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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Yes! I apologise to the N-E collective that there haven't been any updates recently. I moved to a new flat about a month ago and don't have anywhere decent to set up my PC yet, so I've been using my phone for N-Eing. I've also been extra busy with work and spending almost all my downtime on Rocket League and Skyrim. I keep putting off setting everything up, but I will do it as soon as I have some free time and get the rest of the list finished ASAP.
  2. I hadn't until the Virtual Console. Was too late for the NES games and never played any of the SNES releases. I've only played the first 3 and X, so looking forward to getting into this slice of brutal gaming history.
  3. Can't say that's the toughest draw England have ever had, still, there's endless possibilities for us to somehow screw it up... Unfortunately it doesn't look like England are going to play in St. Petersburg (unless they finish second in the group AND somehow make it to the semi-finals), so it looks like I won't be able to get to a game... Argentina vs. Nigeria is the most tantalising prospect from the group stages here, Brazil will also be playing, I just can't remember against who. England fans can see them play Belgium in Kaliningrad, which is about 2 hours away from the UK by plane (though I doubt there are any direct flights, probably better to go via Poland or Lithuania). If anyone is interested in going to that game, the city is beautiful and modern, if you stick to the centre, with a weird mix of German, Soviet and Neo-Russian architecture. There are plenty of bars, restaurants and places to visit. Definitely unlike anywhere else in Eastern Europe and worth visiting if you want to make it to a game fairly easily and cheaply. I might try to go, but obviously June is a long way away. If anyone IS thinking about coming to Russia for the World Cup, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you might have!
  4. Thanks for that. My mum's just ordered it. That's my Christmas and new year sorted
  5. Last game for me guys. Lots of great games and intense battles! Was concentrating too much to record highlights 😂
  6. http://www.siliconera.com/2017/11/30/monolith-soft-president-wants-bring-xenoblade-chronicles-x-switch/ Ahhh, I'll buy it at a high price. One of my all time favourite Wii U games. Please, make it so.
  7. Caved and bought Wonderboy on the last day of the sale. God knows when I'll get time to actually play it.
  8. I'm up for this tonight after Waluigi Kart.
  9. Welcome back! Don't forget about Splatoon 2 and the great selection of games on the e-shop!
  10. I'll be on tomorrow. Either this or rocket league, whatever's going.
  11. I have a lot if questions about this video. A lot. But he seems to know his stuff. What next, Farooq's two cents on Microtransactions in games? Virgil giving us a review of his favourite load-outs in CoD:WWII? Sandman and Sabu going one-on-one Final Destination, no items, no Falco? What other childhood heroes would you like to see review the Switch on their own personal YouTube channel? Nintendo Switch is FOR REAL
  12. This video really opened my eyes to how EA have thus far approached this Switch (i.e. barely). As pointed out in the Reset thread, EA's budgets for games haven't gone down as the video author claims, because they are releasing far fewer games per year. Though it has to be said, much of this budget is undoubtedly being eaten up by their huge corporate marketing campaigns. The Switch has proved in its infancy that a huge budget is not required for success. Hello Capcom. But EA's entire business model is structured around these huge budget titles now, so the Switch would probably be a drop in the ocean in comparison to the other consoles' revenue potential. Hence why the FIFA "experiment" failed. If you look at the sales numbers, it failed and I'm willing to bet, FUT therefore failed. The Xbox and PS4 have established communities of players who have been engaging with UT for years now. Anecdotal stuff: When I was back in the UK, all the guys at work were huge FUT players on Xbox One, and regularly sank money into it. Nintendo-only gamers, like myself, and probably a healthy swathe of early Switch adopters likely have no experience of such models (I certainly don't) and are probably less likely to dive in at a level other gamers have already been doing for years. I mean, sports games have never really been huge on Nintendo platforms anyway, have they? Not since Wayne Gretzky anyway. I very much doubt we'll see any EA games on the Switch, including the next FIFA. That pleases me. I hope Battlefield bombs to all hell, along with the sordid corporate machine that OK'd all of the vile crap found within it. I watched Giant Bomb playing NFS payback last week and I was astounded at how similar it was to Battlefront 2. It is literally a copy and paste job, just instead of flying around in space, you're driving a car. The sooner this company falls of the face of the earth the better. Then maybe a company with a shred of human decency will be able to handle such powerful and beloved licenses such as Star Wars and FIFA.
  13. With it being Nintendo, I'd say it's not far fetched to assume it would be one guy sat in a room sending the emails out one by one. Using Windows 95. And a 56k modem.
  14. Good games this week. I actually came SECOND for once!! This isn't over yet @Glen-i and @RedShell Just one highlight from me this week.
  15. League battles or salmon run!
  16. I'm in tonight, maybe for Splatoon afterwards as well.
  17. My mum sold some of my old furniture on gumtree and bought this with the gold coins
  18. I'm on 9... Zelda, 1-2 Swicth (ugh), MK8 Deluxe, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Street Fighter II, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey. There's another one in there which I've forgotten. Edit: Kingdom Battle! Planning on picking up Skyrim this week. Then DOOM before Xmas, Xenoblade 2 is coming for Xmas (thanks, mum). Then there's the other 11 e-Shop games I've purchased... I like my Switch.
  19. @Glen-i rushing into battle! That face Amazing how close some of those games were tonight! This was my favourite win, because I got a kill right at the end which might have swung it. Really good fun tonight! It's a completely different game when it's 2 on 2. We need to do this more often!
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