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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. I think it took me just over an hour, with a lot of going back and forth. I really enjoyed it though, I'd forgotten everything about the layout so it felt like I was going through it fresh. It's a testament to the excellent design that it managed to provide a distinct challenge, even to a seasoned Zelda player, something I haven't really experienced in this game so far.
  2. Eagle’s Tower puts Breath of the Wild to shame. What an amazing dungeon. I don’t remember it being that hard in the 90s 😅
  3. Didn't realise @S.C.G had already posted this in the Game Maker's thread. Good video though, watched it shortly after posting. Hollow Knight is SUCH a good game and watching this made me appreciate it all the more so.
  4. Yeah... Same for me. I've had seven wins since I bought the battle pass for chapter 2. I had managed seven total wins in 155 hours previously. It honestly kept me coming back... I did wonder though if the fact that Switch is "mobile only" now (i.e. separated from consoles and PC) had something to do with it. Guess not. Had no idea this was going on. Probably time to kick this to the kerb. Scummy bastards.
  5. I found the demo laughably easy... Really hoping the story mode offers something a bit more meaty. Find out more on the podcast
  6. I loved the debut showing it had in the Direct. I’m a fan of Shin’en’s stuff so will be keeping an eye on this.
  7. The decline of Britain over the past few years is something, you would think, came straight out of a fiction novel. Politicians and the media both deserve equal blame for the absolute state the country is in. The lies. The self-interest. The arrogance. It honestly makes me sick. I've permanently checked out and won't be coming back. Got my 5-year EU residency last week, started working and paying taxes. Registered a proxy vote, but at this point, I don't even think I'll bother. I'll be watching from the sidelines and counting my lucky stars I got out before it was too late.
  8. I always come away from watching Jim's videos with a smile on my face. Some of his more base humour isn't really for me, but the obscure British TV references and the way he forms a sentence and a turn of phrase sometimes have me on the floor. He's a genuinely funny guy, and while the topic is a bit depressing, I never come away from watching his videos as having wasted my time. He regularly informs and educates, always entertains. He is the BBC.
  9. The Smashing Cast is more of a sort of roundtable, just everyone chatting about what they've been playing while playing Smash in the background. We did the test run on Wednesday and it seemed to work pretty well. Obviously it suits YouTube quite well. Every week will have a theme. We're going to be doing more of a traditional podcast, similar to Sacred Symbols. Bit of news, new releases, game discussion and then some questions. We'll have the occasional trivia segment thrown in every once in a while. This is the only Nintendo Podcast where F-Zero and WaveRace are mentioned every week without fail. Around Directs we usually do predictions, live discussion over the Direct, and then analysis a couple of days later. It's a lot of work, but it's really fun. Having done the main podcast for a while now and having taken part in the trial run of the other, I can say they are very different.
  10. Sell it back to them for one-hundred-million-dollars!! To be fair, it was pretty smart. Now when people go to falloutfirst.com they'll be greeted by his website, where he lovingly refers to Bethesda's shit-show of a game as... "Fallout fuck you First" Brilliant. PR mess for Bethesda. Something good will come from it.
  11. Cross-posting from the OT because it seems relevant... Gamer buys Fallout 76 add-on domain to criticise Bethesda What would you do if a company did something you didn't like? Some people would take to social media to voice their frustrations. Others might consider writing a letter to the business. But when game developer Bethesda introduced a new subscription to their online game Fallout 76, David Chapman felt he had to do something with more impact. He made a website. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-50182885
  12. Gamer buys Fallout 76 add-on domain to criticise Bethesda What would you do if a company did something you didn't like? Some people would take to social media to voice their frustrations. Others might consider writing a letter to the business. But when game developer Bethesda introduced a new subscription to their online game Fallout 76, David Chapman felt he had to do something with more impact. He made a website. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-50182885
  13. I wish this was a more prevalent attitude in the gaming community. Enjoy the game. I haven't bought an EA game since 2014. That won't change for me. I hate what they do and everything they stand for. I know lots of people who enjoy FIFA and I would never deny them that joy, but at the same time, it's important to call out and highlight companies who engage in filthy practices. Call out the companies, not the players. People like Jim Sterling manage to balance this well. Places like ResetEra... Not so much.
  14. It says on Steam it's only out in 2020. Is it a Microsoft Store exclusive until then?
  15. I spent about 2 minutes on Sick Air, Bro just floating between portals as I didn't realise that once you use your UP+B, that's you done What a bizarre stage...
  16. I was in the top 3 on the last corner FOUR TIMES and got hit to finish in 7th/last Sometimes this game is beyond infuriating. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I'd like to be in tonight but I'm working til 10pm. Possible we could start at, oh, I dunno... 10.02pm?? That's my time btw... 8pm, your time.. Oops.
  18. I have my region set to Russia. They all worked before. Anyway it doesn't matter anymore, my main card is working again, so I guess it was a temporary block on Nintendo's side due to me spending a lot in one go.
  19. I'm about six/seven hours into this now and really enjoying it. The art style is absolutely beautiful and the music ridiculously charming, though BOY that frame rate is annoying as hell. Honestly cannot believe Nintendo let it release in this state, a patch NEEDS to come ASAP. I've done the first three dungeons and also stumbled upon the colour dungeon. Three deaths so far, but they all came in the dream realm... pretty stupid of me to venture in there this early. I haven't played this game for about 15 years, so getting stuck and finally figuring out what to do has been a real old-school pleasure. They just don't make 'em like this anymore . It really is just the perfect game to stick on for an hour or so and make a bit of progress. The dungeons haven't been too taxing thus far and the bosses are laughably easy but I'm having a lot of fun! This is one of the only games that I've sat in bed playing in handheld mode, something I very, very rarely do. It's just so well suited to it and it even seems to run better in handheld! So glad I decided to pick this up on a whim, it has provided a welcome reprieve from Rocket League sessions. I'd love to see the first three Zelda games remade in the same vain.
  20. But I’m using different cards with different banks and they’re ALL being rejected. This is what I don’t understand.
  21. Yeah it can't be the bank because after the first was blocked I tried to use three different cards. Two Russian ones and a UK one. Paypal worked in the end. @londragon said something similar happened to him when he spent +£50 in one go, so I'm thinking it could be that. They must have some kind of limit. I had 5 transactions in 5 minutes (don't like pre-loading money). Found some answers on Reddit that suggest it could be a temporary fraud prevention ban for spending too much in one go. I could understand them banning one card, but ALL cards? Beyond stupid, but Nintendo gonna Nintendo. But OK Nintendo, whatever, I'll keep my money then. Thanks.
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