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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Duuuuuude! That's my old copy of DKC2! YAY!!! Love your set up, especially with the clever placing of the Wii behind the TV - looks like it works very well. I was wondering dude, what size is your TV? (I have a Samsung one in the living room but would love a smaller one for my bedroom). More importantly, what's the image quality of the N64 on it? I've found that on anything above 32in and LCD it tends to be pretty bad so was hoping that a smaller LCD screen might look better. I've got three consoles and was thinking I might have one upstairs, one downstairs and the other just as a spare in its box. Thanks to N64 games saving to the game pak in most instances, I'd just have to take the game up/downstairs when appropriate! Also, I measured the length of my GC pad and its definitely 3m! It also goes really well with the Wii! Hori Pad This arrived today and I had a very quick go during my "lunch break" from my dissertation. Impressions are mostly positive. It is a bit on the small side and I have quite long (but skinny) hands so it took a bit of adjusting to. If you've got fat fingers you might find the button placement less than ideal. The stick is excellent. Works really well and I tested it with Battle for Naboo. Haven't played the game in yonks and was finding myself sniping the shit out of everything (unless it was a tank or somat). Felt very natural and GC-esque but the stick has a much bigger head (lulz). Good as it means more grip! Also, my controller appears to have been well-used (I look forward to cleaning it with my magic eraser and isopropyl alcohol in the coming weeks) but the stick is still responsive and "tight" (it's not as tight as a new official pad but along the lines of an ever so slightly looser GC stick). The Z-button is now 2 Z-buttons and there's one on each shoulder of the pad (they're kinda like the L2 and R2 buttons on a PS controller). I like how they give you a choice but my biggest grip is the location of said Z-buttons. Playing something like Goldeneye is tricky, because using the left Z button feels awkward when used at the same time as the R button and games like Turok where R is jump means that using the right Z button is also awkward. Given that hardly any N64 games use the L button, I don't see why they could have put the left Z button where the L button is so that it's parallel to the R button. Kinda like how the Cube is done. Nevertheless, I imagine I will eventually get used to it. The d-pad is obviously not very good for any d-pad centric games but I did find it particularly useful for crouching in Turok, as I didn't have to take one hand off the pad in order to do it. I can see a fair few other games benefiting from this. A & B Buttons are more or less identical to the offical 64 pad. The start button is small and rubbery and funnily enough, the C-buttons seem a tiny bit bigger on the Hori pad. Shoulder buttons are also smaller but sufficient and have a good feel. It's a very comfortable controller once you get used to it and as I said earlier, provided your hands aren't too big. It's still not quite as ergonomic as the official pad though. If Hori had remade the original pad with the new stick, it'd without doubt be the greatest controller to ever grace this planet. Conclusion: If you play N64 on a regular basis and want a controller that is responsive and will last, this is worth the high price tag. Plus, it'll be worth a shit ton of money in years to come!
  2. With regards to GC pad cable length, although it's by no means the reel design you're after, an official white GC pad was released sometime after the Wii was released. I believe it's a Japan-only item but play-asia do them. I have one and I believe the cable is 3m in length which is really ideal for when I use it in my living room!
  3. Wordpress without a doubt. Everything else pales in comparison. Their staff are incredibly friendly and helpful too should you have a problem or query. Not to mention that my own blog has grown a stupendous amount thanks to their tag system and twitter integration!
  4. It's very easy to open a 64 controller up and clean it, so removing the crud ain't the issue - it's the damn stick getting so lose after however long!
  5. I know exactly what you mean (have this game in my collection and tried it again the other day - has not aged well at all!). I remember renting or borrowing it at the time of release and my bro, sis and I were all playing it with a sorta "huh?" Feeling? Just a very lifeless, dull game with very lacklustre environments.
  6. I thought that this looked pretty schweet at the time but it's a design concept that just hasn't really aged well (bad way of putting that) - the simplicity of say the Dreamcast and N64 means that despite their age, they look pretty pleasing. The Q however, just looks like a mess!
  7. Lol my mate was particularly attached to his yellow N64 controller too - dunno why but it always seemed more magical. Must be something in the yellow paint! It does look good though!
  8. It really does look utterly deformed. I just hope the stick is as good as they say it is. Ideally, I want to use it instead of my other controllers so that they last longer - a couple of my grey ones are so beat up from relentlessly playing Mario Party 1 and 2 in my youth!
  9. Amen brother! Maybe I should change my first choice to an N64 controller come to think of it...I did always prefer the Z-trigger being on the left-hand side (given my left-handedness!). Plus C-buttons pwn C-stick any day of the week!
