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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Great documentary by The Gaming Historian.
  2. Picked this up tonight after reading some reviews and I'm impressed. Finished the first 2 chapters along with collecting a fair few strawberries. Absolutely love how tight the controls feel, it's a pure joy to pull off some moves. The music and atmosphere are superb. Can see why it's been scoring highly.
  3. At what, £1.70 a month, I can't see any reason not to subscribe. I play more than enough of Rocket League, MK, Splatoon and ARMS online to justify it. The money will hopefully go towards discounts, servers and better features. Going to remain cautiously optimistic about this. Online VC games and launching with Smash would be a bonus.
  4. +1 for the Sony STR line. I had one back in the UK, can't remember the exact model but I had my sky box, Switch and BluRay hooked up through it via HDMI and it was a thing beauty.
  5. Labo makes me really, really wish I had kids... I'm going to probably pass, but if the software is good, or like Goron says in the post above, if existening franchises get hidden behind it, I can see myself jumping in. A truly fascinating idea which I didn't see coming at all. Hats off to the Big N.
  6. Nintendo streaming event coming TONIGHT! (10pm UK / 11PM CET) "On January 18 2018 at 7 AM, we will introduce a "New Play" for Nintendo Switch on this page." - Translation from ResetEra No word about an English language show yet, but "New Play" sounds like what was promised by Kimishima wanting to target casual players. I'm hoping for stuff along the lines of Wii and DS casual games (Wii Sports / Fit / Play, Dr. Kawashima, Nintendogs etc).
  7. Liverpool on fire! So hoping City won't have an unbeaten season. This has been beautiful to watch.
  8. I managed to get to Comedy Queen on the last game! Talk about cutting it fine. Was a pretty decent Splatfest, I went 19-12. High score was 2117.something, which is the highest I've ever managed, so feeling pretty chuffed about that. Had a few disconnections last night, including one where three players from each team were kicked out and I was left one-on-one with some guy. About a minute before the end we were both booted, which was disappointing as it had been fun and pretty close before that. Go team COMEDY.
  9. I'll be around this weekend as well. Team comedy.
  10. 10. Fast RMX - Loved the original, this is more of the same but looks stunning and has fun gameplay. 9. Sonic Mania - Didn't get into the Sonic series until the VC, but I prefer this over the original 3. Fantastic throwback, amazing soundtrack and lots of retro fun. 8. MK8 DX - My favourite multiplayer game, can't be bothered going through the SP again, but Thursday League Nights are always fun. Top tier MK game. Over 100 hours for both versions now 7. Miitopia - The only 3DS game I played in 2017. Fantastic game, reviewed it for the site and loved it. The writing in this game is up there with Paper Mario. 6. Super Mario Odyssey - Love the variety of the worlds, the music and the gameplay but lost all desire to continue after hitting 450 moons, will pick it up again next year. 5. Splatoon 2 - Splatoon was my favourite Wii U game, this is more of the same but with a number of tweaks which make the experience better. Salmon Run is class. 4. ARMS - My sleeper hit of the year. Wasn't too keen at first but after learning the mechanics it is now my up there as one of my favourite fighting games of all time. 3. Stardew Valley - Harvest Moon: Perfect Edition. HM was one of my favourite franchises as a kid, this does everything that series did just bigger and better. 2. Rocket League - Played 15 hours on the PC a year or 2 ago but couldn't get into it. N-E game nights have changed that. I bloody love this game. 1. Breath of the Wild - Obviously. Still a lot of decent releases from this year to pick up, plus the SNES mini stuff to go through. Too. Many. Games. 2017, Nintendo killed it. Never had so much fun being a gamer. Edit: Honorable mentions: Blaster Master Zero, Snake Pass, Skyrim, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Kamiko, Golf Story (might have featured if I'd have finished it).
  11. Yeah, they really missed a trick not packing in the first DK game. Don't have much of a wish to play through Tropical Freeze again. Other than that I thought the direct was pretty solid, will be picking up a lot of stuff. Though I do want to get Fire Emblem Warriors before I buy Hyrule Warriors again. Might wait til that's cheap. Was actually surprised there wasnt a 3DS game in sight, but it looks like we're getting one fairly big hit a month again for the Switch. Never played The World Ends With You but heard so many good things about it, so that's a must buy. I guess they are saving the big hitters until the end of ghe year so E3 should be massive.
  12. Episode 5 was my favourite because Maxine Peake. I thought the B&W and direction were superb.
  13. Job win: got my first freelance job in the gaming industry! Will be doing the Russian translation for an upcoming indie game. Won't reveal any details as I'm not allowed to yet. The pay is rather meager and I'm nervous as hell that I'm up to the task, but I'm bloody excited. Seeing my name in the credits has been a dream since I was 6 years old, I just never assumed it would be for localization.
  14. Anyone who still 3DS's should definitely pick this up. @Glen-i will also attest to this. Best £3.14 you will ever spend.
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