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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Ah, that makes good sense! My ex was Mexican-Canadian and therefore I imagine her family did things the mexicano way - turkey with mucho salsa. Come to think of it they were actually vegetarian...
  2. That explains two things - Firstly, Boxing Day could well be regional and secondly, I'm a narrow-minded baboon when it comes to culture.
  3. That always puzzled - my ex and her family would do the same thing - what the hell do you guys even have Boxing day for if you're gonna do all the Christmas stuff before it's actually Christmas!
  4. I was looking at my pics and it reminded me of undergrad uni when things were fun and more care free! I love this pic, it's from graduation day in Bath and it just reminds me of the lovely day my gf and my family had I had super allergic eyes that day (hence the shades) but it didn't stop it being a great day! And here's me inadvertently personifying the term "cereal-killer" (lame I know). Dunno why, but I have the face of a killer in this pic!
  5. Yeah it's all sorted m'lady. Aw don't panic, I'm sure it's fine! I need to read through mine one more time tomorrow before I hand it in. Wanna make sure it's the least crappy as possible!

  6. All done I actually did pretty well in the Maths section! Only annoying thing, the actual test is on the 7th, the same day that one of my essays in due in - not to mention, the day before my birthday! That'd be a depressing start to Tuesday if I failed it
  7. I have about an hour and 40 minutes to do my online practice thingy or else my app gets thrown out the window! Best do that soon! As for your need for inspiration, I've no idea - usually the popular ones are popular because they're so inspirational! Why not look at someone like Kofi Annan, he seems like a dude. Not to mention he looks eerily similar to Morgan Freeman (well to me he does).
  8. I did indeed mean "anarchic" - as in, there is no central authority in the International system that can compel states into complying with international law. It's some pretty interesting stuff, but rather difficult to write an essay about!
  9. Argh! I feel your pain! I hope it turns up somewhere! Currently finishing up an essay at my end - fed up of motherfucking international organisations - they can go burn in hell for all I care. We have an anarchic system, it ain't gonna change any time soon, deal with it you pinheads at the top! /rant
  10. I really like this song at the mo, it's not an amazing song but it just has a certain funky vibe. Anyone know any decent artists similar in style to the Bublé?
  11. Good ta, got half an essay written - although not been very well today so I imagine that's stifled my progress somewhat! How are you? Did you Scooby-Doo it up in the end?

  12. Haha, always quite bizarre when that happens. I remember standing next to a guy at a concert who looked exactly like Eevil. He was being a complete douchebag (no offence buddy but it true, lol) as well which lead me to the conclusion that it most defintely must be him. But it wasn't.
  13. I voted! Don't have time to play (feel like shit too for that matter). Pissed off that that vector game has 53% of the poll, I say we take it doooooown!
  14. You are very "special" indeed MBAM...very special :P


    I'm going to do some work. And then start to build a house out of all this reading I have to do.


    Nighty night!

  15. Well...it deserved it.


    And true, true, you can indeed multi-task, but are you awesome like the Pookster? Hmm, I think not.


    (You are really I just have no ammunition whatsoever!)

  16. Daaamn girl, how'd you do so much?!?!


    I...killed a plant?

  17. Dude...been so long - must brawl again soon, I promise, just so much...so much goddamn work...


    Oh well, when I do finally get to play you, beating your ass will make up for all the essay writing endured! Muhahahahaha!!

  18. Why aren't you doing work!!!


    (I'm only on here to tell you to get back to work...)

  19. Lol, I love how your posts always inspire humour, yet a great deal of controversy at the same time...that last paragraph is so dark yet so funny.
  20. Lol, it's funny you mention falling asleep because I seem to recall falling asleep when watching this - tbh I was in Canada and thus very jet-lagged at the time. I remember it having a rather surreal feel to it though.
  21. Couldn't agree more. Some of my favourite games were the 70%/low 80% ones. Reviewers, or rather the people reading the review (IGN viewers for example...) do tend to place far too much emphasis on a game getting 8.5 or above out of 10 (convert accordingly) - anything less than that and its shit supposedly. Also agree with Edge - stuck-up assholes. But then, I don't buy games based on reviews, I read the review to get an idea of the game without taking score into account. Edge reviews are just a load of convuluted shite though. You'd think you were reading a god awful version of Proust. Anyways, this site seems like a good idea - good to have a new perspective on things and although I don't personally benefit from it, I know plenty of folk who could and thus links shall be sent!
  22. I don't really want anything although my parents are already pestering for some sort of list - feel bad asking for stuff when they're already paying for my MA and have more or less subbed me for the entirety of my last year at uni (my shitty wage covered very little). Oh well, I guess I'll just have to make sure I get them some nice stuff to make up for it! I'd be happy with the Clone Wars Season 1 and a bottle of Disaronno however...
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