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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. I just went online and saw he was playing a game, clicked join and I started watching his 1P game. When he saw I'd joined he backed out and we started 2P. Then I got the notification in the app for voice chat. Very smooth. You can opt to play offline or onilne. If you're online, any friends can join the game you're currently playing. The app is great, very slick experience.
  2. Dived in to a game of River City Ransom with @Nintendo Fan, absolutely hilarious, but mostly because the game runs at 10fps in 2 player mode Was a good laugh even though we both died at the first boss, the clapping thing is pretty funny too. I got a notification from the app to start voice chat but I didn't bother. This service has a lot of potential, especially if SNES and N64 games are gonna hit soon. Just a shame that RCR runs so badly...
  3. I'm inclined to agree with everything you've written here, but I actually consume basically all my gaming content on YouTube. It's geniunely sad that written-form game journalism is all but dead, but there is still a load of fantastic content out there. If you can avoid the shitty clickbait stuff, I think we're almost in a golden age of gaming content. I don't have a TV connection these days, and almost everything I run through my TV is gaming stuff either with the Switch or gaming discussion on YouTube. I know you already know about Easy Allies and Jim Sterling, but I feel their content is just as good as anything that was in written form. Colin's videos get a watch every week, as does Spawn Wave, which is a daily YouTube gaming news channel, everything you need to know in 15 mins or less. He also has a weekly podcast with interesting guests, a few let's plays of newer releases and a LOT of cool tech breakdowns and stuff. Worth a sub. I'm sure most people are familiar with Digital Foundry, which consistently produce incredible content. DF retro is one of the best series on YouTube, take a look if you haven't already. The Gaming Historian is also great in a similar vein. His recent hour-long documentary into the origins of Tetris is one of the best YouTube videos I've ever seen. An immense amount of work was clearly put into it and it's every bit as good as any long form article could have been. CleanPrinceGaming is another YouTuber who does weekly "essays" about current topics, DidYouKnowGaming is great for trivia and interesting, little known facts about popular games, Metal Jesus Rocks and My Life In Gaming focus on retro stuff and collecting. Arlo? Arlo! Basically, the content is there and plentiful, it's all a matter of carefully curating stuff to your specific tastes, and while it can take a while to find everything you want, once you're settled on your favourites, you'll wonder how you managed before. It is a shame that the written word has taken a back seat, but I guess it's just a changing of the times. It seems people would rather consume content while they're cooking a spagetti bolognese or driving to work, rather than find 30 mins to flick through a magazine or sit at the computer.
  4. Definitely wasn't me! I've actually never played a Monster Hunter game before...! *hides* I met another Nicktendo on Splatoon 2 a while back and spent the entirety of the match hunting him down and splatting him. Unacceptable levels of Filip Miucin like behaviour.
  5. I've got issue 16-60something still stored in my parents' loft. Try to go through them every once in a while when I'm back home and they always bring a smile to my face. I subscribed back when I was at school and when it was delivered it always felt like such a massive event. Agree completely that we have too much news these days, dunno if it's simply age or the fact that info was so scarce back in the day, but the magic of getting a new game and discovering everything has definitely worn off for me.
  6. Wrong! XCX has the BEST soundtrack of all the Xenoblade games.
  7. For citizenship IELTS is basically useless. It expires after two years. If you want to study or are looking for a job it's useful, otherwise not so much (academic or general IELTS exams respectively). CAE or FCE is what you want to be doing for citizenship as they don't expire and are more rigorous test of a person's ability in English. Edit: I'll expand a little more. While the IELTS academic exam tests a person's ability in English, it's also focuses a lot on the student's preparedness for studying in the UK, i.e. understanding how to write an essay or argue for and against something. This is where most students can have problems, as their level of English can be very good, but coming from a different education system can influence getting a high score if they don't understand how "academic" English works. The general IELTS test is similar but geared towards working life, so it involves writing letters, understanding bills, making general enquiries etc. Like I mentioned before though, both these tests come with a 2-year lifespan, so if you're not in a position to move forward with your job or uni application, you'll end up wasting a lot of money. FCE and CAE are the official Cambridge exams of English for B2 and C1/2 levels respectively. Having a varied and in-depth knowledge of English is vital for passing those and they are by far much more useful when applying for citizenship. Happy to answer any other questions.
  8. Hasn't this guy been wrong on numerous occasions? I don't see it, personally. While I'd day one it, it doesn't fit in line with Nintendo's ethos for the Switch which finds a nice compromise between price and power. I can't see them striving for 4K already when PS4 and Xbox One X have only just got there. Putting that much power in the machine would drive the price up a lot. I can see them releasing a cheaper version, maybe without the dock, to support Pokemon and then a "New" beefier version at the 3-year anniversary, by which time the next editions of Sony and Microsoft's consoles will probably be on the market.
  9. For context, one of my former students at Oracle just got moved out to the US. She's in her early 40s with two teenage children. She was offerered $90,000 a year, but refused and they bumped it up to $110k. Why? Because, renting a two bedroom apartment or house in SF or close to Silicon Valley costs $3,500-$4,000 a month..! Remember reading that IGN were offering $50,000pa for the role of Nintendo editor. Hashtag perspective.
  10. Even though they don't focus TOO much on the GameCube for the duration of the discussion and certainly don't focus on many of the games, it was a fascinating insight into the industry at the time and how it really has changed since them. It's such a damn shame that Colin was essentially hounded out of the mainstream, I could listen to him talk for hours. Some of these Knockback episodes have been great, especially the ones related to topics other than gaming.
  11. There's a great GameCube retrospective on Colin Moriarty's Knockback podcast feed. Definitely worth a listen.
  12. I'm not looking forward to how empty my wallet will be. Still expecting a direct soon with a couple more big hitters before the end of the year.
  13. Yeah, the lag was horrendous for me last night, ended up just giving up.
  14. Check out this new Nintendo podcast I've recently subscribed to. British hosts and every bit as good as NWR, in the same vain that they're not afraid to bash Nintendo when necessary. Only at episode four now, but it feels like they've been doing it for years, top banter and good knowledge of Nintendo.
  15. Whatever happens for the rest of the tournament, I can safely say Gareth Southgate is my favourite England manager. He is class personified. I was skeptical when he was appointed, but I think he deserves to be in the job for a long, long time, let him build something. His responses to media questions and after game interviews are always so thoughtful and measured, and he seems to have a cracking relationship with the boys. And then there's the waistcoat.
  16. How much is Pocket Rumble in the UK eshop? It’s only 3 quid on the Russian one, unbelievable price. It must be a mistake.
  17. I know, I've been awful at doing it. When I began I was working about 20 hours a week and living alone. Then I moved and didn't have home Internet and a desk for a month. Since then I've started working crazy hours and any free time I get is spent splurged in front of the Switch, barely even turn my PC on anymore. I will make another effort to get it finished as we're only 20 from the end, but it won't be any time in the next week I'm afraid
  18. The best thing about Splatfests? This:
  19. Can't wait for this. Not gonna bother with the demo so I can go in dark. Been ages since i had a nice meaty RPG to play. The DLC news is good news of course, but when it's done right I dont mind it.
  20. Took me a while to figure this out too, team members have a white arrow above their heads. Opposition don't.
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