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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. No tax in the US price means you can bet your house on it being that. The pound is in the gutter anyway so it wouldn't be a surprise.
  2. It's a pass from me. Don't usually play handheld anyway. Will wait for a "pro version". It makes sense release before Q3 with a small lead-up. There are no big releases left in Q2 bar Fire Emblem so I doubt they'll lose out on many sales. It's definitely aimed at the younger market and I expect we'll see a price of £160-200. A nice addition to the family, but there are still large bezels and no word about specs yet. Probably a 720p screen again.
  3. Oh hi there. - DOES NOT CONNECT TO A TV. - Handheld mode only. - 5.5 inch screen (slightly smaller than the original). - 720p display. - Battery life is 20-30% longer than the current Nintendo Switch. - Non-detachable Joy-cons. - No IR camera or HD Rumble. - Separate Joy-cons required for games like 1-2 Switch, Super Mario Party. - D-Pad included. - Releases 20th September in Grey, Blue and Yellow.
  4. I guess that’s the highest number of games released on a Nintendo platform. The Wii and DS are likely the closest but they almost exclusively had retail releases, bar the VC and WiiWare. The PS4 and Xbox One may have more as they’ve been out longer and indie / digital releases have been a thing since day one. I’d struggle to imagine the PS3 or even PS2 hit those numbers though.
  5. "Now, EA, Fuck off..." That's what I've been trying to tell people for years. Need for Speed on Wii U was the last EA game I bought (second hand I might add), that will never change before I die. PES lives. EA are absolutely disgusting. On the whole I disagree with Jim that lootboxes should be banned. I'm on the side that we should let companies do what they want and let the market decide. I don't want the UK government, or ANY government for that matter, getting involved and telling us what we should or shouldn't play. I say let them push lootboxes until the sun comes down! What we do need, however, is more articles like this from the BBC. We need education. We need discussion, debate and downright mockery of the practices that EA indulge in. Criticise them until the sun comes down. Expose the absolute leeches like Andrew Wilson until he has to go into hiding, until every Tom, Dick and 'Arry knows they're being played. Games media has to make people believe they will NEVER get that lootbox drop they are waiting for until they've spent literally thousands of pounds on micro-transactions. This is where they, in my opinion, are failing. Too wrapped up in pointless gender stereotypes and culture war nonsense to pay attention to the real socially-pressing issues about how gaming has transformed over the past decade. EA proved with Battlefield 5 that they are happy to pander to games media, and thus we see articles furiously coming to their defence. We need more people like Jim in the mainstream, explaining modern gaming to the layman, explaining how they are all being swindled. EA is a multi-billion dollar company who has paid an obscene amount for the rights to various sports franchises, so it can make the money back 50 fold from its customers. I'm sure I'm not alone in my comprehensive boycott of EA, the problem, it seems to me, is convincing the 24 million-odd players who bought FIFA '19 to do the same.
  6. The "surprise mechanic" had me in absolute stitches
  7. I'd like that achievement too, I'll join you guys.
  8. I finally beat the end boss last night! Only took me 50 hours... I managed to get a good run going with a number of decent weapons - including 3 parts of the statue in the hub world. I don't know where the part is in world 3 / 4. This game is so, so good. It'll probably take me another 50 hours to unlock all the weapons and find all the secrets. Amazing game, especially considering it was under a fiver in the sale.
  9. I’m also playing this quite regularly on steam so feel free to add me Nicktendo86#2235
  10. Hollow Knight Hollow Knight Hollow Knight Game of the decade.
  11. I've gone off all IGN stuff now, it's been ages since I've listened to NVC, though I do still love Brian and Peer! Enjoyed E3 with EZA, watched all the big conferences which I missed with them and it was fun as always watching their reactions and hype. I still think they are the best in the biz, even if I agree with the general consensus here that the podcast has slipped in quality recently. They have content for everyone, so I regularly watch Frame Trap and Friend Code and skip the stuff that doesn't interest me. It's great that they're such a group of diverse guys who all have their special area of knowledge as Sam mentioned above. Basically, any gamer can find something for them with EZA and none of them have ever annoyed me to the point that other gaming outlets have (there's always one or two people I don't care for). I recently became a Patreon as I consume a lot of their content and wanted to give something back, they truly deserve the support they get for their hard work.
  12. I picked it up on Steam and I absolutely love it! Such a well-designed game and you're spot on about the music. I'd say it took me about an hour to get the hang of it, I have absolutely no rhythm, but now I'm managing to get through the first zone fairly easily. I also plan to finish this before moving on to Zelda, I cannot wait to hear those classic tunes remixed.
  13. When I was watching this in the Direct my only though was "huh, so Just Dance isn't the only Wii game releasing in 2019" Game looks shoddy. I get that it's their first game in full 3D, but I was (probably foolishly) expecting more. Let's go was fine, and looked fairly decent. This looks pretty bad and looks like it runs even worse. Saying that, I'll probably still pick it up because it's 3D Pokemon and I'm part of the problem.
  14. Yeah the line-up is insane! So much good stuff to look forward to, and it seems like a lot of third parties are finally on board. At least AC is coming before the end of the fiscal year, probably with a Switch mini (if they don't get it out for Pokemon). I realised this morning that we didn't have a big online game reveal like Rocket League and Fortnite the previous two years, there were rumours of Overwatch or PUBG, but I can't say I'm desperate to play either. No Bayo and STILL no Shin Megami Tensei V was my biggest disappointment. We've got NMH, Prime 4 (Maybe) and Zelda (probably) slated for next year, maybe another port or two in the first half of 2020. Future is looking very bright indeed.
  15. Man, I honestly marked out at Banjo. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, despite the rumours. I can imagine the reaction to DQ was the same in Japan. Nintendo really are on a roll. I can't even imagine who the final two characters will be, and IF we get another fighter pass next fiscal year... oh boy.
  16. It's so beautiful GOTY confirmed.
  17. Picked up the original on Steam for £1.04 Didn't like it at first, but persisted. The game is a LOT of fun when you get the hang of it. Rogue like fans may want to avoid Cadence, there's permanent upgrades to be unlocked. Dunno if the map will be randomly generated, given it's Zelda, but I've liked what I've played and managed to get deep into the second level. The music is astounding, I can't even imagine how good the Zelda remixes are going to be. Those on the fence, pick this up while it's on sale, give it a chance, it could surprise you. Certainly beats dropping £20+ on Zelda and not liking it.
  18. I love the Disaster Day of Crisis vibe they went for.
  19. Just got home from work and watched the Direct. Nintendo, I f-ing LOVE YOU. Knocked it out of the park. I will NEVER have time to play all these games.
  20. I played the demo of the first one and it was ok, this looks much better though. Square had a great E3, so much GAMEPLAY
  21. I honestly don’t understand what satisfaction people get finding out days or hours before, sitting at their computer reading a forum, compared to witnessing it live in the moment. The most annoying this is it makes many parts of the gaming web inaccessible for days before a major event, and while it is fun to speculate, there’s always a danger you’ll find something out. There is only ONE reason people leak, and that is to boost their own profile. I’m so tired of it.
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