  10. Play some Nintendo 64 and go back to the golden days for a short while. It'll all feel better then!
  11. I was just able to pick up one of these bad boys off of ebay: A Nintendo 64 Hori Mini Pad (or something like that). It was officially licensed by Nintendo back in the day. I've never actually used or seen one before but everyone and their dog seems to rave about how much better they are over the traditional 64 controller. I can't wait to give it a go! Nice to see a GC-esque stick on it, my official pads are dying. Anyway, it got me thinking. What's your favourite gamepad ever? (official or unofficial). I personally thinking the GC controller is the most comfortable, and enjoyable controller to use, even if the D-pad is a little sucky. It's strange because I really don't like the Gamecube in general! Share your thoughts!
  12. Dazz, with regards to URL shortening - you should use something like twitterfeed (search it in google) - it automatically posts from your blog to twitter with a shortened link. Very useful and I swear by it. I'll follow you in a bit.
  13. I much prefer an alien invasion ending the world than Zombies. The idea of Will Smith flying a jet and yelling all sorts of stuff like "YOU DID NOT SHOOT THAT GREEN SHIT AT ME!!!" And so on would be pretty epic. It'd end badly because there's no way you can upload a virus from a mac to a fucking huge ass mothership!
  14. Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64 And... Nintendo 64. I don't care if it's not that old, it's too freakin' awesome to not be mentioned in this thread.
  15. What EEVIL said. The collectors go on ebay and you'll get far more interest than you will at a car boot. Amount of N64 stuff I've paid a fair bit for because of other fuckers snipe-bidding!
  16. People - the tensions in here have been quite high with regards to Zelda discussion. As a result, I'm asking you all for your opinions on my blog! A friend has provided a video review of Ocarina of Time for me and I thought you might want to leave some feedback on what he says. Some of the comments so far have been...borderline offensive because in the nicest way possible, the review has some faults to it. I was hoping y'all could leave some constructive feedback on his review technique and also share your thoughts on the game! This would help me greatly as I've promised to host his reviews and I want the best quality review possible! You'll find it here, no sign up or login required. OoT Video Review
  17. Why can't they just remake Majora's Mask? It'd be the best thing since sliced bread! Meh, I jest. I really can't wait to find out more about this game! I so hope that there's a town like Clock Town though. Surely they could program things so that people do something different each day over a 14 (in-game) day period? It wouldn't be perfect but it'd certainly add to the atmosphere!
  18. - Obama - Harrison Ford - James Spader
  19. Reminds me of such an awesome song that is needed for this special occasion! Happy Birthday!
  20. Melee was far glitch-ier with all the wavedashing shit. I agree with your initial remark about hitstun but otherwise Brawl is a much fairer, more enjoyable experience. And I'm a Ness player who knows the deathgrab all too well!
  21. Hmm, I don't appear to have an email from you Jimbob, are you sure you got my address right?
  22. Hello one and all! I'm hosting a competition on my blog in association with none other than the legendary Captain Falcon. The prize for the winner is up to 1000 Wii points worth of Wiiware/VC game(s). To enter, I've put all the details on the blog and it's pretty simple! The competition ends on 28th August so get-a-entering! It's only open to UK folk though as I don't believe you can send games from country to country Of course, if anyone can confirm that you can definitely still do that trick to bypass the country lock, I'd be happy to accept other European entrants! The competition in question is at the link below (it's underneath the article by Falcon!) http://bit.ly/awFNLq Thanks Pook.
  23. I don't believe it's a first edition like it is US - all PAL versions are either 1.1 or 1.2 version...unless you're talking about a different thing altogether? And lostmario, it wasn't cheap...went for £50 (excluding P&P) - think I paid far more than it's currently worth but meh, what the hey, I don't collect for value, I collect for enjoyment Just being lucky enough to own it is good enough for me!
  24. Guys, somewhat off-topic but important nevertheless! I'm hosting a competition on my blog! Enter it! The prize a VC or Wiiware game of your choice! For more details on how to enter, read our latest article here: http://bit.ly/awFNLq Sorry, will let you get back to the discussion now!
  25. Talk about reviving the dead (threads)! I just wanted to share a little somat with y'all. I got this in the post the other day and yes, it has made me very happy! It's an Australian PAL version of the game - as you can see it's a GOLD cartridge The guy I bought it off was also kind enough to include a couple of player guides from Official Nintendo Magazine back in the day! It has remained in bubble wrap since it arrived. *makes lame squeal-like noise*
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