!
  8. I'm surprised that a Perfect Dark thread doesn't already exist (well not a specific one anyway). So I've been playing this gem of a game lately. Just wanted a discussion because I've been getting back into multiplayer mode! My main point of this post was to see if anyone had any good multiplayer scenarios they created when playing this back in the day. I've always found that although this game offers so much more than Goldeneye (and most other shooters, even today, for that matter), I still prefer Goldeneye! When my friends and I used to play multiplayer, we'd always play Goldeneye deathmatch/team deathmatch and play PD when we wanted to all team up against sims (yes, we even endured the 2.5fps). Perhaps I just find competitive multiplayer more exciting/memorable? Who knows. I also managed to complete PD on Perfect Agent earlier in the year for the first time ever! Was incredibly tough but wow, what a great challenge! Made Agent difficulty seem so boring in comparison! So share your thoughts! And Scenarios!
  9. Came across a couple more awesome tunes from Mystical Ninja on my little session earlier. and... Love this game so much! By no means perfect but a charming little adventure! And navigating my way through Japan is quite tricky - so used to the linear games of today showing me the way that I've had to relearn to use a map and re-acquire my sense of direction!
  10. I really can't get nostalgic over the multiplayer aspect of the game - it's almost completely different from the original! Even the game mechanics for it are entirely different! It does look like it's just Call of Duty but Bond. Don't misinterpret me, I think it looks like pretty good fun, but as time goes on I'm beginning to see less and less of a link between old and new, and rather a cash-in on the title that's had a heck of a lot more effort applied to it. If this game wasn't called Goldeneye I imagine the hype for it would be nowhere near as high as it currently is! /cynicism - I'm still wanting to play some 4-player split-screen!
  11. Incredibly it's actually double that number. Quite strange really! I, despite being an Argosian, have to yet to pick my copy up. I've always preferred using our website!
  12. That's a good point Emasher, although I'm not sure if stores in the UK still offer that service. The only one that might is Gamestation, because I remember it definitely doing so last gen. Otherwise you can buy machines to do so yourself but you'd probably wanna make sure it's okay for GC games before use!
  13. After a bit of exploring first-hand yesterday, if you have an old Nintendo 64 memory pak that doesn't appear to be saving any data, you should open it up. Inside you'll find a CR2032 battery. It is possible that replacing this will cause your memory card to function again! Of course, in order to gain me some practice, people are more than welcome to send me their N64 memory paks and I'll replace the battery for them (for a small fee to cover the battery and postage). However, given that these batteries are supposed to last a long time, I doubt they'll die anytime soon, unless you have a crappy third-party memory pak!
  14. At least you're not banging on about Paper Mario for a change :P I have to actually change my view on voice acting. I'm actually against it in Zelda games now - I really do think it wouldn't do the series any good. Unless they put it in the main cutscenes or something but that might be confusing.
  15. You're coming out with all sorts of gold lately - I couldn't agree more! Banjo Kazooie was truly awesome whereas I always found DK a chore on the two attempts that I tried to play through it. It really lacked the charm of the DKC series too!
  16. Oooooh, Maidenhead's not far from Reading! Dude, we need to multiplayer it up...or get pizza or something!
  17. Dude! I'm listening to the Mystical Ninja 2 soundtrack yet again, you really need to call a hospital or something? Perhaps you could play some tracks on your guitar for us n-europe folk?

  18. I know what you mean Retro, they really do appear to have taken a look at the original dam level and thought, "hmm, how do we make this more fitting today?". It's rare for developers to be so thoughtful and willing to achieve in today's gaming environment. I just hope the controls work - I don't mind using a VC controller pro, just as long as it's easy and not a bother. But like yourself, I do hope the rest of the levels are just as well-thought out!
  19. Hmm, t'is a good question. I personally don't think they will. It'd be pretty hard to justify making us pay for online when it's only 8 players max. Not saying that they still wouldn't do it eventually, but I'd have thought they'd wait until pay-to-play multiplayer was more common. Of course, this is just my tiny brain whirring around! But let's hope we don't have to! Dante, cheers for the video link - I'm actually thoroughly surprised at how good it looks! Of course, the first 2 mins or so retains the charm of the original to a certain extent, after that it is pretty much entirely different...but hell, I've played through Goldeneye 64 a million times so I need something new. The only disappointing part is there's no Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan!
  20. Lol, I was expecting an "(about Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon)" to be hidden in white text at the end! Either way, thank you
  21. It appears that a few select stores do sell it! Description sounds pretty good and the way that you apply it seems a lot better than spraying the entire cartridge with window cleaner. As far as I can tell, my carts are sticker-free but could do with a general wipe clean from a Magic Eraser. More importantly, I just need to clean the contacts or whatever they're called. The biggest issue is opening up my 64. Would love to give it a full clean as I imagine it's caked in dust. But, I'd be distraught if I wasn't able to successfully put it back together again
  22. Just found a pretty good article entitled "Restore your N64 to its former glory". Link I also emailed Nintendo Customer Services. Supposedly an official cleaning kit was released at the time of release. Otherwise I've asked for their advice on how to best clean my consoles, controllers, games, etc. Using rubbing alcohol and a magic eraser seem to be my best bet at the moment however. I'm thinking that come next payday, purchasing a few cleaning materials may be a worthwhile expenditure. Clean all the cartridges as best as I can - I'm worried that some of them may well stop working sometime soon!
  23. I really need to give this game a second chance - I probably only got like 40% of the way through the game when it was released. I wasn't a big fan of 3D platformers back in the day, probably because it wasn't as simple as going from left to right. However, given that many modern games involve following a linear path, the urge to return to some 64-style platforming/adventure is high! DON-KEY KONG! *Monkey screech*
  24. I've recently began investing a lot of time and money into obtaining old Nintendo 64 games and in most cases, I've had to pick up my items second-hand. Now, sometimes these items, as with anything that has already been used, can come in a condition that is less than ideal. So, after a little looking on the Internet, I came across this great , short video that gives a brief guide of how to clean your games. The demonstrator uses a Nintendo 64 cartridge in the the demo but I'm sure the same can be applied to SNES/MD and possibly even NES games. The only part I wasn't too familiar with was the whole "Magic Eraser". I recognise the dude on the packaging but does such an item exist in the UK? Anyway, this could be a great thread for discussion with regards to cleaning and maintaining older gaming items. If anyone has any great tips, advice or info for cleaning controllers, consoles and accessories, share your thoughts!
  25. Indeed - I'm currently playing through the first 64 game again - so bad ass! Although my controller paks are having a bit of difficulty here and there. I imagine the connectors in the controller are a bit iffy after all these years. Anyone know a way of say, cleaning or improving them? I don't really know what the best term to use here is! UPDATE: Ah-hah! I've found an excellent video, which I shall post in a separate thread.
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