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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. I'm sorry dude, just so busy nowadays! Still gaming away though! That reminds me, you're the DS collector around here, is Starfox Command worth investing in?

  2. I hope everyone that has received their copy is thoroughly enjoying it - it may be a remastered version but it's a brilliant one at that!
  3. I'm pretty sure review copies haven't been sent out yet. Looks like someone has made a mock-up of what's to come.
  4. Being the self-appointed resident expert on all things Nintendo 64, the rarest titles (according to Retro Gamer) are: Airboarder 64 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr Snowboard Kids 2 Starcraft 64 it's more common than you think. Seen a fair few boxed copies on eBay before.
  5. Hey guys, I wrote this article earlier today and so far it seems to have been well received. I'm fed up of the dreadful review system that videogame news websites have in place and I'd really like to see either a standardised system put into place, or even see review scores disappear entirely. You can see all my thoughts on the link below. I just wanted to see what you guys thought as I'm trying to gauge as many opinions as possible on the matter (I'm even emailing it to the big websites). Share, discuss, etc. (And hello to everyone, yes I am still alive but just constantly busy nowadays!) http://bnbgaming.com/2011/04/24/overrated-the-truth-about-videogame-reviews-and-the-power-that-they-wield/
  6. Amen brother. Personally, I'm not a fan of Wind Waker but aesthetically speaking, it's one of the greatest ever. Even today I feel that it holds its own against even some of the HD crowd.
  7. True, but the 3D open world aspect of Body Harvest is considered the precursor to GTA III, not GTA the series (as in how it plays). The first two GTAs and BH have very little in common otherwise.
  8. Sorry to spam with a link to my article, but seeing as I went to the effort of writing it, I may as well share it with you! http://bnbgaming.com/2011/03/23/missing-in-action-body-harvest/ Who here played Body Harvest? Do you think a remake should happen? Your thoughts please!
  9. Blogging can be great fun! I used to run a personal blog but it soon lost its appeal - pretty much what Wesley said, if it's personal, then why the heck am I putting it online. I think it's better to have a topic to discuss rather than just creating an online diary...unless you're say a musician or something. Some know I run a blog with some friends (who incidentally I all met through blogging) and I'm pretty darn proud of it. Represents not only a lot of hard work but also a lot of teamwork and cooperation between 12 people from around the world. http://bnbgaming.com woo!
  10. Nintendo should just remake this beauty Stick a HDMI port on it to keep people happy. Change carts to CDs/DVDs and increase the god-awful texture limit. Re-release games with slightly better graphics and much better audio. Add some online functionality in there for Goldeneye online (just ignore the lawsuits and release it before anyone can do anything). You know it'd sell.
  11. The 64 version is also a lot harder! I played through this sometime in late 2008/early 2009 (it was during final year of uni) and I still loved it. A brilliant game that has aged surprisingly well!
  12. Gah, this thread (or thrip) has actually angered me - Mokong has just had a kid, which is excellent news and some of you feel the need to piss on his parade! He's just been through what is undoubtedly the most emotional year of his life as well, shame on you, you jerks. And I hate how people feel the need to measure success by measuring it against everyone else. Success is a personal thing, and provided that you've achieved what you want to or are at least on the way to achieving it, then that's all that matters. I've had friends who have turned around to me in the past and told me that I'm "the worst-off in life at the moment" for not being able to do this, or not having that. They are clearly not very good friends (funnily enough, the people who said that aren't actually friends anymore), if all they do is use me as a comparison board for their own miserable lives. I measure success against my own personal goals and standards, not someone else's. I suggest you all do the same too!
  13. Excellent! Thanks for the great discussion dude, it's been really good!
  14. I've had a few bevvies tonight (was my graduation ceremony today) - ask your probing questions and perhaps I may shed light on my personal life for once! (tbh, you'll only find out how boring I am)
  15. It's not about change really (I'm a very dedicated retro gamer) but rather, it comes back to Majora's Mask. That took Zelda in a new, and in my view, better direction. I admit it may not be for everyone but I speak my views as opinion and not fact. I love Ocarina of Time and I enjoyed Twilght Princess. But if Twilight Princess had been a culmination of what was great about OoT and MM then it would have been exceptional. I had absolutely no hype for TP (I had no intention of getting a Wii but received it Xmas 2006 as a surprise gift). Rather I was just expecting the series to have moved along more since. The visuals, sound, controls are always perfect in Zelda games. The story is also usually pretty solid. It's just that some elements of gameplay are always the same, and although I love that many things stay the same, other things need to change and be updated. Again, that's why I love MM - it changed some key aspects but retained others and it worked beautifully. If they could do Zelda in the style of MM but on a much grander scale, it'd be something pretty special in my view. And I don't really agree with your OoT/Link to the Past point. There is quite a considerable difference between them, much like how LttP differs from the original Zelda. But 3D Zeldas appear to have taken on this very samey structure. MM broke from the mould but they then reverted back to OoT style. Ignore the last paragraph. At the time of writing I've had a lot to drink and so I'm finding myself making less sense by the minute. Point is, I love Majora's Mask. They should use that as their basis in future and not OoT. P.S. I love you.
  16. Well OoT brought Zelda into the 3D world! I think that's a pretty big change. From an atmospheric/cinematic viewpoint that's quite considerable. And the exchange between characters is much deeper (although it's quite basic when compared to modern standards). And I'm not knocking Twilight Princess - as I said in my previous post, I think it's a great game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But the difference between it and Ocarina of Time isn't drastic enough for me - it's a big lifeless world, a similar structure in terms of dungeons, and a pretty emotionless adventure. I love Majora's Mask so much because it basically said fuck you to the the epic big quest against Ganondorf and instead focussed on intricate, dark and haunting relationships between Link and Termina's inhabitants. And the main quest was still pretty fucking epic. But don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed TP.
  17. Bah! You should be buying it again!
  18. TP is uninspired for me because it essentially tries to be another Ocarina of Time, yet it doesn't actually take the Zelda formula any further while trying to do so. It's certainly still a great game but I just feel it could have been so much more. Majora's Mask was truly groundbreaking and it's so disheartening to see that so few people think the same. It was like a discussion on here earlier in the year where people found WW better than MM. It just makes no sense to me, WW is such a mediocre Zelda game (in that it's still a good game, but it's pretty average when compared to others in the series). Nintendo really need to go back and look at what made Majora's Mask so great and see how they can improve upon it. They'd have a game of the century of they did.
  19. Have I no friends left!?!? It's no use, you're all crazed!!!
  20. Bah! You should be buying the SNES version!
  21. How the fuck did Perfect Dark lose to COD 4!?!? Gah, life is no longer worth living! EDIT: HOLY SHIT NUTS, Majora's Mask is doing well! I must go vote!
  22. That robot looks a tiny bit like Unicron but then I thought he's obviously way too small. Who knows, I was so fed up with the second one that I may just give this one a miss entirely.
  23. Thank you all for your lovely messages And boy do I now wanna go play some Goemon!
  24. Getting this today. Am buying it and leaving the wrapping on until tonight where a friend and I shall work our way through it co-op style. There's gonna be pizza, beer, tears and a whole lotta fun. Can't fucking wait.
  25. Really? Wind Waker's world is just as bland as Twilight Princess in my view (not colour-wise mind you). Sure there's more things to go and do but I don't think that contributes towards making it more alive. The characters are also completely forgettable, whereas the ones from OoT (and their creepy alternatives from MM) are surprisingly very intricate at times. However, I entirely agree with you on your last point, MM is undoubtedly the finest Zelda game ever made.
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