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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Was able to play this for about 15 mins before the parents stole the TV. Liking it so far, definitely looks like a high quality title! Will share more once I've had a bit more time with!
  2. My review of the game is up at Bits 'n' Bytes and my view of it doesn't seem too dissimilar from lostmario! Check it out peeps, leave feedback, hunt me down etc. if you disagree. http://bnbgaming.com/2010/11/17/revi...black-ops-wii/
  3. As much as I hate to sound like a fanboy, this game really is worth the purchase. The campaign is meaty, a good length and the choice of stealth/all guns blazing makes it really worth playing through. Story has been updated to one that, albeit isn't better than the original, is far more streamlined and suitable for a video game. Multiplayer is awesome as soag already said. I haven't had too much time to play it but I'm loving it when I do. Trying to get my Kill/Death Ratio up to 2.00 (currently at 1.90!). Really good fun and not even Black Ops multiplayer has deterred me from using my free time playing this. So please buy. Add me as a friend. And let us pwn all!
  4. We've got our review up over at Bits 'n' Bytes, although I imagine most people already have made their minds up by now! http://bnbgaming.com/2010/11/08/review-goldeneye-007-wii-2/
  5. Someone very kindly posted instructions to change the controls to MWR style in GoldenEye in the GoldenEye thread the other day and they're perfect. However, I've never played MWR so what setting would these be in Black Ops? Is there a profile name for it?
  6. Folks, does anyone know if the Wii version has coop (splitscreen)? I doubt it does but I'm hoping that it does
  7. Bugger, you beat me to it! Great intro though!
  8. Enjoyed the IGN review although it could have done with getting into a bit more detail here and there. I'm pumped for this game though - splitscreen looks awesome and the production values seem incredibly high!
  9. Has anyone seen the intro to the game yet? It's pretty bloody darn good!
  10. Dominos are gods. But this looks rancid. Give me a Pepperoni Passion or Meteor anytime of the week!
  11. Balls, probably helps to say when I sent it but I cleared my outbox. I did reply a little while ago to you but can't remember what it said!

  12. Did you get my most recent PM?

  13. Holy fucknuts, I was about to say the same thing, so freakin' inventive! I cannot wait to get this game! Glad that there's a tough-ish difficulty to it, I miss hard games!
  14. Bahahaha! "Unwrap the truth" - so damn funny
  15. Word up on DKC2 ReZ, it rules. I'm actually starting to regret selling my copy of it to nando oh well, at least it's in a good home!). With regards to the gameplay discussion, I don't mind so long as it isn't bad! Judging from watching videos is a little tricky, but I wasn't expecting the gameplay to be 100% identical anyway. And the fact that it's a DKC game is purely because of the setting/branding. Ninty undoubtedly want to play on nostalgia in order to sucker people in.
  16. I swear I saw Rummy walking down Farringdon Road in London earlier. If it was him then this is the best to happen to me today.
  17. The only connection I have with Fused and Shadow is my Ness' foot and their respective characters' faces in Brawl! Muhahahaha!
  18. You probably did. But they were Australian. If you look at the box below it has a white square in the bottom right, which is the Aussie rating system. There doesn't exist a UK box like this - only the standard black and gold.
  19. I've had this confirmed (lots of other folks on other forums were adamant that their cartridge was a UK-PAL and it was gold). In fact, it is only the Australian copy that is both PAL and gold. Only Majora's Mask received the gold treatment in the UK. Therefore, I imagine you picked up an Australian copy from somewhere.
  20. Thanks dude, as Falcon said, all the help we can get is greatly appreciated! And he's not my skivvy! He's been just as important in the setup and running of the blog!
  21. We use Wordpress for our site http://bnbgaming.com. We've made it look flashy but you can still make a nice looking blog with little to no prior knowledge http://thegamingenigma.wordpress.com is my own attempt at making a blog and it was very easy to do. You're a lot more artistic than me so your would be even prettier!
  22. Ah, I did mean to get back to you on that one, sorry, got distracted with this new site emerging. I was happy with what you said with the exception of splitting reviews across both sites. I don't think that'd work too well. I'd rather have self-contained pieces on each site. Either way, I'm sure we can arrange something!
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