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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Yes, someone with your experience would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Hey KNEE, Captain Falcon and I (as well as a ton of other bloggers we've met over the past few months and gotten acquainted with) have started our own video games news site! Known as Bits 'n' Bytes, we've set it up with the very ambitious intention of gaining ground in this heavily-saturated field and becoming a respected and recognised source for gaming-related news! We're still quite small but we've got off to a pretty great start! Admittedly, our news reporting section is still developing (it's a little tricky when we're not on any press release distribution lists yet) but we've got some great reviews and more importantly, some awesome editorials which are our strongest aspect. Obviously, I'm asking you all to visit and check it out but if you could do more to help us that'd be great. Advertise us on Facebook and twitter (following us would be nice too!), link us on your blogs, forums and personal websites (we'll happily link you back). Also, we're constantly on the lookout for guest writers/reviewers and members to join our team on a permanent basis! So please, do check it out as we've put so much effort and planning into this (a whole month of email discussions before we even built the thing, it was mad!) and we really want to grow into something worthwhile! URL is http://bnbgaming.com (I think it's pretty catchy!) Thanks, peace out. Candies.
  3. I'd like to say that my "red terrorist" remark was only a joke. In reality though, the Red Army Faction did fight for this notion of freeing the masses from capitalism's enslavement through means of consumerism. Hence the (light-hearted) comparison. Sorry, I'm a little intrigued by them because my recent dissertation was based on them. I personally don't see how you can stop capitalism, well at least not anytime soon. The problem is that people have been so conditioned through consumerism that trying to convert them to an international system based on equality and fairness would practically require something more attractive than consumerism, and let's face it, many people would rather have lots of money than have a lesser lifestyle than they're accustomed to. I think it's probably in our nature to just exploit and compete, as horrible as it is to say. Furthermore, with the mass media and the government painting the picture of the world how they see it, it seems pretty unlikely that enough people will see the other side of it. Man, I feel like such a pessimist. But I mean look at people who work in unskilled jobs - earning £5-7 an hour is not a living wage. It's a dreadful wage, especially when u consider how much profit large companies make. Sure, these jobs are now marketed at people who want to work part-time or are students but there's still plenty of people who work in these areas full-time. It's astonishing that people haven't risen up on a mass scale and demanded some sort of living wage but then I guess, they've probably been conditioned into accepting that as the norm. Either way, as I stated above, I accept that the majority of how I live my life has a negative effect on other people's. Do I find that a bad thing? Yes. Am I going to do something about it? No, not unless the conditions allow for it, and that'd involve every single nation of the world cooperating, yada yada, etc. Most people aren't willing to admit that - there's always someone else to blame such as an "evil dictator" or "communism" if you're Stuwii. These blamees certainly have a considerable share of the blame, after all they're profiting from an already bad system. What annoys me though is people who bang on about problems in other countries and say its outrageous that the elite there are doing X and Y to their people yet they also live a lifestyle that contradicts their supposed point of view (e.g. they think exploitation in Africa is wrong but still buy Starbucks coffee, and don't give me that fairtrade crap, that's still an exploitary method). That's just being a hypocrite. That and I'm a realist.
  4. Ah good man! The impression I get from her is that all governments are just as bad as each other when it comes to the economy & human rights. What a world. Anyway, I know I'm a selfish, materialistic son-of-a-gun and I'm not afraid to admit it. Now if you don't mind, I need to count my money while I drink my imported coffee in my Made in China mug.
  5. ipaul - may I suggest two very good books that might help you to understand Nicktendo's viewpoint a little better? Naomi Klein is the author of both - they're called "No Logo" and "The Shock Doctrine". Read No Logo first - it's a real eye-opener. The Shock Doctrine is perhaps even more of a chilling read (especially for a non-fiction book). I'm not saying they're fact by any means but it does get you thinking about things differently. And Nicktendo, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a former Red Army Faction terrorist, given your view on economic enslavement, lol! Thanks for the interesting posts, was an enjoyable read!
  6. Oh sorry, you can close this then
  7. Just saw this on IGN http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/112/1122074p1.html Is this true? If so where is Serebii?!?! Sounds like a real ass move on Nintendo's part if it does turn out to be authentic!
  8. Wow! What a great blog! Really good idea and a real interesting read. Thanks for finding that!
  9. I'm angry that Rogue Leader has made it in there. I'll take Goldeneye before everyone else does. I'm playing through it atm.
  10. As long as it doesn't affect us retro gamers, then I don't really mind!
  11. Congrats arnold! Wonderful news and thanks for letting us know!
  12. Ouch! But good way to lose some weight if you want to...if not...well, then it just sucks! Whereabouts in Canada are you hoping to move to/where does your ladyfriend live? Canadian chicks are the best chicks in the world!
