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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Balls, beat me to it, t'is also my favourite word - just love how certain intonations make it sound almost endearing, yet also sinister.
  2. This is where I also stand when it comes to MP. MP8 was awful - none of the innovation that the first two N64 outings had. Plus it really wound me up that they got rid of Toad as the host of the whole thing, that dude in the hat is creepy and lame. So I'm all for a new IP and this looks like it could be quite fun! I find the whole Mii thing to have a very endearing aura to it. Plus if the games are as inventive as some of the awesome ones found in Wii Fit Plus, then it could prove to be a top drunken multiplayer game in my view!
  3. I imagine it'd be done on a fitness/physical test basis (just my own thoughts), e.g., if you're X in terms of fitness, you have no excuse not to work - maybe Nintendo should get in with some sort of Balance board related examination that the Job Centre could adopt, lol.
  4. Perhaps we'll see a Galaxy "Master Quest" of some description - remixed levels that are supposed to be harder (but like in Ocarina of Time's case, probably just more boring and less inspiring).
  5. I see much more benefit in say increasing VAT by 2.5% than I do by increasing NI. Remember when VAT dropped to 15% - did you actually feel like you as an individual saved any considerable sum? I doubt it. However, a slight increase in this area would create a hell of a lot more revenue for the government. Edit: Plus I'm pretty sure Labour wanted to increase the employer contributions, which effectively makes it a "tax on jobs".
  6. All that you say is true, although Cameron's cuts will affect the public sector and not the private sector, like Brown's NI tax jobby would have done. When it comes to things like the NHS, I'm desperate to ensure that it's kept running for all to benefit from, but in my view it's, to jump on the almost clichéd bandwagon, far too much pen-pushing and bureaucratic overcrowding and/or very poorly managed. So I'm in favour of a push on private sector job creation, but cuts in the public sector are definitely needed, but managed carefully like you say.
  7. You do realise that the amount of cuts needed is some sort of astronomically high figure? Doesn't matter what the Tories do, we're probably fucked regardless.
  8. I'd certainly agree with the online bit, offline it's more a case of what kind of multiplayer audience you're entertaining - your typical "hardcore" gamer might prefer teh brawlz...
  9. Ah rats! Oh well, thanks for informing me
  10. Folks, I'm sorry if this question has already been answered before but is the split-screen multiplayer mode identical to the online mode in terms of game modes/what's available. I'm tempted to pick this up soon and I think the local coop function would be schweet with friends. I imagine the main issue would be that, if they don't own the game, a friend has to use a basic/starting character with no power ups n' stuff? Any clarification would be good! Also, is it two player split-screen or four?
  11. I'm just glad it'll be a bit tougher - I admittedly didn't get all 120 stars last time as it was a tad bit of a chore - tougher star runs will probably make me more compelled into playing longer! Got real high hopes for this - the first was probably my favourite game to be realised in the past 6 or 7 years, truly magical.
  12. Just ordered... I am fully aware of the fact that its been universally panned but I love the TV series too much damnit! Got Wii version for £14.99, which is probably still too much but meh! I'm hoping the coop makes it more fun.
  13. Haha! Thanks! I look forward to receiving my slipper and toupée in the morning :P

  14. Tis bloody useful for making international calls - used it when I was living abroad. So much easier than having to get one of those unity phone card things from a newsagent or go to a call shop and sit in one of those stupid lil booths!
  15. Oh that's just disgusting! Bringin' it down like that! lol EDIT: My answer would be no - fuck dogs (in the non-literal sense)
  16. I know it's a common occurrence over zee Easter break but it just seems silly. I guess they have lots of folk who want to rent them out for Xmas.
  17. Holy balls, that's an awful wage! I used to get paid more when I was 17! Aww, I'll get you a better job if you come down south Join me, and together we can rule the retail environment as forumer and...forumer...? It is your destiny.
  18. That dude in the third pic is looking straight at that old guy's arse!
  19. Happy Birthday guys! Hope you have a cracking day!
  20. Haven't bothered reading all the thread but saw the first few original posts. Do not buy Dell! Or buy at your own peril! I spent £1270 on one of their top of the range XPS laptop systems a few years back and earlier this year, the graphics card completely died on me (one of the best laptop GPUs back at the time) and Dell being typical Dell tried offloading a replacement card to me for £361! For a card that was 3-4 years old. They also have a monopoly on their spare parts (except RAM) so trying to fix broken parts outside your warranty is usually difficult and very, very expensive! After mucho research it would seem that loads of people suffered the same problem that I did - I imagine it's because so much was rammed inside the bloody thing that cooling was an issue, thus, the card constantly overheated when using the laptop for even the most menial things and after a while it just died. We opened it up to find it covered in scorch marks. I'd go as far to suggest that it's a deliberate design error so as to ensure that something goes wrong with it. All in all, was it worth the amount of money? No. I expected it to last much longer. Also, Dell customer service is extraordinarily shite.
  21. If you like Star Wars then I'd recommend getting the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 on Blue-Ray. The feature film is pretty poor but the series is fucking pro. Again, only if you like Star Wars obviously. I saw the film in HD and it was certainly one of the more redeeming features - everything looks awesome. Combined with the fact that the series is absolutely epic (bar a couple of shitty episodes) - can't really complain!
  22. Nice stuff Ollie and good man for getting in the Christmas spirit already! Mine will go up fairly soon and hopefully, if I remember, I shall take pics too!
  23. I think I might cry Having to write this stupid essay for my MA on the relevance of neutrality for humanitarian organisations and it's just awful! I really want to do well on this MA and so far it seems like I'm just too stupid to actually understand/write anything intelligent. I swear I just read and read, yet nothing seems to stay in my mind. Anyone got any tips on how to do this. Perhaps it's my note-taking methods? Or more likely the fact that I'm just a dumbass. /sigh I need cuddles
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