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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. It's Nintendo, so no Reggie will come out at E3 talking about a "unique" and "innovative" online, which will for all intents and purposes be sub-par and cumbersome. Yay!
  2. So I guess I'm the sad act who has the highest play time. 185 hours and counting, it's even overtaken Zelda as my most played Switch game.
  3. Sometimes I really hate this game. Last GP was like a mushroom-only game for me. Useless
  4. Even if you haven't played the game, give it a listen. One of the best soundtracks in recent years. It's wonderfully atmospheric. Here are a couple of my favourites:
  5. My interest in picking up this game just went from a 7 to a 10 😁
  6. I thought the whole reason they didn't offer back up storage was because of how quickly and easily the Wii, Wii U and 3DS were exploited? Cloud saving should be standard in 2018, especially if your security team can't securely develop an alternative. Really hoping it comes soon.
  7. I adored my Wii U. It remains one of my favourite consoles, the Switch IS my favourite of all time. I know Nintendo and they know me. They know how to get my attention. But, I listen and I pay the troll toll and keep them in business when so many others lose faith. That loyalty is surely, worth something, no? Instead of 650 gold points. I haven't owned a PS or Xbox for years, but from what I've read, their customers, especially loyal ones get a lot of bang for their buck, and that's what I'm interested in. Entitle me more.
  8. As someone who supported Nintendo through the Wii U era, and picked up a Switch at launch, I feel like I'm entitled (oooh) to some kind of reward or bonus for my loyalty. Even though they decided to screw me over on the My Nintendo coins front. I saved those things for a year hoping for decent Switch discounts and they've just decided to drop the value of them massively. Cool, I can pick up Elliot's Quest for free. Thanks. I would have preferred a bit mode choice and a bit more value for sinking £500+ into the company in the past year. Most companies reward loyalty. This concept is seemingly alien to Nintendo. I'll still support them though, because I'm an idiot fanboy. But for what it's worth, I'd rather the games that have already been released would remain free for online play. Especially Splatoon 2 and ARMS. I'm going to pay, (because Nintendo fanboy), and £17 a year isn't a lot, but you're damn right I'm entitled. I showed faith when others had a little bit of laughter mixed with mouth sick. Where's my reward??? Tesco wouldn't leave me out to dry like this. Pay up, Ninty.
  9. Yeah they really messed up the release of Brawl. I had a US Wii at the time and ended up getting this and Galaxy (I think) months before they came out in Europe. Thank God that's not a problem anymore...
  10. Weren't Retro Studios initially comprised mostly of the former Acclaim team who made the Turok series? Sure I remember reading that somewhere.
  11. Welcome back, and sorry again for not getting round to this recently. The usual super busy excuse / playing too many AWESOME Switch games applies here... Today was a special day! Because our 20th ranked game celebrated it's 10th anniversary today, and I couldn't not post about it. With 21 points and technically tied with the previous game is...
  12. Picked up Enter the Gungeon, Overcooked and Wolverblade (thanks to @S.C.G's glowing review) in the sales. Spent 2,200 rubles on the lot, which is roughly £27. A lot of game for not a lot of buck. Got myself a Pokken controller on the cheap as well today so looking forward to some more indie 2D goodness over the weekend!
  13. I just rewarded Nintendo's stupidity by buying 3 games on the e-shop. Now, what can I spend my 20p "reward" on....???
  14. I'll try to be around on Saturday too, not that it matters because gherkins on a burger is vile, you sick individual
  15. Honestly I'm pretty annoyed I hoarded my coins for a year just for this. Would have got some 3DS stuff had I known...
  16. Oh boy... This is hilariously bad. Only Nintendo could think this was a good system. 1% on physical is a joke. 5% isn't so bad, I guess, but we definitely got more for our money when Nintendo was curating choices. How about you just make THAT system better? Or mixing the two? The real icing on the cake though is how we're all being punished for supporting the system and buying games. I have 11 physical releases and 15 eshop games, my "reward" for being an almost legendary consumer? £4.61 in the eShop. Yeah, no thanks.
  17. Great documentary by The Gaming Historian.
  18. Picked this up tonight after reading some reviews and I'm impressed. Finished the first 2 chapters along with collecting a fair few strawberries. Absolutely love how tight the controls feel, it's a pure joy to pull off some moves. The music and atmosphere are superb. Can see why it's been scoring highly.
  19. At what, £1.70 a month, I can't see any reason not to subscribe. I play more than enough of Rocket League, MK, Splatoon and ARMS online to justify it. The money will hopefully go towards discounts, servers and better features. Going to remain cautiously optimistic about this. Online VC games and launching with Smash would be a bonus.
  20. +1 for the Sony STR line. I had one back in the UK, can't remember the exact model but I had my sky box, Switch and BluRay hooked up through it via HDMI and it was a thing beauty.
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