  13. You can't complain about that, you're lucky enough to OWN one of those limited edition sets! (I so wish I could go back in time and get one of those...) How did you manage to get yours out of interest?
  14. Dissertation is due in on Friday so it means I will finally, after so goddamn long, be free of educational life! 5 years at uni is fun and all but there comes a point where the capitalist in you just wants to earn some moneh! Of course, I need to find a new job which is evidently going to be the most fun part! Not.
  15. You are lucky. Your useful images have saved you from an untimely death! An untimely death by pookey (they're a bit shitty to try and open doors)
  16. I'm looking at your blog and I can't see tags anywhere. Unless I have to be registered or something?
  17. I currently writing my dissertation on this the Red Army Faction terrorist group. There's a film that got released a couple of years ago based on the events of the group. It's a bit tricky to follow if you're not entirely sure of the back story, so if you do watch it, maybe read the Wikipedia article of the group first, but it's a compelling watch. Another great German film is The Lives of Others - really, really, really good film! About East German Stasi police and a very compelling watch. My all-time favourite French film is Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis (Welcome to the Sticks). Absolutely brilliant film that broke all the box office records in France. A very funny comedy that plays on the whole North/South elitist divide in France (kinda similar to here in England). It's very hard to find a version with English subtitles although I have been told that it exists.
  18. What is it that you find more absorbing though? This isn't a rude retort by the way, I'm just curious what it is you like about it. I for one, love the moments where you meet Sheik before the various temples. I struggle to see how OoT has more depth in terms of the main story though. Sure it's the "big epic quest" but in terms of story it's pretty simple. Majora's Mask was all about apocalypse, death, impending doom, despair, loss, friendship. That and the whole atmosphere to the game is completely fucked up.
  19. Damn mcj, that advert is awesome. Bad but awesome! Didn't the Saturn have that awesome Bomberman game with like 10 player or something? I'm quite a fan of polygonal graphics (I think Body Harvest on the N64 looks good for some reason) so it might be worthwhile. However, my retro-sense is tingling and telling me that it won't be cheap. Might have to wait til I'm rich. Think I'll consider a NES and/or Atari 2600 in the near future though. I won't be as anal when it comes to boxes and manuals with those though, because I imagine complete games will cost a fortune for those systems. As long as I have my near-complete 64 collection one day, I'll be happy!
  20. The sidequests, although not mandatory, were still very much linked to the main quest of the game whereas in OoT they were strictly sidequest...ish? It gave the gamer an option as to whether they wanted to fully complete the game, get a worthwhile reward for their hard work (Fierce Deity) and see the proper ending or just save the day and get on with it and let the difficulty hit them fighting Majora without the mask. With sidequests (some of which were better than even the dungeons and some aspects of the main quest) I could see it getting fairly close to Ocarina in terms of length. Majora's Mask had much more depth, character development, emotion, variety. I could go for hours. I think to call it an ideal sequel is not doing the game justice. It was like taking something that was already perfect and making it twice as good. Of course, I suppose that's just my opinion. Either way, I'd much rather go back to Clock Town than Hyrule Market anyday of the week.
  21. I really don't get all the Wind Waker love, it was such a lazy game compared to OoT and the best game in the series, Majora's Mask. Nintendo need to go back to MM and look at what they did there. That game took what OoT did and refined it tenfold.
  22. Hey guys, This isn't really Nintendo-specific so my apologies if it's in either the wrong board or just not right for forum in general. As you all know by now, I'm big into my N64 collecting yada yada. But I was wondering what other retro machines people consider to be worth checking out. Any love for the Atari 2600? Maybe Sega Saturn? I dunno, but I thought that eventually I may spread my wings and look into collecting other retro games aside from N64. So to kick-off discussion? What are people's thoughts on old Atari machines and the NES? I've only ever briefly played a NES a few times but if I'm after a retro fix, is it the way to go? Also, I'd love to try an Atari 2600 (never even seen one in real life as far as I can remember). I might pick one of these up cheap sometime if I'm bored. Any games that are worth getting this machine for?
  23. For the love of God please don't bring HWYD back and smite all those who request it - there's finally some really exceptional discussion taking place on this forum and all HWYD would do is what Flinky (I think) said, make everyone lazy and post about the most trivial moments in their pathetic lives. I much prefer the individual threads, e.g. Caris made that thread about that accident he had - I didn't like the content obviously given that it wasn't a very nice incident, but it was lovely to see a thread where the focus was purely on him (and was very supportive) without having small interjections of people talking about how miserable they are or that they'd walked to Asda. I'd be up for Post Your Purchases coming back - it lets me know who has bought stuff I might want and I can then ask them for an opinion if I want to know more. UIG would be kinda cool too although I suppose individual threads would work.
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